1. Moose

    Moose First Team Captain

    Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt you bashing your golden gavel.
  2. a19tgg

    a19tgg First Team

    FFS at least use spoilers, what if the people with jobs accidentally read this thread?
  3. The undeniable truth

    The undeniable truth First Team Captain

    A football forum with a "Bargain Hunt" thread. And serious posts.
    The state of this forum.
    Can we kill it before the footy season starts to avoid utter nationwide public humiliation ?
  4. The undeniable truth

    The undeniable truth First Team Captain

    Echo ?
    Sahorn likes this.
  5. wfcmoog

    wfcmoog Tinpot

    Is there football on here too?
    TIMMY WANNACOTT likes this.
  6. The undeniable truth

    The undeniable truth First Team Captain

    Occasionally. Apparently the tories have ruined it but labour would cause all the clubs to be nationalised. Or something like that, I lose track.
  7. Clive_ofthe_Kremlin

    Clive_ofthe_Kremlin Squad Player

    Wow and I missed it. Had a damn hospital appointment. Gutted.
  8. Clive_ofthe_Kremlin

    Clive_ofthe_Kremlin Squad Player

    More likely to win us kudos. There's barely anyone under 50 left posting on oldy timey text message boards.

    The yoot dem are all off tipping buckets of water over each other on Tikketygram's Instaspace.
  9. The undeniable truth

    The undeniable truth First Team Captain

    Wow that seems a pretty extreme medical procedure ? How are the new guts coming along ?
    Sahorn likes this.
  10. Lloyd

    Lloyd Squad Player

    I like Flog It - especially the point in every show when, after an auction, Paul Martin asks the seller what they intend to do with the 60 quid they've just made from selling granny's false teeth and they answer 'go on holiday' or 'buy a bungalow'
  11. Clive_ofthe_Kremlin

    Clive_ofthe_Kremlin Squad Player

    The one that does me is that rescue from the dump, do it up and sell it show. Most of all how they go and knock on their door at the end and give them £60 and show photos of their broken old washing machine they were going to throw away, now painted pink and green and with bits welded to it. Look what you could have got for it, if only you'd had the free services of a publicity hungry repair and restoration company!

    And what will you do the money? I'd love to be on that and answer "oh buy some class As probably.."
  12. wfcmoog

    wfcmoog Tinpot

    Get on the Iplayer. It was epic.
    Clive_ofthe_Kremlin likes this.
  13. wfcmoog

    wfcmoog Tinpot

    Hope it was a routine visit Clive and all OK.
  14. Clive_ofthe_Kremlin

    Clive_ofthe_Kremlin Squad Player

    Yeah, weekly physio on this snapped tendon, now replaced by one transplanted from my index finger. All going well, but still another 6 weeks off work at least. Hence the daytime TV.

    On the subject of the experts, I find the black gypsy bloke with the funny hats a bit suspect. My absolute favourite is the Japanese Leonard Nimoy lookalike fella who always makes a beeline straight for the oriental pottery or fans or what have you and then gets irritated when the contestants don't like it and won't buy it.

    I also like it when the experts get hot under the collar because there are only 7 minutes left and the team has bought fack all this far.
  15. a19tgg

    a19tgg First Team

    Sort of like wheeler dealers, we made £500 profit on this motor, but spent two weeks worth labour doing it.
  16. Clive_ofthe_Kremlin

    Clive_ofthe_Kremlin Squad Player

    Good idea. I'll bang it on now. There's nothing else on.
  17. wfcmoog

    wfcmoog Tinpot

    Danny sebastian - his voice is unreasonably higj pitched.

    I think Gary Pe is malay or Singaporean, rather than Japanese.

    The time limit thing leads them to act as though the aim of the game is to buy your 3 items as quickly as possible, rather than choosing the right items for the right price.
  18. wfcmoog

    wfcmoog Tinpot

  19. wfcmoog

    wfcmoog Tinpot

    If they don't donate it to charity, they can **** off. Free money from something they were chucking out? Give it to the homeless.
  20. wfcmoog

    wfcmoog Tinpot

    Smudger and Lloyd like this.
  21. Lloyd

    Lloyd Squad Player

    Smudger and wfcmoog like this.
  22. wfcmoog

    wfcmoog Tinpot

    Utter stunner. The Scottish one always wears awful trousers, but she's a solid 6.
    Lloyd likes this.
  23. Clive_ofthe_Kremlin

    Clive_ofthe_Kremlin Squad Player

    Not sure who they are, but Cifriana has dominated the last couple of lunchtime viewings with the Loose Women. An assortment of blousey loudmouth fishwives discussing sanitary products while you're trying to eat your lunch.

    On that subject, I wonder how many poor mums at home have had to field embarrassing questions from their 4 year olds about vaginal dryness - the cream cure for which is prominently and frequently advertised across daytime TV. Aren't there rules about that? I'm not against advertising it or anything, but after the watershed surely? If I'd invented a miracle cure for knobcheese say, I wouldn't expect to be able to tout my new Cheezaway on daytime telly in front of the kiddies.
  24. reg_varney

    reg_varney Squad Player

  25. zztop

    zztop Eurovision Winner 2015

    You should try a combination of water (usually found coming out of a tap or shower head), and soap, (can usually be bought "over the counter" in the toiletries section).

    Mix the combo into a thick lather and wash affected area, rinsing carefully, several times a day.

    People swear by it.
  26. lowerrous

    lowerrous Guest

    Such a dreadful show, they generally don't even make back the cost of the petrol it must require.
  27. The undeniable truth

    The undeniable truth First Team Captain

    Alternatively, circumcision ?
    wfcmoog likes this.
  28. The undeniable truth

    The undeniable truth First Team Captain

    Assumed this thread belonged under the transfers section when I first saw the title.
  29. Smudger

    Smudger Messi's Mad Coach Staff Member

    Edd China was excellent at car restoration. Returning old vehicles into as new condition. The new purchasers often grabbed a bargain. As for BH clear orf. Cheap as chips TV from the Beeb.
  30. Smudger

    Smudger Messi's Mad Coach Staff Member

    wfcmoog likes this.
  31. wfcmoog

    wfcmoog Tinpot

    reg_varney likes this.
  32. wfcmoog

    wfcmoog Tinpot

    Another absolute corker of an episode today. The golf divot repair tool and the stamp licking statuette of David lloyd-george were my favourte lots. No golden gavels but both teams turned an overall profit. Cracking viewing.
    reg_varney likes this.
  33. reg_varney

    reg_varney Squad Player

    Atrocious video/audio sync problems today. It was like watching a badly dubbed 70s giallo but without the black gloved and hatted murderer butchering the red team.
  34. Clive_ofthe_Kremlin

    Clive_ofthe_Kremlin Squad Player

    Missed it today. Any golden gavels or funny massive losses?
  35. wfcmoog

    wfcmoog Tinpot

    Yes. First team managed to turn a profit on all 3 items, including a crappy upcycled Chester draws and a 240 quid card table that the auctioneer preditcted would fetch 40 quid (gavel came down at 250).

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