I,i,i,i,fwah, Fwah, Fwah It’s The Tories

Discussion in 'Politics 2.0' started by Moose, Sep 29, 2021.


Who do you want as the next Tory party Leader

  1. Rishi Sunak

    7 vote(s)
  2. Lizz Truss

    4 vote(s)
  1. Bwood_Horn

    Bwood_Horn Squad Player

    THIS... IS... A... DIS... GRACE!
    Steve Leo Beleck and Moose like this.
  2. Bwood_Horn

    Bwood_Horn Squad Player

    Last edited: Sep 29, 2022
    Filbert likes this.
  3. EnjoytheGame

    EnjoytheGame Reservist

    That's just one of a number of humiliating clips from Truss's appearances on local radio today.

    If the Tories are relying on local consent for fracking then the whole idea is dead in the water. Set aside the fact it's dirty, horrible stuff and there are far more viable, cleaner, greener alternatives, the issue with fracking is that no one who wants it wants it on their doorstep. It's the ultimate test of NIMBYism.

    I remember years ago, before they starting fracking near the Fylde coast, having a chat with someone I know who lives up there who was saying that fracking was the future... Then it started up a couple of miles from his house and he was dead against it.
    UEA_Hornet and iamofwfc like this.
  4. Bwood_Horn

    Bwood_Horn Squad Player

    The Speccy (click through to a clip of her interview with BBC Stoke) has really been putting the boot in:

    HappyHornet24, UEA_Hornet and Moose like this.
  5. Since63

    Since63 Squad Player

    One of the less 'frontline' concerns that have been discussed since Friday's ****-up is the impact the just-about-scraped-a-pass-B-stream economic 'strategy' is having on pensions, and whether the BoE's panic measures will continue to shore the whole system up. It may be a bit more of a slow burner, but any more erosion of the value of private pensions will be hitting directly at the heart of the Tories' major core vote. They will not forgive their assiduously nurtured future life style being trashed.
    If they lose that constituency, they are in deep doo-doos.
  6. Arakel

    Arakel First Team

    Might I suggest "Pork the Markets: Tories Gone Wild"?

    Works for both Liz Truss AND David Cameron, if he gets back in.
  7. V Crabro

    V Crabro Reservist

    Falling pension values, rising mortgage repayments, potential slump in property values, (any) savings being eroded by inflation - that sizeable group of middle aged, middle class, middle earning citizens of middle England are having their loyalty tested!

    Apart from the Daily Mail, even the right wing press cannot ignore the havoc being wrought by the regime.

    There might be some interesting discussions going on in local Conservative associations at the moment. The majority of MPs didn't want Truss, but she was popular with the members. If I was a Sunak-supporting MP, I would be feeling quite smug at the moment (apart from being concerned about losing my seat at the next GE).

    I hope the parliamentary party delivers the coup de grace quickly. Listening to Truss in those radio clips was excruciating......
  8. Bwood_Horn

    Bwood_Horn Squad Player

    Blinky has returned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Filbert likes this.
  9. Filbert

    Filbert Leicester supporting bloke

    I bet Liz has never hidden a Curly Wurly in a filing cabinet though.
    Bwood_Horn likes this.
  10. Bwood_Horn

    Bwood_Horn Squad Player

  11. sydney_horn

    sydney_horn Squad Player

    Will those laudable notions translate into voting against the party whip?

    Probably not. I'm sure many Tory MPs feel the same. Some will know they will be voted out in two years time or may have already decided not to stand again.

    But all of them will continue to allow the government to degrade the country until that next election is forced upon them.

    Talk is cheap. I will only respect those MPs that vote against the government or, even better, cross the floor to force them out now!
    V Crabro and Filbert like this.
  12. Since63

    Since63 Squad Player

    No, she's obviously hidden it somewhere else. Something has to explain that perpetual strange look on her face.
  13. Moose

    Moose First Team Captain

    Be clear this is a war on the poor. Loathsome Leadsome on R4 this afternoon saying the changes to the benefits system are to ‘help’ people as the provision to allow people to work 16 hours before losing benefits is ‘holding people back’.

    So what people at the bottom need, people who are trying to work, is to have less money to live on during a cost of living crisis.

    But the rich, they need vastly more money to prevent their demotivation.

    Class war, nothing less.
    Clive_ofthe_Kremlin likes this.
  14. sydney_horn

    sydney_horn Squad Player

    I will probably vote Labour for the first time, since I was in my twenties, at the next election.

    Where I live has suddenly become a marginal seat after always being true blue Tory.

    I am definitely in the ABT (anyone but Tory) camp now. I've never hated a government like I have this, and the previous, one. They have absolutely no redeeming features.

    How can anyone believe this is the best government we can have?
  15. reg_varney

    reg_varney Squad Player

  16. Bwood_Horn

    Bwood_Horn Squad Player

  17. Filbert

    Filbert Leicester supporting bloke

  18. lm_wfc

    lm_wfc First Team

  19. Filbert

    Filbert Leicester supporting bloke

  20. sydney_horn

    sydney_horn Squad Player

    Most likely forced after the whips took a count of MPs who were willing to vote against it. There was a growing rebelling and I suspect they realised that the "mini budget" was not going to pass through the Commons with the 45p tax cut in it.

    Still good news though.
    wfcmoog likes this.
  21. EnjoytheGame

    EnjoytheGame Reservist

    The U-turn is good news but Kwarteng’s ghoulish hedge fund mates already made their money betting against the pound.

    The little people are being played.
  22. EnjoytheGame

    EnjoytheGame Reservist

    I am sure the Bank of England will recoup the £65 billion (enough to double the salary of every single worker in the NHS and still have nine billion to spare) it cost to steady the pound and prevent a run on the pension market last week (!)

    I am sure the mortgage market will return to how it was a few days ago and the people whose plans were thrown into disarray will be fine. (!)

    Just 24-72 hours ago an array of Tory ministers were saying this was "absolutely the right thing to do for the country" while doing that irritating pointy thing with their knuckles.

    With mouthfuls of Tory boot leather, the useful idiots are already praising them for the pound rising this morning.

    And there are still some horrors in this fiscal event that make Britain worse for the majority.

    I did enjoy the fact Larry the Cat just got up and walked away when Truss bent down to stroke him on the steps of No.10. Cats know.
  23. Bwood_Horn

    Bwood_Horn Squad Player

  24. sydney_horn

    sydney_horn Squad Player

    Not sure why he's talking in the past tense. Unless, as the article speculates, Truss is going to back away from the aggressive rhetoric that she has engaged in over the NIP.

    If this is the start of a more conciliatory approach to the NIP discussions then it will certainly be welcome by Ireland and the people of NI (with the exception of the ultra unionists who are never happy anyway!).
  25. Bwood_Horn

    Bwood_Horn Squad Player

    Fairy 'nuff but you seem to forget it's full-on religious bigot and Brexit loony Steve Baker we're talking about here:

    Screenshot 2022-10-03 at 09-16-42 Still #FBPE and #Woke. And damn proud of it! on Twitter.png

  26. sydney_horn

    sydney_horn Squad Player

    Well apologising while you are still abusing someone really doesn't carry much weight.

    I love the way he admits past mistakes while continuing (with "resolve") to go down a path that everyone (except the ERG and DUP loons) believe is another mistake.
    wfcmoog likes this.
  27. cyaninternetdog

    cyaninternetdog Forum Hippie

    Tory conference this week. Plus their paymasters have made their money shorting the pound. The dollar is so strong against all the other major currencies now which means it will squeeze which will cause hyper inflation before it crashes and the US will go into a deep depression. Lots of money to be made for people that know exactly what is going to happen.
  28. Filbert

    Filbert Leicester supporting bloke

    Yeah but I heard Grant Shapps says it’s solely Putin’s fault on Times Radio this morning so…
    cyaninternetdog likes this.
  29. Moose

    Moose First Team Captain

    sydney_horn likes this.
  30. EnjoytheGame

    EnjoytheGame Reservist

    Roll up, roll up... David Davis is now outlining how the future is an insurance-based health service.

    Nom-nom-nom... services supplied by American finance... sorry, health... companies. Medical bankruptcies soar. High premiums for anyone with a pre-existing conditions or who are unfortunate enough to fall ill.

    All cheered for by people who *think* they'll never get ill.
    Moose likes this.
  31. Moose

    Moose First Team Captain

    Tories always claim that fears about their real aims are exaggerated. No one can have much doubt that the Brexit mob are about low tax for them, small state with rump services, privatise the NHS, de-regulate and curb the right to strike and protest about it.
  32. UEA_Hornet

    UEA_Hornet First Team Captain

  33. reids

    reids First Team

    Definitely just a coincidence that the cofounder of leave.eu also coincidentally happens to own an insurance company? :rolleyes:
    Moose likes this.
  34. Since63

    Since63 Squad Player

    How very dare you. We all know the overriding motivation was freedom.
    reids likes this.
  35. reids

    reids First Team

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