
Discussion in 'Taylor's Tittle-Tattle - General Banter' started by YellowKicks, Nov 15, 2012.

  1. Cassetti's Beard

    Cassetti's Beard First Team

    12 rockets already fired over into Southern Israel since the cease-fire....
  2. simms

    simms vBookie

    You know it.;)

    (Btw you do realise that was a joke right?)
  3. hornetboy1

    hornetboy1 First Team Captain

    It's not hypocritical to think religion leads to death and violence. This is all I'm saying. I'm joking about it as it is quite easy to mock something quite so ridiculous, when it's taken so seriously. No one should die if they believe in a certain faith, but sadly they do.

    Humour is one of the best remedies to violence.
  4. YellowKicks

    YellowKicks Squad Player

    You can't be serious?
  5. YellowKicks

    YellowKicks Squad Player

    Sums up the situation perfectly, we are dealing with animals, terrorists with no agenda but the entire destruction of our nation. Hope Israel does the right thing and ends the cease fire and deals with the scum responsible, that too of those behind the bombing in Tel Aviv.

    After the recent events, such as Hamas nationally celebrating the bomb in Tel Aviv, or the executions and subsequent parade of dead bodies on motorbikes, I can't truly believe that anyone could be blind or ignorant enough to believe that Israel are the oppressive or terrorist state here?
  6. simms

    simms vBookie

    Doesn't deserve to be dignified with an answer.
    I could understand people having some sympathy for Palestinians if they believed they disagreed with hamas and didn't feel they represented them and wanted peace, but then they go and fire bullets and fireworks in celebration of the bombing of innocent people, and drag corpses through the streets and rejoice in the streets at the deceleration of a hamas victory.

    These people are quickly alienating themselves from civilized humanity.
  7. wfcSinatra

    wfcSinatra Predictor Choker 14/15

    You can't say your happy with people to believe what they want then mock them like that. Saying God has an ego as if your trying to understand him as human. You really would hate psychology at A-Level. But each to his own.

    Anyway - “If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.” - Malcolm X.

    It's funny how I'm clearly seeing the above quote in this thread.

    'Why should the Palestinians, who've had their land stolen from them, have to concede, and keep conceding? It's only logical to think that sooner or later you will have those who'd rather die on their feet than live on their knees. Hence the emergence and support for groups like Hamas. What else did Israel expect when they allow illegal settlements on occupied land to continue? Bottom line is Israel has to concede. Palestinians have seen their land taken in parts over the last 60 odd years. What does the world expect? for Palestinians to sit quietly whilst its occupier continues its expansion? History proven you can't expect such a thing to go by without violence. Israel has to give back, until it does it continues to sow the seeds of its own insecurity.

    Sorry if that may upset some people I am strong opinionated but like I've said before that it is just opinion and quite rightfully everyone has their own, this is just a debate after all.
  8. luke_golden

    luke_golden Space Cadet

    Yes sir, wasn't actually referring to you, though I can see how it came across as that. My apologies.
  9. Halfwayline

    Halfwayline Reservist

    Errr, Israel does not "occupy" Gaza. They moved all Forces and Jews out in 2005 to allow self rule. In response Hamas were elected who, instead of spending money on infrastructure, spend money at the bank of Iran on weapons to destroy Israel.

    Israel has invested huge amounts of money into the West Bank to improve conditions and life. People of Gaza have chosen not to go down that option
  10. Cthulhu

    Cthulhu Keyboard Warrior Staff Member

    Israel are keeping the ceasefire despite the rockets. Well done them, raises them in my opinion. I am not sure they are Hamas rockets though, also unlikely to be Mossad, a splinter group ( many small ones in Gaza) most likely. As I say well done in ignoring.

    I don't think it is helpful to call Palestinians animals either.
  11. Cthulhu

    Cthulhu Keyboard Warrior Staff Member

    Simms, as I've said before, I'm pretty sure you will look back at your teenage views one day and cringe. Not an attack, just some advice, knowledge can be a dangerous thing when not tempered with experience, humanity, humility, a degree of doubt and empathy.

    that said your posts are certainly amusing and definitely add to the forum
  12. hornetboy1

    hornetboy1 First Team Captain

    Are you trying to trick me here??.....I've seen the Creation of Adam in the Sistine Chapel. God is clearly an elderly white-bearded man.
  13. PotGuy

    PotGuy Forum Fetishist

    HB1 you are extraordinarily disrespectful. You are an atheist, fine, good for you. Stop being such a condescending ***.

    I'm an atheist too, as are I'm sure lots of people on here, but nobody else on here is busy mocking other people's faiths to make themselves feel clever.

    What you are saying is childish and offensive, cut it out. I get it, you think you are superior to those with religious beliefs as you are a wise, all-knowing atheist. Fine, that is your personal issue which you need to sort out. People are entitled to believe anything they like without being belittled.
  14. hornetboy1

    hornetboy1 First Team Captain

    This is a typical reaction. Has Squibba been offended? No.....he's taken it all in good humour, exactly as it was intended.

    This is why there is so much trouble when it comes to religion. I'm not belittling people in their faiths, but you cannot take it so seriously that people can't make jokes about the subject. Stop being so reactionary and saying what you think people want to hear.

    It is intended as light hearted humour, to a subject that takes itself far too seriously.
  15. Prentice

    Prentice Administrator

    He hasn't even replied to you since the comment PG quoted. :dismay:
  16. hornetboy1

    hornetboy1 First Team Captain

    Actually, PG didn't quote any comment from me in his post :dismay:
  17. YellowKicks

    YellowKicks Squad Player

    Not Palestinians, Hamas. I feel great sympathy for the Palestinian people, but Hamas are truly evil, the scum of the earth.

    Read this..

    What people fail to see is that 20% of our country is populated by arabs, who we mix and get on with.

    The Gazan's have their minds controlled by Hamas, a terrorist organisation.
  18. Prentice

    Prentice Administrator

    Squibba's posts don't exactly seem like they're in humour either.

    [​IMG] hmmmmmmm
  19. PotGuy

    PotGuy Forum Fetishist

    Firstly, I am offended. I can't stand intolerance. I couldn't give a flying **** about other people on here, if I'm the only one offended by you then that is just fine. I spent the beginning of this thread arguing with several people who strongly disagreed with me, I don't need the vindication of bunch of people on the internet who I don't know to make my own mind up about anything, be it Israel, Palestine or your posts.

    Secondly, its not a joke, and it is childish to suggest that your posts have been 'jokes'. Its the same sort of 'joke' as when you say something racist and then notice a black guy is standing in the group. Mocking others and hiding behind the 'it was a joke' line is also classic intolerance.

    Your assumption in saying that I'm 'saying things that people want to hear' is, once again, that you are some sort of beacon of truth, saying ground breaking things other foolish, unenlightened people cannot say.

    As far as I'm concerned you have come across as a condescending, egotistical canut in the last few pages and its quite obvious you consider yourself superior to people with religious beliefs. It takes a lot to rile me on here but few things get under my skin more than aggressive, condescending atheists. I think it is the 'Be intolerant of people with religious beliefs while accusing those who are religious of being intolerant of others' attitude.
  20. wfcmoog

    wfcmoog Tinpot

    Exactly. With a red suit and a fur-trimmed hat. I've seen him all over the place at this time of year, watching over us to make sure we've been good.
  21. hornetboy1

    hornetboy1 First Team Captain

    If you have been offended by my jokes, then I apologise to you and suggest you NEVER watch Ricky Gervais or any other comedian, as you would be appalled. Clearly the red mist descended when you wrote your post, but I will not allow you to call me a racist. This is bang out of line and you know it. I've never said any racist jokes, and you adding this, by implication, looks like I have which is a lie.

    I wont rise to your bating though and I wont call you insulting names in reply. I'm not offended if you think I'm a condescending, egotistical canut. That is your opinion which is fine, but I think you should lighten up and not take it too seriously.
  22. nascot

    nascot First Team

    I didn't read it as him calling you a racist, I read it in the context of when someone starts telling a racist joke etc, not you per se.

    Maybe the Society of Black Lawyers could help here.
  23. hornetboy1

    hornetboy1 First Team Captain

    The exact quote was :
    I've highlighted the word "you" and by implication it means HB1. If he meant "people" then that's fine, but I didn't want to let that go without clarification.
  24. Prentice

    Prentice Administrator

  25. Halfwayline

    Halfwayline Reservist

    HB1 - have to agree with the majority. It could be argued by some that the Northern Ireland issues had less to do with religion and more to do with money (can't comment as not knowledgable enough). Middle East divide is still very much about religion

    Potguy - going back to thread - interested on your views on Hamas continuing to fire rockets into Israel post truce?
  26. Cthulhu

    Cthulhu Keyboard Warrior Staff Member

    I didnt like the Sinn Fein / IRA; Hamas / Izz ad-Din comparison as I didnt think it was very similar for a number of reasons, but maybe the comparison could give us hope. There is tentative peace in Ireland now because Sinn Fein have been able to remove and detach mostly from the IRA which has now, mostly withered. Much as Sinn Fein want an Irish Ireland, Hamas are Anti-Zionist, although they tentatively state not anti-Jew. Sinn Fein at one point wanted nothing short of the English out of Northern Ireland, and were basically the IRA. Now there is some compromise.

    I know there have been moves towards trying for self rule in the WB/Gaza strip and this hasnt worked but we shouldnt give up. As in Ireland Catholics and Protestants mixed, so to, as you rightly state Jews and Arabs mix in Israel, you only have to visit Jerusalem briefly to realise that; hey, after all we eat Felafel.

    My point? Well, agree to disagree and take the sting out of the situation, let it calm down. Calling others animals isnt going to help, outgrouping people and classing them as sub human is never a good way to go, no matter what some individuals have done, children as shields is dispicable and I am sure many Palestinians and many in Hamas feel so too. Hamas want the Jews out of Israel, Israel disagrees, so compromise and reduce the violence. If you want a wound to heal stop poking it with a stick. For this Israel is currently to be commended for ignoring the rockets.
  27. lm_wfc

    lm_wfc First Team

    Fox news? fox? news? You'd be better of linking to the sun.
  28. wfcSinatra

    wfcSinatra Predictor Choker 14/15

    To be honest, to regard prayer - an act which most my family (albeit a huge family) do on a regular basis as 'face Mecca on a little mat five times a day' is stupid but are you being a nob with just evil intentions? No. I think your trying to be funny even if you are failing so it doesn't bother me.

    What is rather annoying is your lack of knowledge and disregard for other faiths just because you don't agree with it. But hey what can you do!
  29. Diamond

    Diamond First Team

    HB1, any chance you can do a ceasefire and stop wrecking good threads?
  30. Cthulhu

    Cthulhu Keyboard Warrior Staff Member

    I think HB1 has a valid point. If we come from the perspective that religion isnt real, just as ghosts, magic and floating teapots in space arent real, then we should afford believers in all such things the same level of respect. What annoys the non-religious is the specialness of religious belief that religious people put upon it. At one end we have people arguing that they can be homophobic as they are religious B+B owners and at the other bombings and killings to avenge someone drawing a turbany cartoon. Because this particular belief is somehow special.

    By all means be respectful to one another but why give extra special respect to religion? I dont get offended and demand other people research Watford, as they hvae a lack of knowoledge, if they happen to not think Watford are the greatest football team in the world and express that view or shout it at me each week and yet that is a staunch belief just as religion is to others. if people want to ridicule any of my beliefs then I might disagree but ultimately it is up to them. So why do some religious people feel superior to this, that this thought/belief is untouchable and everyone should respect it.
  31. Halfwayline

    Halfwayline Reservist

    but in the context of this thread religion plays a major part in your beliefs on the rights and wrongs of the Middle East.....that has to be understood, which I can see that you do, before you can continue to have a debate.
  32. hornetboy1

    hornetboy1 First Team Captain'll have to put up with me I'm afraid.:naughty:
  33. hornetboy1

    hornetboy1 First Team Captain

    What I find strange is that a lot of religious believers think their particular faith is the right one and everyone else is a lost soul. They seem to think they have a divine right to be instantly respected for having a faith and get extremely offended if a joke it made. Religion is taken far too seriously and countries even go to war over it. This is wrong IMO.

    I think religion is an outdated concept in the 21st century, as it's nothing more than fairy tales from a long time ago. But if that is what you are into, then that is fine. My missus thinks I'm crazy to go all over the world watching 22 men chase after a little ball. We know it as football, but it is just as stupid when you analyse it. Football is pretty futile, but I love it. Would I get offended if someone stood on a soap box making jokes about football supporters? No...not in the slightest, so why is religion so special?

    All I'm trying to do is to lift the lid on something that controls too many life’s and entices violent acts on far too many occasions. Using humour to do this, even if you do not like the joke, is actually a very good method to get behind all the smoke and mirrors.
  34. lm_wfc

    lm_wfc First Team

    Of course they think theirs is the right one, otherwise they wouldn't be part of it, its not like football where we support Watford even if we know we're ****.

    How could people not take their religion seriously, if you believed that there is a God and to go to heaven you should live a Christian life, you're going to take it seriously, by its nature, religion us serious.

    With your football analogy, do you think football is the root of all violence? In the past particularly there has been many deaths and fights over football. In the scale of things, its far more ridiculous than fighting over religion.
  35. 352

    352 Moderator

    I think I speak for all of us when I say thank you so much for lifting the lid on religion. Lord* knows nobody else would. Good opinions IMO!!!

    *Figure of speech, I'm not a thick moron!! ;)

    EDIT: I fully understand that being arsey in reply to your arseyness is hardly a surefire winner, but you've been rightly had a go at on this thread for a couple of stupid points. Obviously PotGuy wasn't calling you racist, don't be so ridiculous, and there's such a thing as being critical of religion in a measured and careful way (not careful in a don't tell jokes kind of way, an OOH IT'S PC GONE MAD! kind of way, I mean careful in such a way that doesn't make you come across as someone that doesn't actually know what they're talking about beyond some simple stereotypes and hackneyed jokes - because whether it's the case or not, that's how you're coming across with the unimaginative jokes, (faux-?)arrogance, etc.).

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