Short selling itself isn't a scam. Knowledge about short positions is in the public domain, if people then chose to invest they do so knowing the risks, and knowing they are betting against professionals. Let the buyer beware. Selling shares that don't exist though should be illegal and result in jail time. You wouldn't be allowed to sell a car or a house that didn't exist. The only moral objection I have against shorting is it can artificially hold down the value of a business by discouraging investment and holding back recovery.
It's affected pretty much all markets and happens on all exchanges. When you knock confidence people sell, price drops. This eventually causes issues for the underlying companies. People who rely on a retirement income from their investments will get less and some people will panic and sell now when prices are low trying to "recover" as much as they can. People with excess cash, those this sort of action is meant to punish, will pile it at an artificially low price and make more money when this eventually goes away and things return to normal. In the end it's the little man that will lose.
I semi-agree, but all of what's happened with GameStock is the hedge fund + brokers own doing by allowing more than the total amount of available shares to be shorted.
Agreed. Whilst on the surface it's quite amusing to manipulate the market to get the hedge funds into hot water when you look deeper into it it's bad news for everyone really. Unfortunately they are a necessary evil for retirement planning and savings when banks give rates lower than inflation because everyone is borrowed up to the hilt buying stuff they don't need. The only people that will profit are those in on and controlling the manipulation and in the end their profit will eventually come from joe bloggs not the hedge fund managers pockets.
Anybody here clever enough to understand all this? This is crazy...
I am not clever enough to understand it all, but I like the research done and it all pieces together nicely. It's convinced me to stick a bit in GME when markets open
I couldnt afford to get in on GME ffs fml!!! I am in on AMC though which looks to be doing some weird stuff too so fingers crossed on that.
Same. I picked up some YOLO’s when it was about $90 a couple weeks back. 230% gain thus far. Edit: price dropped $100 seconds after I posted. Haha.
A wild afternoon haha. Price dropped so quickly, I topped up at $218 as think this is the hedge funds last ploy to try and shake people off
Gonna sell this afternoon, GME is still really heavily shorted and it's entirely possible that there will be enough short squeeze on it but I can't see what that catalyst to spark it will be. Quad witching day came and went with not enough volume to really affect the share price a huge deal, earnings report yesterday wasn't great which was potentially another catalyst that has come and gone and ended up in disappointment. 14% up overall so will take the money and run!
If GameStop decide to release more shares then the whole thing will plummet. Good decision to get out now I reckon @reids although shame you didn’t get out when 100% up. These stocks are so volatile I wouldn’t be surprised to see it drop to around the $60 mark and then shoot up again. Too risky for my money I think.
Yeah, I think my returns would've been higher but I bought a couple of dips after the price had increased a lot over the past couple of weeks and then fell which subsequently bought up my average buy price!
I am pleased my decision to buy more Royal Mail shares last summer is paying off. High hopes that HSBC will come off too. I don’t have the time to spend looking at the markets as much as I should, but my self invested ISA is looking healthier than it has for a while. Roll out the vaccine, roll out consumer spending, let’s hope we will see longer sustained growth in equities over the next few years.
So those who sold at £1:20 and those who have sold since @£5 +? Where do you think that money has come from ? It is a casino . If anyone wants to buy the dip - looks as if a hedge fund has gone under (wonder whether this is GME related!) and had to liquidate ALL their positions on Friday which caused a huge dip in a few stocks. I'm gonna buy in on Baidu, Tencent and ViacomCBS for hopefully some short term gains whilst the market stabilises.
They werent related to the meme stocks but the hedges that are are still deep in the sh1t. The bloke that ran that fund was banned from trading a few years back but did his time then came back and did the same thing again.
Unbelievable some of this **** . If it sounds too good to be true then it probably is . Keep your dough safe Don't listen to BS Too many crooks looking to take your cash with a get rich quick scheme Don't be the next hard luck story
I've been closing my higher risk positions for the last 3-4 weeks, the market feels very fragile and with EU countries going into 3rd waves, screwing up vaccines , China v Taiwan etc etc I think a low risk strategy is the right one for me for now. I've taken most of the profit anyway from the rebound from last springs events.
Listen mugs. I'm telling you now . Crypto is a con . Don't start whining when you have spunked your dough Last chance bellends .....
I mean it isn't. The technology behind crypto is literally revolutionising some sectors include banking
What do you mean by everyone wins? The technology behind it is being used in over 20% of banks currently, helping them do things they couldn't previously do before - that doesn't sound like a con to me.
Call me a dinosaur but I don’t go near any of that crypto malarky. Its not real money it’s just a flash complicated voucher. You buy a voucher using real money, then you spend the voucher at participating gaffs. Put it this way, would you be happy if your employer paid you in vouchers?
Your posts on this subject will not age well . History tells us this . But . Hey. Carry on by all means .
People have been saying the same thing about crypto for the last 10 years and it goes from strength to strength and gets more and more mainstream every single time.
Man who can’t figure out how to use a keyboard properly giving financial advice to a man who built an analysis business out of nothing. This forum.
The South Sea bubble and ... on and on ad finitum . To put it simply . When posters on a football forum are giving crypto currency tips . It's time to get out .