Mildly amusig .... Aldgate East

Discussion in 'Match Day' started by bogsider, Feb 11, 2007.

  1. Chewitt

    Chewitt Forum Extraordinaire

    looks like arthur in his very best smart casual
  2. Arthur Daley

    Arthur Daley Guest

    oh no. it suits the m army very well. ron macdonald is a hero for the suboids who wear a second yellow skin, and have no life;D ;D ;D
  3. cazgoodwin66

    cazgoodwin66 Forum Tall Person

    Hang on , If everybody that wears club colours are *****,tubes etc

    That makes all the watford players *****
  4. HornetteCarly

    HornetteCarly Future Mrs Henderson

  5. removed

    removed Guest

    Arther would you buy a watford kit that was made by stone island?
  6. ryan_wfc

    ryan_wfc Reservist

    i think its possible if it was'nt yellow and with out the watford badge
  7. Chewitt

    Chewitt Forum Extraordinaire

    ??? what's wrong with the watford badge ?
  8. luke_golden

    luke_golden Space Cadet

    Obviously the gloryhunter doesn't want his mates to know he's changed teams!
  9. HornetteCarly

    HornetteCarly Future Mrs Henderson

    *applaud* ;);D
  10. Harrow Orn

    Harrow Orn Squad Player

  11. luke_golden

    luke_golden Space Cadet

    I'll take a bow:)
  12. Arthur Daley

    Arthur Daley Guest

    yellow sucks in all forms:mad:
  13. Echo

    Echo Squad Player

    even ice cream?? i like yellow ice cream -vanilla - yummy;D
  14. Arthur Daley

    Arthur Daley Guest

    ice cream ok;D
  15. Echo

    Echo Squad Player

    that's alright then!!

    smilies - they're yellow too - i take it there ok as well?:p

    especially this one;D it seems to be your favourite;)
  16. Arthur Daley

    Arthur Daley Guest

    mines a pint of water next time please;D
  17. Echo

    Echo Squad Player

    yeah right - the day you drink water in the pub will be the day i drink water in the pub - never gonna happen!!
  18. Arthur Daley

    Arthur Daley Guest

    others can manage it, so why cant we;D:D:)
  19. Echo

    Echo Squad Player

    because we are alcoholics maybe??:eek:
  20. lm_wfc

    lm_wfc First Team

    Right this thread is extremely loong and the smae points are being raised, aurther, it bullet points say why you dont like people who wear colours, and then carly you say why you do in bullet points, that way you cant keep avoiding questions arthur.
    i doubt he will do this and he'll reply with something that doesnt make sense like
    they dont get it;D >:D :-* :-X ::) 8) :mad: ??? :-[ :-\ :'( O0
  21. HornetteCarly

    HornetteCarly Future Mrs Henderson

    lol i like people regardless of what they wear so cant really be applied to me! i am not the spokeswoman of people who wear the shirts :eek:

    but i will say this once and for all..

    i really dont care. lol
  22. lm_wfc

    lm_wfc First Team

    that still beats what arthur willl have to say
  23. removed

    removed Guest

    My view is that i thinks it more sad for someone to go to a game in stone island then a watford kit.
  24. Arthur Daley

    Arthur Daley Guest

    in what WAY.

  25. removed

    removed Guest

    Edit by Admin: One word too far. Deleted.
  26. Arthur Daley

    Arthur Daley Guest

    Edit by Admin: No personal stuff please Arthur
  27. lm_wfc

    lm_wfc First Team

    athur suprisingly continues rephrasing his only point,
    look ,at these necastle fans, everyone is wearing the colours:;)
  28. Arthur Daley

    Arthur Daley Guest

    and every year the tubes pay out another 50 sobs, for a slighty changed design, as fat freddie laughs all the way to the bank;D;D;D;D;D;D;D;D
  29. Arthur Daley

    Arthur Daley Guest

    dont take it to heart mate. its all fun:cool:, and quite pointless:cool:
  30. Echo

    Echo Squad Player

    it did start as someone talking about there day out,

    where would you like me to move it too?
  31. Arthur Daley

    Arthur Daley Guest

  32. Echo

    Echo Squad Player

    i dont like locking threads unless i really have too!

    most of it has been good debate!!;)
  33. Arthur Daley

    Arthur Daley Guest

    it got bad on the other side, with these threads, on here its much better.
    even im bored now...until the next game;D
  34. Defunct

    Defunct First Team

    This forum is the_ivam's domain. If he chooses to close a thread or remove posts from it then it's totally his call. The mods and me will always remove personal stuff if we see it though.
  35. soton_orn

    soton_orn Reservist

    I wore a watford top under my jacket whilst watching Watford vs Fulham in a pub down sunny Southampton. At the time I happened to be on my own, when I noticed around 10 Fulham fans walk in for the KO. This prompted me to remove said jacket and display said watford top. I was then subjected to abuse and staring from said Fulham fans, and OTT cheering when they went 3-2 up. When we equalised, I heartily returned the favour with hand signals and all. Even though it felt like a defeat, It felt more like a win as I really enjoyed winding them up. However after the final whistle, I briskly downed my pint and p***edrightoff before a kicking ensued.

    I don't really wear shirts to games as I'm usually doing something after, I also don't wear stone island because it's not very stylish to me at all

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