Global Werewolf - Day 5

Discussion in 'Werewolf: The forum game' started by The Globe, May 1, 2020.


Day 5 Lynching

  1. Athens

    0 vote(s)
  2. Istanbul

    0 vote(s)
  3. Moscow

    0 vote(s)
  4. Nairobi

    0 vote(s)
  5. Oslo

    0 vote(s)
  6. Quito

  7. Tokyo

  8. Venice

    0 vote(s)
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  1. Nairobi

    Nairobi Academy Graduate

  2. Istanbul

    Istanbul Academy Graduate

    You still havent explained sufficiently why you voted so early.
  3. Nairobi

    Nairobi Academy Graduate

    See what I mean, fellow villagers? He already has you after me, but can't resist further confusion.
  4. Nairobi

    Nairobi Academy Graduate

    Because a correct vote at 2pm is worth more than 5 bad ones at 455.
  5. Venice

    Venice Academy Graduate

    Then save yourself with some logic.
  6. Moscow

    Moscow Academy Graduate

    To me it looks like Oslo has misunderstood. Also, if he wasnt a mason then he would have been countered by the other surviving mason at the time.... think it was London?

    Think we can call him good.
    Nairobi likes this.
  7. Venice

    Venice Academy Graduate

    Why would a confirmed good player do that?
    Nairobi and Moscow like this.
  8. Oslo

    Oslo Academy Graduate

    Shaking the tree there , Istanbul now why would say that , when you know masons are good!
    I had you as witness and Moog as team evil ,now I'm not so sure .
    I was thinking Moogs first vote was misdirection, but it may have been exasperation.
    Istanbul if you think I'm evil your giving far too much credit I am nowhere near that good a player.
    Nairobi likes this.
  9. Quito

    Quito Academy Graduate

    Istanbul can't be the witness.....
  10. Oslo

    Oslo Academy Graduate

  11. Tokyo

    Tokyo Academy Graduate

    I'd try but nothing logical has happened around here for about three days now.
  12. Nairobi

    Nairobi Academy Graduate

    You are a confirmed good player, so your vote matters. The 3 evil players will vote their way. My point to you, is that Quito voted for Elche after it was known and acknowledged that they are the seer.

    It seemed pretty clear today that it was Quito or A.N. Other.

    We haven't had a message, just more theories based on, primarily, Istanbul's detective work. I had pegged Istanbul as evil, early on, due to their tactic of staying quiet for half a day before springing to life whenever their absence was questioned. This seemed wolfish, but since then, they have dominated the game, with accusations in all directions, including a ceaseless campaign against me, which has been characterised by establishing the conclusion that I must be guilty, and then working back from their to find things to support it, rather than reaching a conclusion based on evidence. See for example, the number of likes thing. Totally irrelevant. Why on earth would liking some posts make me evil? It's ridiculous.

    Yes, I suspected Elche but with little to go on at that point, their behaviour was suspicious. OK we know now that it was to avoid evil noticing them, rather than good, but once it was explained, at least Quito went ahead to seal their death. I didn't. If I had been evil I could easily have jumped in and added to the certainty of team good loosing a seer. The fact that I didn't is STILL being used as justification that I am evil, in the most bizarre catch 22 one could imagine.
  13. Nairobi

    Nairobi Academy Graduate

    I would like to direct you, as the other confirmed good, to the post I just made to Venice. Between three of us, we can match Evil's voting power. With one other person (I suspect Moscow is good, though if I'm wrong, they've pulled the wool over my eyes well and good) we can get a wolf tonight and have a chance of victory.

    Is there any doubt that Quito is evil in anyone's mind? They willingly condemned the seer to death.
  14. Istanbul

    Istanbul Academy Graduate

    Possibkly Moscow, but if you look at his post Quito liked it. Nairobi voted for Quito and yet Quito is liking posts that are defending Nairobi.
  15. Istanbul

    Istanbul Academy Graduate

    Is Oslo definitely confirmed GOOD ? Apologies if so, it must be a misjudgement on Oslos part then.
  16. Nairobi

    Nairobi Academy Graduate

    You are being manipulated by Quito. Recall - You posted a theory that I was the wolf and Quito was the Traitor. Quito immediately posted underneath
    This in itself is nonsense. Me being experienced, or good at this game, would make me MORE likely to be a wolf on the verge of winning, not less, however, by posting a very, very prompt defence of me, he immediately added credence to your theory.

    He wants you to Lynch me first. He would rather we thought he was the traitor, than the wolf, because that way, he wins.
  17. Istanbul

    Istanbul Academy Graduate

    So did you by deliberatley not voting until it was too late and Elche was gione.

    BTW I post late btw as Im a lazy b@astard and get out of bed late.
  18. Nairobi

    Nairobi Academy Graduate

    Quito - Demonstrably evil
    Moogrobi - Lots of happenstance gathered through extensive combing by Istanbul, but has not voted for a single good player to get lynched. Has liked some posts though and didn't immediately recognise the badly paraphrased words from Henry V, because he is a stickler for accuracy in Shakespeare, otherwise the Iambic Pentameter doesn't scan.
  19. Istanbul

    Istanbul Academy Graduate

    If you are confirmed GOOD , then I accept you misunderstood Venices post. Is that what you are saying ?
  20. Oslo

    Oslo Academy Graduate

    Moog when I insinuated Istanbul might be the witness , Quito chimed in saying he wasnt, inferring that he was the witness. Due to his voting last night I find that hard to swallow.
    Why would Quito say Istanbul wasnt the witness.
  21. Moscow

    Moscow Academy Graduate

    He is clearly evil in my eyes. Just dont know if hes a wolf or traitor. If he is the traitor I cant work out if be is protecting Nairobi or if it's a double bluff.
  22. Nairobi

    Nairobi Academy Graduate

    I had 9 minutes, during which I was on a conference call with my CEO and COO for a crisis meeting about our biggest client looking to cancel their licence, at which point the whole thing with Elche revealing themselves was kicking off . I held fire prompted by YOUR message. YOU literally asked people to hold off voting. So I did. Prior to this, I had been convinced you were evil, but at this point, you were the person trying to direct fire away from the Seer (or at that point, the person claiming to be the seer - I think we were all sceptical until Elche revealed the Eurovision plan).

    Elche died because other people voted for him. I could have voted against him at 0904 and the maths would've been the same.
  23. Oslo

    Oslo Academy Graduate

    Yes atm I'm not sure of day from night ,I'm confused.
    Istanbul likes this.
  24. Moscow

    Moscow Academy Graduate

    Or just a bluff rather. If it is a double bluff he is protecting Nairobi. Brains dead.
  25. Nairobi

    Nairobi Academy Graduate

    I would disregard anything Quito says or does, frankly. I may be wrong, but I am 99% certain they are evil and 97% certain they are a wolf.
  26. Quito

    Quito Academy Graduate

    Equally, you're manipulating Istanbul.

    I know you have a role, up until recently I thought you were good, perhaps even a Seer at one point.
  27. Nairobi

    Nairobi Academy Graduate

    Look at the order of the message - then my recognition of how well they played it. It was a rush job, as they posted it almost immediately after Istanbul posted a theory that Quito was the traitor and I was the wolf, but in rushing it, the defence of me didn't really make sense, though it does the job of framing me as a wolf, being protected by Quito as a traitor.
  28. Nairobi

    Nairobi Academy Graduate

    I refer my honourable friends to the answer I gave in post 130
  29. Nairobi

    Nairobi Academy Graduate

    Although - this does seem to put paid to the Quito Traitor/Moogrobi Wolf theory.
  30. Oslo

    Oslo Academy Graduate

    How is Nairobi manipulating istanbul , come on that's twaddle.
  31. Moscow

    Moscow Academy Graduate

    I have seen enough. I am voting for Quito he is just so obviously confusing matters.
  32. Quito

    Quito Academy Graduate

    You lot are utterly clueless
  33. Athens

    Athens Academy Graduate

    Why not?
  34. Venice

    Venice Academy Graduate

    Welcome back Athens.
  35. Athens

    Athens Academy Graduate

    Thank you.
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