Things you hate III

Discussion in 'Taylor's Tittle-Tattle - General Banter' started by Otter, Dec 11, 2015.

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  1. Moose

    Moose First Team Captain

    I pissed myself when I read that. :(
    kVA likes this.
  2. Diamond

    Diamond First Team

    Web page. It used to be lightning fast on all platforms and all browsers now it's just sluggish. They're trying to load too much content and it's hurting it IMO.
  3. hornmeister

    hornmeister Tired

    I hate the fact that in Eastcote there is a Cafe that also a vaping shop which does dog grooming.

    These should all be separate things. Well apart from the vaping shop. They're becoming more common than estate agents.
  4. kVA

    kVA Reservist

    Look how cool vapists are:

    hornmeister likes this.
  5. Wow. Has everyone been happy for 12 days?!
  6. People who proudly proclaim to the whole office that they "got in at 7am this morning!".

    Why do people think that getting up early is some kind of superpower?

    So what. You went to bed at 8pm the night before. I stayed up until 2am watching **** on TV and still got into work for 8.30am but you don't hear me harping on about it Karen!
  7. The undeniable truth

    The undeniable truth First Team Captain

    My target is 9.00am. One day I will achieve it. Got close the other week.
    Otter likes this.
  8. Hornpete

    Hornpete Squad Player


    I know plenty of people like this. Mostly 27 year olds who like skate parks, rpg computer games and bmx.
  9. The undeniable truth

    The undeniable truth First Team Captain

    Yes. That's me to a tee :)
  10. TheDon

    TheDon First Team

    I live in the West Country now and it irks me how often people make little quips and comments about how I pronounce things.

    Apparently I’m a cockney.

    Bloody farmers
  11. hornmeister

    hornmeister Tired

    The BBC's constant advertising of how special their reporters are.

    On the news

    "it's over to (Insert reporters name here) who's standing outside something vaguely interesting.
    (reporters name here) whats happening?"
    Reporter blathers on ..................
    "And it's back to Hugh Edwards in the studio"
    "Thank you (insert reporters name here). That was (insert reporters name here) standing infront of something vaguely interesting there.

    "In other news the BBC has learned that........ Over to Laura Kuensberg for inane comment and opinion."

    You get 5 name checks and it happens for every bloody story.

    Take the politics www page for example. Bottom Right:


    Two pictures of Laura Kuenssberg as well as her name and rank taking up more space than the actual title of the story and summary.
  12. Keighley

    Keighley First Team


    I’ve said it before on the forum, Kuenssberg is an utter waste of space. My dog does political analysis better than her (he joined me in the polling booth yesterday).
  13. The undeniable truth

    The undeniable truth First Team Captain

    Which way didn he vote ? What's his view on Brexit ?
  14. The undeniable truth

    The undeniable truth First Team Captain

    Unpleasant and useless.
  15. wfcmoog

    wfcmoog Tinpot

    I often comment on the need to send reporters to the scene. If it's a changing situation or they're doing actual journalism, like speaking to witnesses or watching a press conference, fair enough, but often it's news like, there's a storm coming, let's cut to Billy Bikini to tell us more: Guy in North Face jacket in pelting rain and wind, shouts into a massive furry microphone to tell us there is pelting rain and wind.

    I wonder how much it costs to shuttle this person to a location in a van with a crew, get them to jump out, film their spiel in front of a building and then shuttle them all back.
  16. UEA_Hornet

    UEA_Hornet First Team Captain

    It's ruff.
    Keighley likes this.
  17. UEA_Hornet

    UEA_Hornet First Team Captain

    It's a theme across the BBC. Often they'll have articles headlining the sports page which it turns out are comments made by Ian Wright or another pundit on one of their radio shows the evening before.
  18. The undeniable truth

    The undeniable truth First Team Captain

    Does he have any good political leads ?
    Any pedigree chums inside Westminster ?
    Sounds like a great Rovering reporter.
  19. Keighley

    Keighley First Team

  20. Keighley

    Keighley First Team

    Secret ballot m8.
  21. MarlonsCellMate

    MarlonsCellMate Reservist

    The BBC site in general is awful. I recall a few years back on the anniversary of the Bradford fire and the leading sports story was an upset on the latest Hillsborough investigation. Seemed insensitive.
  22. MarlonsCellMate

    MarlonsCellMate Reservist

    Or the on location journalist knows less than the news anchor, because he can't access the internet and the anchor can.
  23. Maninblack

    Maninblack Reservist

    On the Laura Kuhnsberg theme, I really find it irritating when she and other reporters call out to politicians as they get out of their cars and walk the 10m to the front door of 10 Downing Street.

    "Is your cabinet in turmoil over Brexit, Theresa?", "Are you going to challenge for the leadership, Boris?" and other such inane questions. They never answer so stop ******* asking!
  24. HappyHornet24

    HappyHornet24 Crapster Staff Member

    I'm sure I saw a clip once of one such journalist struggling dramatically to stand while he reported from the scene of one such storm, when a couple of people strolled past in the background, clearly not struggling at all.
  25. Keighley

    Keighley First Team

    This. It’s so ******* stupid.
  26. wfcmoog

    wfcmoog Tinpot

    Fair enough if they were asking reasonable questions that a politician might answer, but it's always this moment they choose to ask the dumb, "will you resign minister? Is your position now untenable?"

    You can see the effects of this in the moronic yellow vests heckling politicians. In debate, no real questions just "are you a nazi?" Or "why do you hate democracy?"
    Maninblack likes this.
  27. Ybotcoombes

    Ybotcoombes Justworkedouthowtochange

    You have every right to hate that, it’s sounds like a place that would be populated with right *****
  28. Arakel

    Arakel First Team

    The term "spin doctor". It's a nonsense term and I loathe seeing it used by professional organisations such as the Beeb.

    The person works in public relations. They don't provide medical services to DJs who hurt themselves scratching vinyl.
  29. MarlonsCellMate

    MarlonsCellMate Reservist

    EE, Kevin Bacon and the Watford fan that's in the advert where we can relive the final. Assuming it's not an actor, which it certainly is.
    hornmeister likes this.
  30. Robert Peel

    Robert Peel Squad Player

    Is there a link to this?

    Before the Wolves league game we were in the Portuguese bar on vicarage road and some bloke with an iPad came over and my kids did a screen test that he filmed around reactions to football - your team has scored a winning goal etc.

    Couple of weeks later, got a call saying they wanted the boy to be in an advert based around Watford being in the cup final. Sketchy details but could earn a grand and annoyingly it's the weekend of the cup final, but over 2 days so should be fine.

    Turns out they want him to trek to some place in South London and be filmed watching the final on a TV, so I said "well he's not missing the final" and that was the end of it.

    A week later they rang up again asking for the girl to do the same advert as clearly no one wants to bin off the final for a TV advert, so they've dropped down the list and want any old kid. The plummy woman on the other end says "are you going to this final thing?" so I said yes and that was the end of that.

    So there are two questions: 1. How detached are the marketing idiots that think that people who go to matches are not going to be that bothered about the final, and 2. Who was the turncoat who sacked off the final in favour of the advert?

    Because whoever he is, he's a grand up and missed that abysmal **** show.
  31. UEA_Hornet

    UEA_Hornet First Team Captain
  32. WillisWasTheWorst

    WillisWasTheWorst Its making less grammar mistake's thats important

  33. Bwood_Horn

    Bwood_Horn First Team

    WillisWasTheWorst likes this.
  34. The Voice of Reason

    The Voice of Reason First Team Captain

    TV Weather Forecasts, as there are FAR TO MANY OF THEM, and they are rarely right anyway :mad:
  35. hornmeister

    hornmeister Tired

    Sellers that list themselves on amazon or ebay as in the UK or Europe so you assume postage will be a week at most, but end up being in China.
    Even more annoying when the tracking status is "placed in a container", which I assume means that when the container is full it'll be put on a boat and take 2 further months to get here.
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