1. albangura9

    albangura9 Squad Player

    do you submit your score on cricket (bug one)??????

    cos i got 45 and caannot submit my score.
  2. Defunct

    Defunct First Team

    It should give you a submit button when you finish. I'll check it now. That's a mighty good score to lose.

    I've noticed that sometimes you have to make sure you're definately logged in before playing otherwise that can happen too, a bit of a bug I think. Hopefully I'll be upgrading the arcade soon.
  3. Defunct

    Defunct First Team

    Sussed it. I played it all the way through. Scored 45 and ended the game on level 10. It seems that if you actually "beat" the game then you can't submit the score! A game bug rather than an arcade bug. I'll remove the game and add another couple instead.

    Thanks for the warning.

    EDIT: Deleted
  4. albangura9

    albangura9 Squad Player

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