Championship - 2023/24

Discussion in 'The Hornets' Nest - Watford Chat' started by Steel City Gold, Mar 11, 2023.

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  1. wfc4ever

    wfc4ever Administrator Staff Member

    Obviously they will need to get a run going and not just beat probably the 2nd or 3rd worse team in this league at home.
  2. The undeniable truth

    The undeniable truth First Team Captain

    From little acorns etc etc …
  3. Knight GT

    Knight GT Predictor extraordinaire 2013/14

    There is not one team in the Championship that would be worried about that quartet. If that's their best 4 players they are screwed
  4. Malteser2

    Malteser2 Reservist

    Eustace to Bristol City
  5. SkylaRose

    SkylaRose Administrator Staff Member

    Should never of been sacked by Brum. 45.6 winning percentage out of 117 games is not bad for a club of their level. Of course the "Rooney effect" is in full swing as we can see. Still feel he could do a job here one day if the chance ever came around. Decent guy and working hard to learn the game from a different angle.
    Happy bunny likes this.
  6. BeersThen

    BeersThen Reservist

  7. wfc4ever

    wfc4ever Administrator Staff Member

    Seems to be denied now on their local press site so who knows .
  8. The undeniable truth

    The undeniable truth First Team Captain

  9. Malteser2

    Malteser2 Reservist

    Sorry for my typo. Uff predictive text. Should have read as Lampard ;)
    reids likes this.
  10. The undeniable truth

    The undeniable truth First Team Captain

    "Frank Lampard's Bristol City" has a nice ring to it.
    Malteser2 likes this.
  11. cyaninternetdog

    cyaninternetdog Forum Hippie

    Watching Leicester v Leeds, light years ahead of everyone else these two. Good game.
  12. wfc4ever

    wfc4ever Administrator Staff Member

    Leeds been impressive have to say .

    Decent game .
  13. LondonOrn

    LondonOrn Squad Player

    I was really disappointed at our result and performance at Leeds given their indifferent start and the fact they were one of very few teams not to beat Sheffield Wednesday, but it doesn’t look too terrible a result now.

    This could be a three-horse race (Southampton are 4th but look too inconsistent to challenge).
    PowerJugs likes this.
  14. WillisWasTheWorst

    WillisWasTheWorst Its making less grammar mistake's thats important

    So, despite their great start, Leicester didn’t surpass our 39 points from the first 15 games we got in 2000/01 (and we were unbeaten). I don’t expect them to collapse like we did, though.
    wfc4ever likes this.
  15. wfc4ever

    wfc4ever Administrator Staff Member

    2007/08 was similar I think .
  16. The undeniable truth

    The undeniable truth First Team Captain

    Excellent result for us. Keeps the top 2 spots within range.
  17. wfcwarehouse

    wfcwarehouse First Team Captain

    We can still catch Brentford.
  18. WillisWasTheWorst

    WillisWasTheWorst Its making less grammar mistake's thats important

    Not quite as good: 35 points from 15.
  19. SkylaRose

    SkylaRose Administrator Staff Member

    I went to the Grimsby home game after we got tonked in the League Cup at the Vic against Manure. We won 4-0 and the opposition was poor obviously, but it really did seem like the "feel good vibes" were still strong. We never really got our confidence back after Sheffield Wed beat us and ended our run. I went to Tranmere away the following week and we lost 2-0. It's really hard to think even now, so many years later, just what went wrong.
    CYHSYF likes this.
  20. wfc4ever

    wfc4ever Administrator Staff Member

    Natives will be getting restless at Carrow Road .

    Awful start for Norwich .
  21. WillisWasTheWorst

    WillisWasTheWorst Its making less grammar mistake's thats important

    I’m not sure why people include Norwich in the list of scary opponents we have coming up after the next international break. They’re poor and we always beat them anyway. They’re now 3-0 down at home to Blackburn, so they might be on a “new manager bounce” by the time we play them.
    UEA_Hornet and PowerJugs like this.
  22. Malteser2

    Malteser2 Reservist

    Ok ok third time lucky for me on this one...

    Liam Manning to Bristol City ;)
    reids likes this.
  23. reids

    reids First Team

    Ben Knapper due to take the Sporting Directors job at Norwich on the 13th November. Imagine Wagner will be getting the sack the same day!
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2023
  24. UEA_Hornet

    UEA_Hornet First Team Captain

  25. reids

    reids First Team

    Oops. I always confuse those 2!
  26. The undeniable truth

    The undeniable truth First Team Captain

    reids likes this.
  27. wfc4ever

    wfc4ever Administrator Staff Member

    This Ben might fare better than our one did !
  28. SkylaRose

    SkylaRose Administrator Staff Member

    If Norwich are one point and one place behind even us, you know something is not right at the Carrow Road. We should be taking our seasonal six points from them as you say regardless. I don't follow them at all obviously, but I wonder why they are struggling so much this season? Did they have a massive clear out like we did, I know Puki-Pies has gone so that's certainly hurt their attack.
  29. Hogg-DEENEY!!!

    Hogg-DEENEY!!! Squad Player

    A little bit like us I suppose, Aarons also left, but Pukki wasn't as influential for them as he had been in the past. Seems as though their incomings are the issue, a lot of the players they've signed belong in Dad's Army, I think ultimately they are quite similar to us in that they may have underestimated the Championship, or more to the point, underestimated how influential players like Buendia were, like us with Hughes. Not sure about their financials, but surely they can't be in as much of a mess as we are, they always seemed well-run
    PowerJugs and SkylaRose like this.
  30. Hanley and Sargent are injured I believe. That, with Aaron's and Pukki gone is pretty damaging.
    PowerJugs and SkylaRose like this.
  31. wfc4ever

    wfc4ever Administrator Staff Member

    Cracking equaliser by Rotherham after a very scrappy Ipswich 2nd.
    HornM25 likes this.
  32. LondonOrn

    LondonOrn Squad Player

    Going by the below posts it seems the problem is more with the squad than with the manager - I was initially surprised to hear them struggling so much with him at the helm, I didn’t notice he’d been appointed this year. I’m not sure the club is so well run as a fair amount of criticism has been flung from their fans; they may be on a much sounder financial footing than us but only three consecutive seasons max and no top-half finish in the top flight since the mid-90s is pretty poor for a club of their size when you consider what Fulham, Palace, Wigan, Swansea, Brighton, Brentford and Bournemouth have achieved. His record in 2023 has been really poor but Norwich are quite patient with managers - even counting interim/caretaker managers, he’s only their eighth in the last decade and 17th this century. I imagine they’ll allow him to rebuild the squad as Huddersfield did when they got that surprise promotion after their usual bottom third finish under Wagner.
  33. LondonOrn

    LondonOrn Squad Player

    Ipswich seem a bit of a soft touch with the weaker teams (draws at Huddersfield and Rotherham) but 17 away league games unbeaten is mightily impressive and I imagine they’ll be going up with Leicester.
  34. The Voice of Reason

    The Voice of Reason First Team Captain

    Rotherham will probably now be on a high when they come to us on Saturday.

    Just our luck, but we really must overcome their new found confidence and put them back in their place
  35. Malteser2

    Malteser2 Reservist

    My Bristol City friend who I had coffee with this morning is very sceptical about their appointment. She didn’t want Pearson to leave, is unhappy about paying compensation to Oxford and doesn’t think Manning will work out. I’m surprised as I think he’s a very bright coach who has done well in both his main jobs, and who I think we were linked with too when we eventually went for Edwards?

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