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Latest: Missing Forum Members The undeniable truth, Today at 4:53 PM
Main Forum
The home for all Watford FC related content, from match day chat to transfer rumours and everything in-between.
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The Hornets' Nest - Watford Chat
- Discussions:
- 20,073
- Messages:
- 703,511
Latest: Could Watford Make The Play-offs? WFC123, 56 minutes ago -
Match Day
- Discussions:
- 1,542
- Messages:
- 261,013
Latest: Watford Fc 1-2 Millwall 8/3/2025 Ko: 12:30 Ghost of Barry Endean, Monday at 12:43 PM -
The Transfer List
- Discussions:
- 5,253
- Messages:
- 310,825
Latest: Emmanuel Dennis wfcmoog, Tuesday at 11:53 AM -
Latest: Academy And Under-21s The undeniable truth, Today at 8:23 PM
The Golden Years
- Discussions:
- 35
- Messages:
- 1,733
Latest: Watford FC Historical Photographs/Video Thread sydney_horn, Saturday at 8:02 PM
Everything not directly Watford FC related is in here, general chit chat, sport and the more serious stuff.
Taylor's Tittle-Tattle - General Banter
- Discussions:
- 8,978
- Messages:
- 320,668
Latest: Bargain Hunt reg_varney, Today at 6:42 PM -
Pozzo's Place
- Discussions:
- 81
- Messages:
- 6,093
Latest: Hello from Udine! Ghost of Barry Endean, Monday at 9:47 PM -
Politics 2.0
- Discussions:
- 242
- Messages:
- 31,044
Latest: Ukraine - Catalyst For Ww3 UEA_Hornet, Today at 3:31 PM -
General Football & Other Sport
- Discussions:
- 6,252
- Messages:
- 159,715
Latest: Premier League 24/25 The Voice of Reason, Today at 6:08 PM