Global Werewolf - Day 1

Discussion in 'Werewolf: The forum game' started by The Globe, Apr 27, 2020.


Day 1 Lynching

  1. Athens

    1 vote(s)
  2. Berlin

    0 vote(s)
  3. Cancun

    0 vote(s)
  4. Denver

    0 vote(s)
  5. Elche

    0 vote(s)
  6. Fes

    0 vote(s)
  7. Helsinki

    11 vote(s)
  8. Istanbul

    0 vote(s)
  9. Jeddah

    0 vote(s)
  10. Krakow

    10 vote(s)
  11. London

    0 vote(s)
  12. Moscow

    0 vote(s)
  13. Nairobi

    0 vote(s)
  14. Oslo

    1 vote(s)
  15. Prague

    0 vote(s)
  16. Quito

    0 vote(s)
  17. Rio

    0 vote(s)
  18. Santiago

    0 vote(s)
  19. Tokyo

    0 vote(s)
  20. Venice

    0 vote(s)
  21. Zagreb

    0 vote(s)
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  1. Santiago

    Santiago Academy Graduate

    Buenas tardes .

    This is quite literally said every game , you can't learn much from either message .
  2. Prague

    Prague Academy Graduate

    As ever, first day has next to nothing to go on.

    Alas, what a redundant day to be mayor.

    Agreed with Moscow though. Unsure as to the benefit of sticking a French sentence in there. What French speaking cities do we have amongst us?
  3. Zagreb

    Zagreb Academy Graduate

    Message 1 - straight to the point.
    Message 2 - straight to the point and say good morning.

    The French bit at the end may be a signal by the seer that this will be their style, we will wait for tomorrow; but it could be something thrown in by the wolf to make us think!
  4. Krakow

    Krakow Academy Graduate

    And the second message isn't clear and to the point?

    If I'm lynched then the Seer needs to look at Oslo or Moscow tomorrow.
  5. Helsinki

    Helsinki Academy Graduate

    Hei globe

    Not ideal being named on day 1. Obv I know I am good but Wolf would not know that anyway. No reason to suspect Krakow more than anyone else. I know that does not help.
  6. Oslo

    Oslo Academy Graduate

    Odds would suggest Krakow and Helsinki are both good , although why Krakow is going after me for suggesting 1st message is more likely to be the seer I dont know,unless of course a nerve has been touched.
    He has piqued my interest.
  7. Helsinki

    Helsinki Academy Graduate

    Sorry if someone said before but the French bit translates as:

    On the way to new adventures, dear friends.
  8. Krakow

    Krakow Academy Graduate

    You've changed your tune now.
  9. Istanbul

    Istanbul Academy Graduate

    Or we could speak the language of academia, entertainment and sport. ie English
  10. Oslo

    Oslo Academy Graduate

    Not at all, I have stated that it's likely first message is likely the seer due to prompt first post especially after last game. I have in no way called you as evil, however when you had a pop at me, I found that of interest.
  11. Istanbul

    Istanbul Academy Graduate

    As usual day 1 is a lottery with nothing to go on.
  12. Jeddah

    Jeddah Academy Graduate

    So, when do we all turn on each other?
  13. Oslo

    Oslo Academy Graduate

    Have we any quiet non posters?
  14. London

    London Academy Graduate

    Why not also Rio or Quito if you're naming who recckons message 1 is the seer?
  15. Helsinki

    Helsinki Academy Graduate

    Has only Athens not posted so far? Early still.
  16. Quito

    Quito Academy Graduate

    All I've said today was good morning? Think you've got me mixed up with someone else.
  17. Berlin

    Berlin Academy Graduate

    I'd have said the probability of them both being good is quite high. One is definitely good. One is highly probable to be good unless the wolf got very unlucky.

    Krakow has gone really unnecessarily defensive though.
  18. Istanbul

    Istanbul Academy Graduate

    I guess well have to vote guided on our holiday preference for a weekend city break.

    Which means things arent looking good for London, unless people think getting the train into Euston counts as a city break.
  19. Krakow

    Krakow Academy Graduate

    Why? Because I point out 2 people are pushing message 1 being from the Seer, when we can't possibly know?
  20. Krakow

    Krakow Academy Graduate

    Why not you seeing as you're naming them?
  21. Elche

    Elche Academy Graduate

    Not uncommon but doubt you can read anything into either message at the moment.

    Day 1 is always a bit boring with any non-posters in the firing line as they've usually forgotten the game started and were due to be killed off anyway by the moderator.
  22. Krakow

    Krakow Academy Graduate

    I'm trying my best to make it interesting.

    Second message is the Seer, more information so hidden clues.

    Last couple of games the Wolf has posted first and confusion reigned supreme, first message is the wolf (not saying Helsinki is evil) - Wolf has posted first, kept it brief as he doesn't know the Seer's style yet. Rules don't say the Seer has to post first.

    Now forgive me won't be back til later as I've got to get 2 punctures replaced.
  23. London

    London Academy Graduate

    You liked Rio's post 24 saying they reckon message 2 is the wolf.
  24. Moscow

    Moscow Academy Graduate

    There's a French speaking city in the game. My assumption is that maybe the wolf is trying to pretend to be that city. Or am I over complicating things?
  25. Venice

    Venice Academy Graduate

    Day 1 is so difficult. Two early messages which is always good to see. I'm wary of anybody mentioning odds of getting good compared to odds of getting evil. Last game the seer picked the tinker on day 1.
  26. Oslo

    Oslo Academy Graduate

    This is exactly why I think the Seer has made a point of being prompt.
    I may be wrong.
    The additional info in 2nd message designed to cause confusion (seemsto be working).
    I say again Odds suggest both Krakow and Helsinki are good.
    However Krakow the way you are reacting is a bit suspicious.
  27. London

    London Academy Graduate

    Can still get booze though, can't do that in Jeddah!
    Istanbul likes this.
  28. Oslo

    Oslo Academy Graduate

    That's very true , however that was very unlucky, we have little to go on day one, thus stats,percentages etc imo are valid.
    To use logic we need data, on day one we dont have much of that.
  29. Athens

    Athens Academy Graduate


    My apologies, an incredibly busy start to the day, Microsoft Teams and Zooms calls left, right and centre.

    Done for the day now it seems.

    As for the messages, nobody can really add much at these early stages, it's going to be a punt.

    I do agree that the French bit is a weird and probably there to cause confusion. Could just as easily be an inexperienced Seer trying to be too clever.
  30. Prague

    Prague Academy Graduate

    Or alternatively - inadvertently being stupid! :p
  31. Cancun

    Cancun Academy Graduate

    Who else has alerted their cities defences? No more American immigrants will be allowed into Cancun. I may have to build a wall.

    Nothing useful to go on today, has everyone posted?
  32. Oslo

    Oslo Academy Graduate

    That made me laugh and yes they have.
  33. Tokyo

    Tokyo Academy Graduate

    I agree with those saying there’s not much to read into first day messages. It’s so early both named are probably good. The French bit looks like a pointless distraction.
  34. Helsinki

    Helsinki Academy Graduate

    You say that as if it is a fact but it is not.

    The wolf may have called you good and that is as likely as them calling me good in the other message.
  35. Denver

    Denver Academy Graduate

    Just catching up over lunch, washed down with a lovely cup of Dettol. Looks like some Cities on here are starting to turn on each other already. On Day 1 it’s much too soon to know which message is “fake news”. Both messages were in good time. On Day 1 the Seer may have wanted to get their message in first, to get the game going, or they may have wanted to go second so the Wolf couldn’t copy their style - either view makes sense. We can’t read anything into the style of either message yet. I would probably rather vote for an inactive player, rather than a named player - although the likelihood is still that we lose a good player, as the evil players will probably make sure they contribute enough so that they don’t get lynched for inaction.
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