We Will Call This The Friday Thread

Discussion in 'Taylor's Tittle-Tattle - General Banter' started by Birdydoug, Jan 26, 2007.

  1. Birdydoug

    Birdydoug The Flying Scotsman

    Hooray it's Friday, one more day and I get a rest from these boards.:)
  2. berkshirehorn

    berkshirehorn presumably I upset/disappointed someone

    Every day i sit at my desk and log on to the boards and stay logged on all day if i don't have meetings and stuff out of the office (and Admin doesn't log me off - why does he do that?). I dip in and out all day and it's a major distraction. If the boards went down for any reason my productivity would increase proportionately. But i feel connected to the club this way and wouldn't have it any other way.

    Friday, Friday ahhh. Bottle of wine between us at lunchtime, smooth and slightly blurred end to the working week and usually a game to look forward to.
  3. berkshirehorn

    berkshirehorn presumably I upset/disappointed someone

    ahhh the Rioja has just been opened. cheers.;D ;D

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