Summer Werewolf 2023 - Day Four

Discussion in 'Werewolf: The forum game' started by domthehornet, Jul 6, 2023.


Day Four Lynching

  1. Tony

  2. Happy

    0 vote(s)
  3. Cthulhu

  4. Norway

    0 vote(s)
  5. Cassetti's Beard

    0 vote(s)
  6. Sinatra

    0 vote(s)
  7. Garbelia

    0 vote(s)
  8. Steve harrow

    0 vote(s)
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  1. domthehornet

    domthehornet Moderator Staff Member

    "Alll byyyyyy myyyyyseeeeeelf" Steve wailed, clutching a half drunk bottle of whiskey staggering from wall to kerb just avoiding a lamp post that someone selfishly had left in the way.

    His fellow Masons had been ruthlessly cut down and he knew his time was coming. He had tried to procure a weapon to protect himself but knew it would only delay the inevitable. If he stuck to the streets, he had some sort of protection at least.

    He did not know how wrong he was.

    Steve Leo Beleck was jumped by a big wolf.

    Steve Leo Beleck was GOOD.


    Evil attacks evil. Body found in the morning. It was Harrow Orn


    Wolf attacked Opti and kills him.

    Opti was GOOD.



  2. tonycotonstache

    tonycotonstache Squad Player

    I'm still standing better than I ever did.
  3. Cthulhu

    Cthulhu Keyboard Warrior Staff Member

    Excellent evil has managed to kill their own ha!
  4. steve harrow

    steve harrow Reservist

    Right... Logic needed today. 8 left with presumably 3 bad.

    Thank goodness 1 evil finally down. That bloody Harrow Or who I called out yesterday. Traitor?
  5. Cassetti's Beard.

    Cassetti's Beard. Academy Graduate

    Bit of luck last night then, much needed by team good.

    I did call Harrow Orn out with that weird bold/underlined message.

    So we have two remaining wolves out of the 8
    1. Tony
    2. Happy
    3. Cthulhu
    4. Norway
    5. Cassetti's Beard
    6. Sinatra
    7. Garbelia
    8. Steve harrow
  6. Cthulhu

    Cthulhu Keyboard Warrior Staff Member

    So Harrow was evil
  7. Cthulhu

    Cthulhu Keyboard Warrior Staff Member

    No masons left is also a loss.
  8. Cthulhu

    Cthulhu Keyboard Warrior Staff Member

    We also need to address the elephant in the room of who is the actual seer?
  9. Norwayhornet

    Norwayhornet Squad Player

    Get in Now we have a chance ,I didnt have Harrow on my radar
  10. Cthulhu

    Cthulhu Keyboard Warrior Staff Member

    The loss of SLB was perhaps inevitable but was leading the village yesterday and we will miss that today.
    Opti was also obviously a very experienced and valuable player who played with logic. We need to review events of yesterday particularly I think their final bits of input and advice
  11. Norwayhornet

    Norwayhornet Squad Player

    I was convinced Moog was the traitor ,shows you how crap I am at this.
  12. tonycotonstache

    tonycotonstache Squad Player

    Assuming SLB was taken out by Alpha seeing as it says big wolf?
    Cthulhu likes this.
  13. Cthulhu

    Cthulhu Keyboard Warrior Staff Member

    Yes that makes sense absolutely
  14. Norwayhornet

    Norwayhornet Squad Player

    I would say your correct
  15. Cassetti's Beard.

    Cassetti's Beard. Academy Graduate

    Sounds about right, looks like Harrow Orn was then killed off by the beta wolf after attacking them, I think.
  16. Cthulhu

    Cthulhu Keyboard Warrior Staff Member

    If anyone has time a summary thus far would be useful. 1. Viewings so far 2. Anything confirmed as a start
  17. steve harrow

    steve harrow Reservist

    We may have 2 wolves and a traitor or 3 wolves. I'm inclined to think the latter.

    Need to look again at previous messages. There will be some logic in there that we have missed or has since become apparent.
  18. Cthulhu

    Cthulhu Keyboard Warrior Staff Member

    or potentially wolf beta or gamma have gone for traitor? If I’ve understood correctly. We should know tonight from number of attacks
  19. wfcSinatra

    wfcSinatra Predictor Choker 14/15

    Not even going to waste time to bother apologising, I just haven’t been able to find the time this week.

    Reading back yesterdays thread, I found the messages, maybe it’s hindsight but it’s quite clear to me which one reads like a Seer, how did it turn into Moog dying?!
  20. Cthulhu

    Cthulhu Keyboard Warrior Staff Member

    Not having Masons is going to make today very hard. They could have saved the day if we’d had 2 or 3
  21. Cthulhu

    Cthulhu Keyboard Warrior Staff Member

    He was named evil simple as that I think and most of us thought the first message style saying I’m the seer was the seer.
  22. tonycotonstache

    tonycotonstache Squad Player

    2 wolves left that already know each other but two nights ago two wolves went for the same target?

    Is that correct and how does that work out now?
  23. Norwayhornet

    Norwayhornet Squad Player

    Looking back Harrows posts and now knowing he was evil ,I think posts 60 and 61 are interesting
  24. steve harrow

    steve harrow Reservist

    Yeah on day 1 he named warehouse, opti and me. Then said kill Moog. I do think Harrow Orn was the traitor so knew full well all those were good. Gabriela liked both posts yesterday. Who else supported him and who else was he gunning for?

    Seer is so so important today. Alpha has had the upper hand so far and that really needs to change or its game over tonight.
    Norwayhornet likes this.
  25. tonycotonstache

    tonycotonstache Squad Player

    Yes. I know I'm done tonight so can only hope to get a decent bit of detective work today.

    Couple of very quiet people today to be aware of.
  26. tonycotonstache

    tonycotonstache Squad Player

    You've been left alone. Could actually work in our favour
  27. Cassetti's Beard.

    Cassetti's Beard. Academy Graduate

    This is a very suspicious comment to make.

    Far too early for the Seer to reveal themselves/give hints as to who they are, even if the Guardian protects them tonight it leaves them wide open tomorrow.
  28. Cthulhu

    Cthulhu Keyboard Warrior Staff Member

    I dont mean hints or revealing identity silly

    I mean do we think the first or second messages are from the seer.
  29. HappyHornet24

    HappyHornet24 Crapster Staff Member

    Morning all. RIP SLB and Opti. Good news, though, that evil at last self sabotaged. I owe Opti an apology but at least was right with my suspicions about Harrow. Still think a quiet player like Sinatra might be one of the “lower” wolves. Going to have a look back over all the messages, to try to work out which I think were from the Seer, because moog being good has thrown a spanner in the works. Also, do we think Harrow was a wolf or the traitor?
  30. HappyHornet24

    HappyHornet24 Crapster Staff Member

    Am I right in assuming we must have had a tinker then and it was either moog or ashdon?
  31. Cthulhu

    Cthulhu Keyboard Warrior Staff Member

    Morning Happy, yes it must be one of the 2 unless we have something else odd which seems unlikely.
  32. HappyHornet24

    HappyHornet24 Crapster Staff Member

    So, to summarise the messages:
    Set 1: Claimed to view SLB as “good”, Tom as “good” and Moog as “evil”
    Set 2: Claimed to view Ashdon as “evil”, Skyla as “good” and Tony as “good”

    Basically, everyone who has allegedly been viewed has turned out to be good, including those apparently viewed as evil. The only unproven player is Tony, because we can’t be sure anymore which set of messages is which.
    Cthulhu likes this.
  33. steve harrow

    steve harrow Reservist

    I think it's fair to think at this point that the "code" messages are from one poster (who repeated their previous views and named Tony as good) and the "numbers" messages are from the other. All have since died as good apart from the aforementioned Tony.
    Unless it gives their identity away, is now the time for the seer to explain their system to help team good? Not much point having some cryptic message if no one else knows it until we are all dead.
  34. tonycotonstache

    tonycotonstache Squad Player

    I'm good. I was protected last night by someone who believed that. Trust that route.
  35. Norwayhornet

    Norwayhornet Squad Player

    How does he do that with out giving himself away ?
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