[RELEASED] Ozan Tufan

Discussion in 'The Transfer List' started by YellowKicks, Aug 16, 2021.

  1. Ybotcoombes

    Ybotcoombes Justworkedouthowtochange

    It’s the medical staff, assumed if he was too fat to play couldn’t get injured, if he didn’t get injured they couldn’t be blamed for him being absent for 6 months with a sprained toe
  2. lutonh8a

    lutonh8a Squad Player

    I am not sure it matters too much. Plenty of top players have high a BMI.
  3. Hogg-DEENEY!!!

    Hogg-DEENEY!!! Squad Player

    Akinfenwa's would be off the scale!
    Hairyfrog likes this.
  4. luke_golden

    luke_golden Space Cadet

    Lol imagine this guy trying to make it though a 46 game season.
  5. a19tgg

    a19tgg First Team

    Plenty don’t as well, being bulky isn’t really a necessary attribute for footballers, the ones that are are mostly outliers.

    Besides, it’s a moot point because we could all see with our eyes Tufan was a fat ****, so all the BMI figures do is confirm what anybody can see. It’s all very well dismissing BMI as not being accurate, but Is anyone saying that also saying Tufan wasn’t out of shape?
    Chumlax and Hogg-DEENEY!!! like this.
  6. Arakel

    Arakel First Team

    Struggling to imagine a 4.6 game season in all honesty.
  7. SerbianHornet

    SerbianHornet First Year Pro

    Hope this is true. He was one of the worst players I've ever seen, and probably the worst player I've seen in the Watford shirt.
  8. Knight GT

    Knight GT Predictor extraordinaire 2013/14

    Consider yourself very fortunate then!!
  9. SerbianHornet

    SerbianHornet First Year Pro

    Hahaahaha. Out of interest, who is the worst player you've seen put on a Watford shirt? I know there surely were worse players before I started watching (I've supported Watford since Jokanovic was appointed), and I'd like to hear an opinion from a more seasoned Watford fan :)
  10. I Blame Pozzo

    I Blame Pozzo First Team

    Trevor Senior takes some beating.
    Micky Quinn was abysmal but only on loan for four games.
    Kerry Dixon too,not least because where he had been.
  11. RS2

    RS2 Squad Player

    Liam Henderson. Genuinely looked like he'd won a competition to play.
    dynamo380, SerbianHornet and CYHSYF like this.
  12. onion8837

    onion8837 Reservist

    SerbianHornet likes this.
  13. WillisWasTheWorst

    WillisWasTheWorst Its making less grammar mistake's thats important

    Roger Willis. Natch.
  14. onion8837

    onion8837 Reservist

    Danny Hill only played one game - 0-4 defeat away at palace - was utterly utterly ****. I think i could have done better. But that was his one and only appearance so not sure it counts
    SerbianHornet likes this.
  15. tonycotonstache

    tonycotonstache Squad Player

    All time top 5 for me
    Dave Bamber
    Patrick Blondeau
    Ramon Vega
    Samba Diekite
    Alexander Merkel
  16. onion8837

    onion8837 Reservist

    Harsh on bamber
    cyaninternetdog likes this.
  17. Heidar

    Heidar Squad Player

    Danny Drinkwater was truly awful. He wasn't good at anything.
    Danny Rose wasn't much better (on loan and as a fattie)
    Matthew Briggs was ****ing dreadful
    Andros Townsend was sent back after a couple of awful performances

    All loans incidentally.

    Don't really want to have a go at youngsters...but I'll power through with Liam Henderson, Francino Francis and Dominic Blizzard.

    Some might say Devon White but he scored a brace on my Vicarage Road debut so he's forever a legend to me.

    Samba Diakite was the most baffling player. We all just waited for him to make a two-footed lunge for an early bath and he duly delivered against Boro.
    CYHSYF and SerbianHornet like this.
  18. onion8837

    onion8837 Reservist

    Moralee and andy kennedy
  19. Knight GT

    Knight GT Predictor extraordinaire 2013/14

    There have been some shockers but for those that have played a fair few games, Trevor Senior, Steve Butler, Keith Dublin, controversially Lloyd Doyley, Carlton Palmer to name but a few. Kerry Dixon tops the list for me. Ex scummer that caused a fight at Southend
    SerbianHornet likes this.
  20. I Blame Pozzo

    I Blame Pozzo First Team

    Moralee was a gormless lightweight sap it's true but he did score v ***** albeit I'm sure we lost?
    Kennedy is a fair call I think, although I've erased him from my memory to a large extent.
  21. I Blame Pozzo

    I Blame Pozzo First Team

    I used to quite enjoy asking Butler to " get that bleeding bus out".
    One for the teenagers.
    onion8837 likes this.
  22. a19tgg

    a19tgg First Team

    Honourable mention in the Pozzo era for Mario Suarez, much like Tufan he literally did nothing.
  23. Burnsy

    Burnsy First Team


    I don’t say this out of faux anger at the suggestion - and he was genuinely technically abysmal with the ball at his feet - but we haven’t had a better one-on-one defender since he left.

    He’s nowhere near the worst players the club have had.
  24. wfc4ever

    wfc4ever Administrator Staff Member

    I'd agree but think Knight GT has never been a fan.
    Knight GT likes this.
  25. The undeniable truth

    The undeniable truth First Team Captain

    Just waiting for him to outrun all our midfielders and score two worldies when we play them.
    Markoa$ and wfc4ever like this.
  26. Hairyfrog

    Hairyfrog Squad Player

    Steve Kabba.
  27. Since63

    Since63 Squad Player

    Albert McLenaghan. Fell over trying to take a throw-in.
  28. onion8837

    onion8837 Reservist

    He did - lost 2-4 at home
  29. AndrewH63

    AndrewH63 Reservist

    Strange player, when he played that league cup game, I thought he showed the technical skills that would (once integrated into the squad and acclimatised to the Premier League), to be an asset. Sadly turned into a joke signing.

    ps Not a player I rated, but to put Jurado alongside Steve Kabba is very unfair. He played his part in a successful Premier League season.
  30. Steve Leo Beleck

    Steve Leo Beleck Squad Player

    So many from the Pozzo era but don't think anyone can surpass Obbi Oulare. £6m fee for someone that has achieved absolutely nothing in the game.
  31. I Blame Pozzo

    I Blame Pozzo First Team

    Yes, quite a good goal I think?
    Memorable for its rarity!
    I always liked his name!
  32. UEA_Hornet

    UEA_Hornet First Team Captain

    One absolutely iconic jump though. That's got to be worth a couple of mil.
  33. Carpster

    Carpster Squad Player

    I remember my Dad saying that. I believe I was too young to remember that even if I was there. I don't believe he made another appearance.
  34. Burnsy

    Burnsy First Team

    Loan fees.
  35. Knight GT

    Knight GT Predictor extraordinaire 2013/14

    Just never was a fan of a pro footballer who shanked their ball in to touch so often. Probably a little harsh to put him in this list. Replace with Paul Mayo

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