Mens fertility drops by over half

Discussion in 'Taylor's Tittle-Tattle - General Banter' started by zztop, Jul 27, 2017.

  1. zztop

    zztop Eurovision Winner 2015

    Quite worrying for humanity, the effects of pollution etc, or perhaps a natural check against the booming population growth?

    But don't worry, just because we relative oldies were more potent/virile than you youngsters are, it doesn't mean that we'll be sniffing around your women!

    Joking aside, the cause isn't even known for sure - it could be serious.
  2. Guy

    Guy Squad Player

    World population got massively out of control, a natural birth control not a bad thing in my book
  3. Godfather

    Godfather bricklayer extraordinaire

    Brexit obviously
    PowerJugs likes this.
  4. oxhey67

    oxhey67 Squad Player

    But only in Western men?!? Thank God I live and love in the South East!! :D
  5. KelsoOrn

    KelsoOrn Squad Player

    I believe the most likely cause is that 'female' hormones are 'leaking' into the environment (especially our water) from such diverse sources as agricultural chemicals and medications and 'watering down' us lots natural inclination to kick five barrels of sh*t out of each other, impregnate anything in a skirt that shows vague signs of moving( especially after we've had a few beers (but not too many)) and pursue personal missions to father an entire planet.

    The jury is still out on whether this development might actually have a few beneficial side benefits or not.
  6. Diamond

    Diamond First Team

    I believe if a species becomes harmful to the environment then planet Earth can work out a way to remove that species. I believe brexit was the last straw.
  7. Pob

    Pob Reservist

    Thank God, I'm struggling to cope with my 2 young ones let alone more.

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