Guards of Honor

Discussion in 'General Football & Other Sport' started by Shakespearo, Apr 28, 2013.

  1. Shakespearo

    Shakespearo Reservist

    How long has this "tradition" been going on?What a crock of pooh. How degrading for one team to recognise their opponents being Champions before the match has even been played. After the match, fine, but not before.

    However, I would like to see teams which are already relagated lick the boots of their opponents if the other side are mathematically safe.
  2. CarlosKickaballs

    CarlosKickaballs Forum Picarso

    Is it compulsory? Whilst the rest of my team mates would be kissing arse I'd be off handing out flares to five year olds.
  3. wfc4ever

    wfc4ever Administrator Staff Member

    They say its about respect - well the players will soon be kicking each other straight after the kick-off!

    I am sure Arsenal would be quite gracious if they wanted to be.
  4. Smudger

    Smudger Messi's Mad Coach Staff Member

    It's nice to see sportsmanship and some civility Shakespearo. After that the pleasantries are over and done with all that can be forgotten in the heat of battle.

    By the way it's honour. This is Great Britain still not the US of A. ;)

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