Arthur, Arthur, Arthur!

Discussion in 'Taylor's Tittle-Tattle - General Banter' started by Arthur daley's fairy god mother!, Jan 24, 2007.

  1. It's Fairy Godmummy dear, I would like to inform you that as you have not been well behaved this year, when the new Stone Island Range is out in the shop i will not be taking you down there to get it, nor will i be ordering you any as it is already out on the website!

    Arthur, I also noticed last night you didn't take any of your stone island coats out with you when you left for black burn last night, honestly arthur, after Fairy Godmummy went and spent all that money in the shop!
  2. Chewitt

    Chewitt Forum Extraordinaire

    lol o dear.
  3. crazylegz' back again

    crazylegz' back again First Year Pro

    sort it out, she'll kill us all
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2007
  4. Your not very nice Ivam, I am only telling off my only Grandson for not wearing one of his £400 coats yesterday!
  5. My advice to you is to watch your tongue laddy! In my day the younguns wouldn't talk like that to elderly women like myself, remember i can cast spells!
  6. smell a mod /admin rat here. adfgm first day here with 315 posts!!
  7. Defunct

    Defunct First Team

    Just a reminder that if you have enough 'Orns a name change is available via VPlaza menu above.
  8. and the join date changes as well!!
  9. Arthur Daley

    Arthur Daley Guest

    yes admin thats true.

    but your very own records say

    vbplaza menu
    name change

    this item does not have any vb plaza history recorded yet.;D;D

    so the ad off spring was made with controls not available to users.;D;D;D.

    like 315 posts on day 1;D;D;D;D;D;D
  10. Defunct

    Defunct First Team

    AD, there are tricks to this software that I don't know of yet, not that I'm saying that's what's happening with this user. All I can tell you is that neither me or the mods are using this username, I give you my word, neither do we have any reason to wind you up.

    I was merely suggesting that a name could have been changed, it's possible, but unlike you I never looked into it any further. I've looked into IP addresses and none match, plus the e-mail to register with was genuine and not a hotmail or gmail type etc.
  11. fan

    fan slow toaster

    maybe this is an attempt by jobr to get back on the boards. i wouldn't put moving house and getting a new ip address past him!
  12. Defunct

    Defunct First Team

    All IP's are unique on this user, and they aren't of the anonymous variety, they actually check out to the ISP that the e-mail adress came from, and as already mentioned, it's not a fakeable one.
  13. Arthur Daley

    Arthur Daley Guest

    will all new starters begin with 300 free new posts.;D;D

    it does seem unfair, on the others who start with 0 and work their way up.

    would you agree with that mate??

    ps,, can i have my missing 300 posts now please:rolleyes:
  14. afanof

    afanof First Team

    You might have more luck if you ask your Fairy Godmother for them. ;D

    I am rubbish at figuring out who is who. I still haven't worked out Oliver Phillips and it really bugs me! ???
  15. Arthur Daley

    Arthur Daley Guest

    i want my posts.. and you too should have them:cool:
  16. Arthur Daley

    Arthur Daley Guest

    take you over 1000:cool::cool:

    the rules apply to us all right;D
  17. afanof

    afanof First Team

    No thanks, I don't want them. Over 1000 posts would mean confirmation that I'm a sad loser!;)
  18. Arthur Daley

    Arthur Daley Guest

    well on the way then;D;D
  19. albangura9

    albangura9 Squad Player

    no confirmation needed ;D
  20. Arthur Daley

    Arthur Daley Guest

  21. Arthur my dear, I really want to buy you one of them Stoney Island jumpers you like, what size are you? Which colour do you want?
  22. albangura9

    albangura9 Squad Player

    I think he told me he wanted pink...
  23. Arthur Daley

    Arthur Daley Guest

  24. Birdydoug

    Birdydoug The Flying Scotsman

    AD, any idea who the Troll is ? See you in Manchester.
  25. Arthur Daley

    Arthur Daley Guest

    Birdy I Will Pm U Within A Few Mins Mate
  26. removed

    removed Guest

    oh deer
  27. Arthur Daley

    Arthur Daley Guest

    Oh DeEr What??
  28. Arthur my dear, you need to be careful up in Manchester. Make sure you stay away from them northerners, with their funny accents and awful appearences, do not drink to much dear!

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