Anybody who seriously believes...

Discussion in 'The Hornets' Nest - Watford Chat' started by Necrobutcher, Jun 6, 2009.

  1. Necrobutcher

    Necrobutcher Reservist

    ...that Elton John and Graham Taylor would have Dennis *****ing Wise anywhere near Watford Football Club...

    ...needs their *****ing head tested.

    That will be all.
  2. hornmeister

    hornmeister Tired

    What he said.

  3. Defunct

    Defunct First Team

    What the Russo's want they will get.
  4. With A Smile

    With A Smile First Team

    they wanted rodgers to stay, but lost that one

    They wanted Simpson to sell his shares to them and lost that one

    They wanted to be open and honest with the fans

    They Wanted Betty out a year earlier, ok they were right, but lost that one

    Their track record doesn't back up what they acctually want
  5. PaddingtonsYellowArmy

    PaddingtonsYellowArmy First Team Captain

    they don't really know what they want - they keep asking EJ and GT - a bit like BR and JM is it not?

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