Andy Gray on BT Sport

Discussion in 'General Football & Other Sport' started by Diamond, Feb 16, 2014.

  1. Diamond

    Diamond First Team

    Yes I know his feminist views are firmly stuck in the 70's and he cheated us out of the 1984 FA Cup, (despite the fact we didn't score and wouldn't have if we were still playing now), but I watched the Arsenal v Liverpool match on BT Sport today and I have to say he's a breath of fresh air. I know Michael Owen is an AWFUL commentator but I've been putting up with him and even getting used to the boring Gary Neville on Sky. However, after hearing Gray commentate today on the match he just blows the others away completely.

    Dump Owen for good, get rid of the bore that is Neville and please don't let that scouse t**t Carragher near a studio again. Andy Gray makes football watchable again.
  2. Vicarage Road

    Vicarage Road Reservist

    I was there in '84. He cheated that day and got away with it.

    I hate the ****. Always will.
  3. Diamond

    Diamond First Team

    Easy to blame Gray when we didn't turn up.
  4. zztop

    zztop Eurovision Winner 2015

    I don't like him, but he's good, IMO.
  5. TheDon

    TheDon First Team

    I think Gary Neville and Carragher are quite good tbh. Agree about Michael Owen though, has no personality and it's like listening to an episode of Thomas the Tank Engine
  6. jon_e_lee

    jon_e_lee Old Git!

    That is an insult to Thomas the Tank Engine!
  7. PhilippineOrn

    PhilippineOrn First Team

    Seems you're not alone:
  8. HappyHornet24

    HappyHornet24 Crapster Staff Member

    100% agree with this.
  9. HappyHornet24

    HappyHornet24 Crapster Staff Member

  10. Vicarage Road

    Vicarage Road Reservist

    If that goal was disallowed, which it should have been, the score would have remained 1-0. With the game being at that score, anything could of happened. That second goal killed us off. Both teams played 5h1te that day. It was a 5h1te game, Everton just got lucky. Great day though.

    Andy Gray is still a ****
  11. reids

    reids First Team

    Agreed, I always call Owen the dalek, cos by the end of the match he sounds like a dalek.
  12. Estuary Hornet

    Estuary Hornet Reservist

    However despicable he is as a human being, you do have to say that he is a brilliant commentator. However nice Michael Owen and Clark Carlise are as people they are boring commentators IMO. And on that basis Joey Barton should make a great commentator when he retires!
  13. J.B

    J.B First Team

    He's a dinosaur both when talking about football and when not and his tongue is perenially up Gerrard's arse. Yesterday he exhibited just how out of touch he is with the modern game when he claimed that any contact in the area warrants a penalty.

    Football coverage and analysis has moved on with people like Neville and Ed Chamberlain who provide no thrills decent and insightful punditry and realise people are tuning in to watch a game of football, not them.

    Leave ''Keysey and Graysy'' back in the dark ages where they belong.
  14. The Voice of Reason

    The Voice of Reason First Team Captain

    We could do with Alec to translate when Carragher is commentating and Neville is just plain boring :yawn1:
  15. Douglas Rinaldi

    Douglas Rinaldi Reservist

    Andy Gray rode the back of Martin Tyler, and the excellent Sky coverage, for years.

    Gary Neville is a good balance between "passion" and intellect. He's a breath of fresh air compared to most of the BBC old boys, who have been dragging UK football coverage back into the dark ages for as long as I can remember. And I say this as someone who hated Neville as a footballer.
  16. nascot

    nascot First Team

    He's a farking awful mouthpeice who belongs in the past.
  17. Smudger

    Smudger Messi's Mad Coach Staff Member

    He is indeed. His knowledge of the game outside of the PL as with most pundits and often most execrably on display during international tournaments is minimal. He is also a huge winker along with the hairy handed halfwit.

    I'd rather listen to Sid Lowe or Tim Vickery. And I do hope the BBC which have assembled a collection of clowns once again for Brazil have the decency to employ them this summer.

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