[RELEASED] Troy Deeney

Discussion in 'The Transfer List' started by Hogg-DEENEY!!!, Aug 2, 2020.

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  1. Rambo

    Rambo Academy Graduate

    Any player could have made off the cuff remark in respect of how long the new boss will survive ,which twinned with the the training has been hard, as been combined to make a headline story.
    wfc4ever likes this.
  2. Moose

    Moose First Team Captain

    The Deeney stories aren’t leaked, they are interviews and the Mail one is bs.

    I think it’s time for Troy to go, but there’s little wrong in the interview. Football is a confidence game and if he wants to play in the Premier League there is no point him saying he doubts he is good enough. He was clear that if he stays he’ll work to get us up. Lots of us want him to leave so what’s the problem with him trying to sell himself?
    dynamo380 likes this.
  3. Ainzrocker

    Ainzrocker First Year Pro

    Ha. Deeney's stats suggest he was one of the most wasteful strikers in the league last year!

    His NPxG was 7 and he scored 5 from open play. So he scored 2 goals fewer than you would have expected him to based on the chances created for him.

    Meanwhile, there are plenty of strikers in the clubs scrapping at the bottom last season that are at least matching their goals to NPxG if not beating it (scoring goals that they've created themselves).

    Trezeguet, Pukki, Antonio, Maupay, Wilson, Haller all scored more than Deeney from open play and had a better ratio of goals to NPxG (so are less wasteful). Harry Wilson, Gray, Douglas Luiz, Yarmolenko, Staninslac, Drnic and Trossard all scored fewer but still as many as expected based on the chances in front of them (again less wasteful).

    If Deeney was pulling his weight (no pun intended) he should have brought in 8 or 9 last year from open play all things considered. If he'd done that then he might have a point (but then we might have stayed up so he wouldn't need to justify himself). Maybe check you can back up your own performance before digging out your teammates Troy.
  4. wfc4ever

    wfc4ever Administrator Staff Member

    And ofcourse given our reptuation the Mail have decided it must mean they want the manager sacked.

    Any other club and as you say it would have just been seen as a couple of disgruntled players complaining the new guy makes them works harder and isn't their best mate.

    What if we did start badly....including losing to them lot!!?
  5. Rambo

    Rambo Academy Graduate

    Lots want him to leave , lots want him to stay, can we gave a poll to gauge the percentage.?
  6. scummybear

    scummybear Reservist

    I think you've misunderstood. They sit down and have a formal interview, the published one, the interview ends and the journalist casually asks "So, how's the new manager getting on?". What follows is an off-the-record story from an unguarded comment.
  7. scummybear

    scummybear Reservist

    Which other players regularly talk to national journalists?
  8. simpleMASH

    simpleMASH Reservist

    **** sake we’re going to stuck paying his ridiculous wages all year. Serves us right for being stupid enough to give it to him.

    The real tragedy is that if we need to save on wages and can’t offload Troy, then we’re forced to ship out another player on big money who will almost certainly be much better value.
    Moosegasm, Jumbolina and wfcmoog like this.
  9. Moosegasm

    Moosegasm Reservist

    Cant we just give the fat gobshyte to Birmingham?
    iamofwfc likes this.
  10. folkestone orn

    folkestone orn Squad Player

    Well, considering he said similar things after the Arsenal game and that the S*n's quoting him, it seems pretty accurate.
  11. wfcmoog

    wfcmoog Tinpot

    Please....we can't lose Gray!
  12. folkestone orn

    folkestone orn Squad Player

  13. folkestone orn

    folkestone orn Squad Player

    I've been on the fence for a while. As it stands, we have bought Murray in as an experienced '****-house' striker, who scores penalties. If we can get that lad in from Swansea, who looks like captain material, it's a no-brainer.

    Also, he's out of contract next summer- no way he should get another one. We need to get used to life without him.
    Otter likes this.
  14. El distraído

    El distraído Johnny Foreigner

    Get rid. He's been a magnificent servant to the club but his loss of pace and his lack of agility in front of goal has been holding us back for years now.

    Now is the time to move on.
  15. Moose

    Moose First Team Captain

    But you don’t know that and the story is backed up with f all squared.

    Graham Taylor regularly dismissed such feeble reporting as ‘tittle tattle’. We should ignore it. Don’t let the Mail set the agenda.
  16. scummybear

    scummybear Reservist

    Of course I don't know that, like everything written in this thread - none of it is for sure. But it's hardly a big leap to make, is it? When we had other hard-training coaches, Mazzari and Sannino for example, similar stories came out so if the stories do have some foundation then I also think it's not a big leap to assume the source is the same.
    iamofwfc and Otter like this.
  17. The undeniable truth

    The undeniable truth First Team Captain

    I'm sure we would if they'd be prepared to pay his wages.
    Moosegasm likes this.
  18. Moosegasm

    Moosegasm Reservist

    We must've paid him over £700k per goal from open play since he got his new contract
    iamofwfc likes this.
  19. IRB

    IRB THe artist formally know as ImRonBurgundy?

    The turd that just won't flush
    Moosegasm, NathWFC, Bubble and 2 others like this.
  20. folkestone orn

    folkestone orn Squad Player

    This poll may well dispel the myth of the happy-clapper
  21. Hogg-DEENEY!!!

    Hogg-DEENEY!!! Squad Player

    Even the 'happy-clappers' are like 'thanks for the memories Troy, but it's time to go'
    folkestone orn and Ainzrocker like this.
  22. folkestone orn

    folkestone orn Squad Player

    93% can take or leave him. Pretty damning stuff
  23. King Dev

    King Dev Squad Player

    Laughed out loud
  24. Ainzrocker

    Ainzrocker First Year Pro

    Oh the irony if the only club willing to take Deeney after Wilson and Waktins deals collapsed was a desperate and panic-struck Villa.
    Moosegasm and cyaninternetdog like this.
  25. NathWFC

    NathWFC First Team

    I honestly hate him as much as it's possible to hate a footballer.
  26. magyarorszag

    magyarorszag Squad Player

    Why is he talking to the sun of all places? snake

    edit: he allowed a sun reporter to come to a gym session with him
    folkestone orn likes this.
  27. wfc4ever

    wfc4ever Administrator Staff Member

    Has he personally done something to you?

    Sure he hasn't had a great season but worse players to hate than a bloke who had done so much for the club.
  28. HappyHornet24

    HappyHornet24 Crapster Staff Member

    Hate is a very strong word to use. Football in general doesn’t seem to add anything positive to your life, or do much for your blood pressure.
  29. NemoNemo

    NemoNemo Reservist

    He wants to carry on playing at the highest level because for obvious reasons; the money is better and he hasn’t got long left before his playing career is over. He will also be in the media more in the Premier League which will aid his move into becoming a pundit.

    However the way he is going about it and if what the quotes are true, he needs a reality check. He was a decent striker back in the day but he really is just bang average at that level and at times can be a passenger. He makes out like he’s 1 of the top strikers in the country when actually he would be better suited to us in the championship and helping us get back to the PL. No matter who he is or what he has done for Watford if he wants out, get him out at all costs as with all the other strays.
  30. Rambo

    Rambo Academy Graduate

    i totally agree with you , but the press will only pick out the juicy parts of any interview , he probably is only a championship grade player on the pitch but is perceived higher by the press possible by his status at WFC and is honest talking.
    If he is surplus to requirements why don't WFC be transparent and transfer list him, as we now have a replacement center forward who cannot score from open-play but can from the penalty spot and a unfit 36 year old impact sub.
  31. Teide1

    Teide1 Squad Player

    No one is making him stay, it’s just that he wants to go on his terms, which don’t suit other clubs!

    Troy either stay with us, the club that have made you a mult-millionaire and set you up for life or go and sign for another club at a probable less wage! Don’t spout off about how good you are!
  32. Rambo

    Rambo Academy Graduate

    Surely is remaining contract is making him stay
    If he is given a free transfer than this would offset his wage demands/ requirements , surely Watford have had they moneys worth out of the last 10 years.
    can anybody remember the last time any other Watford player was in the national press, they always say "any news is good news" and Troy to 99% of the population is Watford.
  33. Otter

    Otter Gambling industry insider

    Very strong words. Have you not forgotten his contribution to the club over the last 10 years?

    Most of us recognise that it is time for him to move on, it's clear he doesn't fit in with Ivic's style and he's past his best playing days. I don't think the "come and get me" plea is the worst thing either, maybe he too recognises that he isn't going to be part of this season's plans and if he wants another season or two in the top flight, it isn't going to be with us. He's never made a secret of his desire to go into media after his playing days are finished and generally other than the odd outburst he been OK at it, there have been far ex-footballers on TV.
  34. Moosegasm

    Moosegasm Reservist

    Deeney the player would be very useful in the Championship, the problem is his attitude at the club. He thinks he's Mr Watford, that he's a great leader and that he's bigger/more important than the other players and the manager.

    This was bad enough when the team had its underperforming mercenaries last season and contributed to our relegation.
    But if Troy stays at the club the risk to the new team identity and collective spirit Vlad is building is huge. This group of highly talented young players need to bond and grow together as a unit with a captain that believes the club is more important than him, not the other way round. Cleverley is a good option as is Cathcart. Both humble, committed professionals who respect the club. Grimes would also be a fantastic option.
    It's not Deeney's football ability that would be the problem, it's his narcissistic bull in a china shop personality. Anyone who doesn't think Troy is a narcissist should read his comments in the media this week.

    If he moved to a West Brom, a Villa, a Leeds or a Sheff Utd he could offer a lot as a cheaply aquired experienced pro and as a newbie he wouldnt be a problem in the dressing room.

    For us he would be a threat to the whole Ivic project as the false rumours about the squad in the Mail highlighted. Troy has to go for our new team to gel and develop as effectively as possible. We have to have better leadership and a collective team identity. We need the opposite of what we had last season. The personality, attitude and dynamism of the new team was plain for all to see on Saturday. We must continue in that vein.
    scummybear likes this.
  35. Moosegasm

    Moosegasm Reservist

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