Your 10 Favourite Ever Movies.

Discussion in 'Taylor's Tittle-Tattle - General Banter' started by The undeniable truth, Jun 21, 2024.

  1. The undeniable truth

    The undeniable truth First Team Captain

    Roughly in order of preference;

    Life of Brian
    The Bourne identity
    A Fish called wanda
    Blood Diamond
    Pulp Fiction
    Saving private Ryan
    Die hard
    Raiders of the Lost ark
    Shawshank Redemption
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2024
    SkylaRose likes this.
  2. wfcmoog

    wfcmoog Tinpot

    Fast and the Furious
    Fast and the Furious 2
    Fast and the Furious 3
    Fast and the Fuious 4
    Fast and the Furious Tokyo Drift.
  3. Knight GT

    Knight GT Predictor extraordinaire 2013/14

    Shawshank Redemption
    An American Werewolf in London
    Ferris Buellers Day Off
    Animal House
    Blazing Saddles
    SkylaRose likes this.
  4. Keighley

    Keighley First Team

    I can't stand A Fish Called Wanda. I watched it when living in the US and it seemed just to be about taking the piss out of the Brits.
  5. Keighley

    Keighley First Team

    Carry on Henry
    Carry on Cleo
    Carry on Up the Khyber
    Carry on Don't Lose Your Head
    The Remains of the Day.
    SkylaRose likes this.
  6. The undeniable truth

    The undeniable truth First Team Captain

    Yeah I mean't to change the thread title to say "10"....:oops:
  7. wfcmoog

    wfcmoog Tinpot

    True Lies
    Last Action Hero
    Kintergarten Cop
  8. wfcmoog

    wfcmoog Tinpot

    Star Wars Episode 1 - The Phantom Dennis the Menace
    Star Wars Episode 2 - Citizens on Patrol
    Star Wars Episode 3 - Catching Fire
    Star Wars Episode 4 - A New Moon
    Star Wars Episode 5 - Electric Boogaloo
    Star Wars Episode 6 - The Quickening
    Star Wars Episode 7 - The Squeekquel
    Star Wars Episode 8 - Rise of the Dark of The Machines on the Moon
    Star Wars Episode 9 - Chuckie's Revenge
    Star Wars Episode 11 - Dead and Lovin' It
    HappyHornet24 and Keighley like this.
  9. Carpster

    Carpster Squad Player

    Shawshank Redemption
    One flew over the cuckoo's nest
    The Usual Suspects
    Shaun of the dead
    No country for old men
    Reservoir dogs
    Saving Private Ryan
    But I've been watching Guardians of the galaxy movies with the grandchildren and I absolutely love them all. The only reason they're not on is because I've not seen any at the cinema.
    HHHornet, Jossy, hornmeister and 3 others like this.
  10. a19tgg

    a19tgg First Team

    Inglorious Basterds
    The Big Short
    Catch me if you can
    Back to the future
    Society of the snow
    Cast away

    That is just off the top of my head, but I always find this a very hard question to answer.
    HHHornet, Jossy and SkylaRose like this.
  11. SkylaRose

    SkylaRose Administrator Staff Member

    Breakfast Club
    Goodwill Hunting
    Space Balls
    Terminator 2 - Judgement Day
    Addams Family Values
    Batman (1989) Keaton and Nicholson
    Jurassic Park
    Mike Bassett England Manager
    One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
  12. The Voice of Reason

    The Voice of Reason First Team Captain

    The Man Who Would be King
    OldTraff78 and Bwood_Horn like this.
  13. wfcwarehouse

    wfcwarehouse First Team Captain

    Breakfast Club
    Donnie Darko
    Hot Fuzz
    Spike Island
    Green Mile
    Casino Royale

    Just a random selection but a difficult question to answer, will change frequently.
  14. a19tgg

    a19tgg First Team

    Spike Island, I’d forgotten about that but would be in amongst mine as well.
    wfcwarehouse likes this.
  15. Clive_ofthe_Kremlin

    Clive_ofthe_Kremlin Squad Player

    Abre los Ojos (not the Hollywood remake)

    District 9

    Pan's Labyrinth

    El Brigadista

    Soy Cuba (a masterpiece loved by scorsese. Check the funeral scene. Filmed by a comrade attached to a cable by a vest with hooks on it and hauled along! Yowsa! )

    Terminator and Terminator 2 when they first came out at the cinema.

    Dark Star - brilliant. A philosophical argument with a talking bomb. Love it.

    Bad Taste - Peter Jackson's directorial debut and by far his best imo. Jaw dropping.

    Dumbo - Saw this at the cinema aged about 5. Aw man the part where they take his mum away and she's waving her trunk out of the bars of the prison van and a big tear rolls down Dumbo's cheek. Heartbreaking. When you're 5 anyway. Just as well they gave him psychedelic class A drugs where he had violent multicolour hallucinations and even thought he could fly.
    Sahorn, wfcmoog and SkylaRose like this.
  16. Ilkley

    Ilkley Formerly known as An Ilkley Orn Baht 'at

    Saving Private Ryan
    Twelve Angry Men
    Terminator 2
    Falling Down
    Monty Python and the Holy Grail
    High Plains Drifter
    Silence of the Lambs
    The French Connection
    Jossy and Clive_ofthe_Kremlin like this.
  17. Hornpete

    Hornpete Squad Player

    City of God
    IP Man
    Flying Swords of Dragon Gate
    The Big Lebowski
    Pulp Fiction
    Donnie Darko
    A Fistful of Dollars
    Kung Fu Hustle
    Mulan (2020)
  18. The Voice of Reason

    The Voice of Reason First Team Captain

    In no particular order: -

    The Magnificent Seven
    She Wore a Yellow Ribbon
    The Man Who would be King
    Mean Machine (the original)
    The Great Escape
    One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest
    Gone with the Wind
    The Godfather
    Dirty Harry...

    There are many other good films, but that will do for now!!!
  19. Jersey Hornet72

    Jersey Hornet72 Academy Graduate

    Operation Daybreak
    Picnic at Hanging Rock
    Saving Private Ryan
    Empire of the Sun
    The Full Monty
    Society of the Snow

    Not in order, off the top of my head, missed a few I’m sure.
    HappyHornet24 likes this.
  20. oxhey67

    oxhey67 Squad Player

    12 Angry Men
    Pan's Labyrinth
    The Wind (favourite silent film)
    Die Wand (The Wall)
    Dr Strangelove
    Passport To Pimlico
    The Usual Suspects
    It's A Mad Mad Mad Mad World

    Honourable mentions to Donnie Darko, 12 Monkeys, Run Lola Run and Lilya 4-Ever
  21. Bwood_Horn

    Bwood_Horn First Team

    Cloud Atlas
    Breaking the Waves
    The Victors
    Jodorowsky's Dune
    Blue Brothers
    Reservoir Dogs
    Les Amants du Pont-Neuf
    Nikita ("Victor... nettoyer" version)

    Predator 2
  22. Bwood_Horn

    Bwood_Horn First Team

    Excellent choices
    Clive_ofthe_Kremlin likes this.
  23. Diamond

    Diamond First Team

    In no particular order...
    One flew over the cuckoos nest
    Forest Gump
    Prometheus (Alien 7 I think)
    Close Encounters
    Kill Bill
    Money Ball
    Rise of the Planet of the Apes
    Saving Private Ryan
    Carpster likes this.
  24. The Voice of Reason

    The Voice of Reason First Team Captain

    One big omission for me, has to be..

    ZULU...definitely one of my favourites...

    Also most of the Clint Eastwood Westerns and Dirty Harry films!!!
  25. HappyHornet24

    HappyHornet24 Crapster Staff Member

    Not in any order:

    Picnic at Hanging Rock
    Shawshank Redemption
    Primal Fear
    Trading Places
    West Side Story (original version)
    The Sound of Music
    Cinema Paradiso
    Breakfast Club
    St Elmo’s Fire
    Little Women (1949 version)

    But, as others said, it’s a moving feast. Others that would move in and out include Leon, Meet Me in St Louis, All About Eve, It’s A Wonderful Life, Elf, Up, Gladiator, Jaws, Jaws 2, ET, se7en, Babe
  26. The undeniable truth

    The undeniable truth First Team Captain

    It's a "movie feast" :)
    I considered se7en but it's soooo dark,....and THAT ending :eek:
    HappyHornet24 likes this.
  27. Carpster

    Carpster Squad Player

    Good call on Close Encounters. How that slipped my mind I don't know.
    Diamond and The Voice of Reason like this.
  28. BeersThen

    BeersThen Reservist

    Close Encounters is a great shout.
    Casino Royale - 2006, not the 1967 mess.
    Hitchcock's Vertigo - fave number 1 movie of all time.
  29. CYHSYF

    CYHSYF Academy Graduate

    Scent of a Woman
    Where Eagles Dare
    Animal House
    The Untouchables
    Southern Comfort
    Shawshank Redemption
    In Bruges
    Another Round
    Riders of Justice

    The last 2 are Danish films with Mads Mikkelsen, both are brilliant IMO, they are sometimes on Film 4 late at night so catch em if you can.
    oxhey67 likes this.
  30. oxhey67

    oxhey67 Squad Player

    In Bruges is a cracking film. Cheers for the heads up on the two Danish films, I'll look out for those.
    CYHSYF likes this.
  31. CYHSYF

    CYHSYF Academy Graduate

    Another Round is scheduled to be on Film 4 at 01.20 in the morning on Tuesday 2nd July so set your recorder!
    oxhey67 likes this.
  32. Manatleisure

    Manatleisure Squad Player

    Shawshank Redemption
    The Usual Suspects
    The Last Samurai
    Schindler's List
    Man On Fire
    The Departed
    American Beauty
    Road To Perdition

    Nearly top 10s:
    Slumdog Millionaire. Jackie Brown, Payback, Million Dollar Baby, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Mission Impossible 1, Kill Bill 1
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2024
  33. Diamond

    Diamond First Team

    Each reply on this thread is updating my own list. Up, Gladiator, where eagles dare, caddyshack, all should be up there.
    hornmeister, HappyHornet24 and CYHSYF like this.
  34. Keighley

    Keighley First Team

    Not Carry on Cleo though, I note.
    Diamond likes this.
  35. Manatleisure

    Manatleisure Squad Player

    Oops, I forgot one...

    Shawshank Redemption
    The Usual Suspects
    The Last Samurai
    Schindler's List
    Man On Fire
    The Departed
    LA Confidential
    Road To Perdition

    Nearly top 10s:
    American Beauty, Slumdog Millionaire. Jackie Brown, Payback, Million Dollar Baby, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Mission Impossible 1, Kill Bill 1

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