We Need To Talk About Ron

Discussion in 'The Hornets' Nest - Watford Chat' started by tonycotonstache, Oct 22, 2023.



  1. Ban him

    17 vote(s)
  2. Just ignore him

    34 vote(s)
  3. He's spot on with his comments

    7 vote(s)
  1. Arakel

    Arakel First Team

    Ahhh is he the same "Rupe" who used to get referenced there a a fair bit? Didn't make the connection.

    I suspect it's more a case of being comfortable enough to let the mask slip than anything else.
  2. tonycotonstache

    tonycotonstache Squad Player

  3. Burnsy

    Burnsy Guest

    But why? Thats the bit I don’t get? By giving him this attention, it emboldens him and makes him feel somewhat famous, when the reality is, he is not a nice person and should be ignored.
  4. Cassetti's Beard.

    Cassetti's Beard. First Year Pro

    Can't believe you lot are still talking about this bloke and surprised anyone actually reads or listens to anything does.
  5. IRB

    IRB THe artist formally know as ImRonBurgundy?

    Ron vs Wendover is our Drake vs Kendrick
  6. Halfwayline

    Halfwayline Reservist

    Isn’t he like everybody else on X…spouting “radical” views to gain attention whether you believe in those views or not

    bit like people who go on FB to tell the world that they’ve “checked in” at a hospital purely to get sympathy from people who don’t care

    I would hate to be a young un in this cyber era
    Robert Peel likes this.
  7. Del Payne's Left Sock

    Del Payne's Left Sock Academy Graduate

    Who ???? times four.
  8. Malteser2

    Malteser2 Squad Player

    He stood a few metres from the step and spoke with great conviction, great joy.

    “All is sh-it” he announced. “All is sh-it”.
  9. R4E

    R4E Reservist

    Yup, I believe so.
  10. wfcwarehouse

    wfcwarehouse First Team Captain

    I believe he lurks on this forum so be careful what we say guys.
  11. SkylaRose

    SkylaRose Administrator Staff Member

    Surely as a "Guest" if that was the case, unless he's one of Moog's alternate aliases. :)
    wfcwarehouse likes this.
  12. Burnsy

    Burnsy Guest

    Why? I’m not really sure he’d have a leg to stand on given the state of his twitter account.
  13. Keighley

    Keighley First Team

    I reckon it’s @The undeniable truth. Clue is in the username.
    SkylaRose likes this.
  14. Arakel

    Arakel First Team


    The undeniable truth?
    Watford Gav likes this.
  15. Knight GT

    Knight GT Predictor extraordinaire 2013/14

    In that case, Ron, you’re a bit of a ****
  16. The undeniable truth

    The undeniable truth First Team Captain

    Oi !! Oh, sorry, nothing….
  17. wfcwarehouse

    wfcwarehouse First Team Captain

    Oh, I know that, just thinking the mods could do without him going on the warpath against this place.
  18. Burnsy

    Burnsy Guest

    Nah, we need something to keep the place interesting during the off-season.
    wfcwarehouse likes this.
  19. wfcwarehouse

    wfcwarehouse First Team Captain

    Haha, indeed. Forget I said anything ;)
  20. Jumbolina

    Jumbolina First Team

    Uncle Ronald has received a death threat-bit much!
  21. The undeniable truth

    The undeniable truth First Team Captain

    Sounds like the sort of guy who would send it to himself for just a little bit more publicity.
    MarlonsCellMate likes this.
  22. Jumbolina

    Jumbolina First Team

    Clearly not a serious post but bloke who posted it certainly has an interesting posting history!
  23. cyaninternetdog

    cyaninternetdog Forum Hippie

    This is the 300th post on this no mark thread.
  24. wfc4ever

    wfc4ever Administrator Staff Member

    Least he will happy the retained /released list is out !
  25. wfc4ever

    wfc4ever Administrator Staff Member

  26. Jumbolina

    Jumbolina First Team

    My favourite bit was Wendover defending the Janmaat contract extension/termination because there was insurance contract in place he “remembers reading about”.
  27. Hogg-DEENEY!!!

    Hogg-DEENEY!!! First Team

    He genuinely once said that we weren't to know Janmaat would fall apart so soon after signing the extension...
    Jumbolina and wfc4ever like this.
  28. Jumbolina

    Jumbolina First Team

    Whatever you think of Uncle Ron, Wendover was dreadful tonight. Making up facts, stating his own opinions as facts, while simultaneously refusing criticism of Duxbury salary because latest accounts aren’t out yet.

    No idea why he sees himself as a person that needs a platform.
  29. Amersham CC

    Amersham CC Academy Graduate

    Responding in peace however if you wanted to talk on a platform I’d listen to you. I did it as I was asked to do it. I don’t need a platform. It is very easy to be critical and negative. I want harmony at the club. Negativity can make its way to the pitch, I don’t care what anybody says I truly believe this. Is it right to talk about another man’s salary? I’m not sure it is and I am right we have no idea what the salary is or was until the accounts are released. I agree, we have seen what was outlined last year which were for a year 1 parachute payment period.
  30. Chumlax

    Chumlax Squad Player

    Ah, the old 'stick your fingers in your ears and start humming' approach. Tried and tested. Never fails.
  31. luke_golden

    luke_golden Space Cadet

    Yep, exactly this. Scott and Gino do business properly, so there’s absolutely no way Scott didn’t give himself a massive pay cut to bring his salary in line with the other execs who led their clubs comfortably to safety in the Championship.

    Haters gonna hate.
    HampshireHorn84 and Chumlax like this.
  32. Jumbolina

    Jumbolina First Team

    Just to nip this new defence in the bud, of course it’s fine to talk about a man’s salary.

    It happens in all walks of life - politicians, footballers, bankers, tube drivers and yes, the CEO of our local football club which has net losses in the tens of millions.
  33. tonycotonstache

    tonycotonstache Squad Player

    Was a bad choice to have this supposed good v bad spaces, although having a post space spaces (declaring Rupert the winner) then another podcast host throw a strop because they didn't lead it is simply insane.

    Yeah I think some of our fanbase is descending into complete faux AFTV madness.
  34. tonycotonstache

    tonycotonstache Squad Player

    Me when I renewed my season ticket again:
    Chumlax likes this.
  35. Amersham CC

    Amersham CC Academy Graduate

    Agree to all those points. For me it was never about a winner and a loser. I couldn’t even listen to the after post spaces. The other podcast situation. I think I have cleared up on Twitter.

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