A thread to supplement the one on Farage. Those to the right even of the current Tories, the airtime and funding they get and the daft things they write. This week, Laurence Fox gets a Twitter ban for this. What on Earth is the idea here? LGBT+ is a form of fascism? Usual suspects enjoy it.
It was his profile picture. He was only suspended until he changed it which he has now. The idea is simply a failed actor crying out for attention especially as his wife has dumped him. Sad little man who "champions free speech" unless it's from someone saying things he doesn't like or it's from minority groups such as the LGBT community.
A sad little man who received bundles of cash to run his failed attempt to be London’s mayor. The image boggles the mind. How do you even get to imagine LGBT is a threat to you, let alone a fascist one?
Well, black people are separated out from the rest of the LGBTQ+ (they have their own chevron, unlike other racial groups), so if they are applying seggregation within their own ranks, why shouldn't they be considered fascists? CRT and Identitarian philosophies come from the nazis and were recognised as fascist way back in the 50s. So me thinks you are protesting too much, and, assuming it is naivety that prevents you from understanding these issues, are far too wrapped up in being used by the leaders of these groups. Hatred and hate crimes have escalated since the LGB community were raped and subjugated by left wing religious extremists (communists). The only difference between murderous nazis and communists are the badges. Iam as allergic to Fox as you lot appear to be. But I see no issue with the parallel he has drawn here.
Ask women. They are currently being told, with your blessing, that men make much better women than women do, and that they should shut up and accept what mysoginy dictates they receive. Feminism, to the extreme left, is now an extreme right wing cause, steeped in racism, no doubt. The ultimate mysoginy. A man puts on a dress and says "shut up and do what I say." Perhaps you should state that they do no harm to you, because you are a man, and that is why you think it is alright. Other than that, it is widely considered that the silent majority of LGB people also think that LGBTQ+ concers are harmful to their communities. Not least because of their championing of "minor attracted adults." It is going to be fun getting you to defend that position when they start being more vocal about it. Just remember, you are defending them now... But that's OK. You have an ideology, and you are a man, so everyone else is wrong, or irrelevent.
So why is it a problem when Fox highlights the fact that Gay rights have been co-opted by fascist extremists to promote their nazi ideologies under cover? Really. The Gay community has suffered under nazis and commies, do you not recognise propaganda when you see it?
Fox is a bell end the origins of the swastika (and its use for non nazi purposes) is quite interesting
It was really weird seeing it plastered onto all those trade union banners from the founding of the first Lithuanian Republic in 1918... And the Finnish Air Force has had to. ahem, 'adapt' its symbols and roundels.
was used quite a lot apparently until hitler made it a symbol of hate, used in many cultures across the world
You can spontaneously develop a Hitler moustache as this is the part of the beard to go grey last. Graham Norton is well on the way to becoming, er, Hitler.
Neil Oliver goes full crackers in bizarre nine minute, yes nine minutes of airtime, rant covering many bases of conspiraloonacy. Food shortages, not Putin, it’s Bill Gates and the other net zero elite starving us to keep control, deliberately crashing aircraft into farm buildings. The bizarre thing is that someone’s money has developed the platform for him to deliver his bizarre rants. It wasn’t the trade unions or Greenpeace. It was a group of wealthy individuals. This seems to blissfully pass Neil by as he rants on about ‘the elite’. Among the highlights (lowlights) of this word salad. ‘And why have so many small planes crashed into massive food processing plants in the US, sparking fires and thereby hobbling the production and distribution of yet more of the very stuff of life? Why is this happening to farmers and farming … all across the hitherto developed world …?’ ‘Then there’s the so-called vaccines for Covid – I deliberately say “so-called” because by now it should be clear to all but the wilfully blind that those injections do not work as advertised.’ https://www.gbnews.uk/gb-views/it-i...ol-but-open-your-eyes-says-neil-oliver/352031
Giving away something of the spiteful and self-injurious politics of the Right here. Will do anything, however damaging to the environment or economy if it pisses off the section of your fellow countrymen and women you disagree with. The politics of the last 6-7 years in a nutshell, the distraction from the transfer of wealth from us to them.
Whale really is a monstrously thick and nasty ****. At least he hasn't advocated growing concrete yet like the other monstrously thick and nasty gob***** Archibald "Mike" Graham. Or been eviscerated on air by Chris Bryant like the monstrously thick and nasty gob***** Dan "4 takes" Wootton. On the other hand here is Whale "winning" a debate with a Scottish football fan. https://twitter.com/TalkTV/status/1570922202475757568
This popped up on my feed, & auto-played, so I was surprised to hear my ASD son's comment "Oh not Ben Shapiro he's always appearing in my youtube feed talking crap": https://twitter.com/secrettory12/status/1645510564964102151 I did like these comments though:
Well off woman stands in front of big flag to parade hurty feelings about liberals, transgender, muslims etc but is definitely not a fascist. Yes, it’s the Reform UK.
WTF's this? The theological equivalent of bi-curious (does this also encompass "Brexit Properly" - a new withdrawal method)? And, if so, are there any links to her OnlyFans page - just asking for 'a friend'. As an aside there were fewer then a 100 people in the audience...
She worked for Cambridge Analytica. Possibly she’s curious about what you need to do before Jesus asks his Dad to refuse you entry to Heaven.
They actually believe kids are identifying as cats. And then suggest that we turn to them for advice. Batshit crazy and a half.
What’s all this about then? I’ve googled it but I’m not giving GB News, The Mail or The Sun a click and I don’t really use Twitter or owt. Someone mentioned this cat thing to me the other day and as usual with this stuff I just ignored them until they shut up.
It's a thing. I think they call themselves Otherkin or something similar. What it isn't is widespread. It's a few daft people, who probably have underlying mental illnesses. Trying to portray it as a relevant social issue is utterly insane.
The Right have worked themselves up into a lather all week about this. There was an argument between a teacher and a gobby pupil, recorded by the pupil and given to the Telegraph. It’s about Self ID for Trans, but the conversation took a turn about someone self-id’ing as a cat. The teacher didn’t handle it well and it’s been seized upon as evidence of out of control kids, ridiculously liberal and ideological teaching and, you guessed it, it’s all the fault of trans people and their allies. This has morphed into the notion that the nation’s children are out of control, with significant numbers of them identitying as anything they wish, for example cats and demanding litter trays and a regular snooze. There are people very angry about this and Turning Point, an extreme right wing ‘family’ organisation, is trying to take advantage. The mind boggles at such hatred and stupidity, but there are backers within the Tory Party, such as JRM and Miriam Cates (of Hell) MP.
My work has to provide me with an area to graze and as much watercress as I can eat or I’ll take them to an ET.
I used to know a chap who thought he was a cat. He's dead now, sadly. He fell off the roof while he was licking his ar5e