I appear to have way too many points after scoring just 10 @Teide1 . Whilst I appreciate the help, (how I need it), I don't think it's fair to my fellow competitors .
Thanks to @Diamond for pointing out he had too many points, I have been through everyone’s total and there were a few incorrect, I’m away running excel on my iPad for the first time, (learning a lot) and grateful there are only two games left before I return haha! Will make sure the next 2 leaderboards are 100% before posting, anyone not happy please send me a pm! 1 Dreadnought 599 2 WatfordTalk 590 3 Goldpapaya 590 4 WatfordEire 589 5 The Voice of Reason 564 6 Knight GT 561 7 TomWatfordFC 552 8 Irish Horn 547 9 WFCwarehouse 546 10 EB Hornet 540 11 Otter 530 12 Burnsy 528 13 wfc4ever 526 14 Sahorn 524 15 The undeniable truth 523 16 tonycotonstache 522 17 Hornpete 520 18 BusheyOrn 519 19 cyaninternetdog 518 20 Diamond 514 21 Horace_goes_up_north 513 22 Teide1 512 23 SkylaRose 505 24 Manatleisure 504 25 Cthulhu 500 26 99mph 497 27 Ghost of Barry Endean 488 28 domthehornet 482 29 miked2006 481 30 K9 Hornet 470 31 Hornmeister 467 32 HappyHornet24 467 33 Sort of OK 454 34 Oscar Calling 450
Match 37, 22 correct predictions spread over 16 players, @Dreadnought the game leader was joint top with @Sort of OK with 34 points, @Ghost of Barry Endean managed to predict both draws with 33 points @miked2006 another with two correct predictions scored 31, at the bottom 3 steady players in @Burnsy @cyaninternetdog and @The undeniable truth only managed to score 9 each. 1 Dreadnought 34 2 Sort of OK 34 3 Ghost of Barry Endean 33 4 miked2006 31 5 BusheyOrn 29 6 Horace_goes_up_north 27 7 WatfordTalk 24 8 WatfordEire 24 9 Knight GT 24 10 TomWatfordFC 24 11 Teide1 24 12 Manatleisure 24 13 K9 Hornet 24 14 Hornpete 22 15 HappyHornet24 22 16 The Voice of Reason 19 17 Irish Horn 19 18 Sahorn 19 19 Hornmeister 19 20 Oscar Calling 19 21 Goldpapaya 17 22 tonycotonstache 16 23 SkylaRose 16 24 99mph 15 25 domthehornet 15 26 Otter 14 27 wfc4ever 14 28 EB Hornet 13 29 WFCwarehouse 12 30 Diamond 12 31 Cthulhu 12 32 Burnsy 9 33 The undeniable truth 9 34 cyaninternetdog 9
Leaderboard after match 37, @Dreadnought extends his league from 9 points to 19 points, @WatfordÉire up into 3rd place, big mover @BusheyOrn from 18th to 11th, down at the bottom @Sort of OK out of the bottom 2, replaced by @hornmeister 1 Dreadnought 633 2 WatfordTalk 614 3 WatfordEire 613 4 Goldpapaya 607 5 Knight GT 585 6 The Voice of Reason 583 7 TomWatfordFC 576 8 Irish Horn 566 9 WFCwarehouse 558 10 EB Hornet 553 11 BusheyOrn 548 12 Otter 544 13 Sahorn 543 14 Hornpete 542 15 wfc4ever 540 16 Horace_goes_up_north 540 17 tonycotonstache 538 18 Burnsy 537 19 Teide1 536 20 The undeniable truth 532 21 Manatleisure 528 22 cyaninternetdog 527 23 Diamond 526 24 SkylaRose 521 25 Ghost of Barry Endean 521 26 Cthulhu 512 27 99mph 512 28 miked2006 512 29 domthehornet 497 30 K9 Hornet 494 31 HappyHornet24 489 32 Sort of OK 488 33 Hornmeister 486 34 Oscar Calling 469
Thanks for not following alphabetical order, and arbitrarily putting Cyan bottom rather than me. 7 straight wins and I’m right back in it. I can still catch Dreadnought.
Match 38 with 29 correct predictions this round with 3x 1-1 draws and 2 aways if you predicted home wins you obviously missed out, yours truly is 1st with 29 points followed by @miked2006 with 28 points, down at the bottom @Oscar calling despite (hope they are ok) my chasing didn’t predict which meant as the default is a 3-0 score unfortunately scored zero! 1 Teide1 29 2 miked2006 28 3 Sahorn 26 4 Otter 24 5 Goldpapaya 21 6 EB Hornet 21 7 The undeniable truth 21 8 K9 Hornet 21 9 HappyHornet24 21 10 WatfordEire 19 11 tonycotonstache 19 12 Burnsy 19 13 cyaninternetdog 19 14 Cthulhu 19 15 99mph 19 16 Hornmeister 19 17 Horace_goes_up_north 18 18 BusheyOrn 16 19 Hornpete 16 20 wfc4ever 16 21 Manatleisure 16 22 SkylaRose 16 23 Ghost of Barry Endean 16 24 Dreadnought 14 25 TomWatfordFC 14 26 domthehornet 14 27 The Voice of Reason 11 28 Knight GT 9 29 WFCwarehouse 9 30 Diamond 9 31 WatfordTalk 8 32 Irish Horn 7 33 Sort of OK 6 34 Oscar Calling 0
Leaderboard after match 38 @Dreadnought lead is cut from 19 points to 14, @WatfordÉire into 2nd place, @WatfordTalk down from 2nd to 4th next round will be up next weekend! 1 Dreadnought 647 2 WatfordEire 632 3 Goldpapaya 628 4 WatfordTalk 622 5 Knight GT 594 6 The Voice of Reason 594 7 TomWatfordFC 590 8 EB Hornet 574 9 Irish Horn 573 10 Sahorn 569 11 Otter 568 12 WFCwarehouse 567 13 Teide1 565 14 BusheyOrn 564 15 Hornpete 558 16 Horace_goes_up_north 558 17 tonycotonstache 557 18 wfc4ever 556 19 Burnsy 556 20 The undeniable truth 553 21 cyaninternetdog 546 22 Manatleisure 544 23 miked2006 540 24 SkylaRose 537 25 Ghost of Barry Endean 537 26 Diamond 535 27 Cthulhu 531 28 99mph 531 29 K9 Hornet 515 30 domthehornet 511 31 HappyHornet24 510 32 Hornmeister 505 33 Sort of OK 494 34 Oscar Calling 469
Its not ordered based on alphabetical order. Tiede uses other qualitative measures to arrive at the order. I just pipped you based on those. Maybe you have me on ignore so didn’t see my post on the subject? Or this one.. .
How is @Dreadnought always near the top or is top so often? He/she must be a fireball down the betting shops. If they have a secret, we'd all love to know it...
Match 39 results, not a good day all round! with just 3 correct predictions @SkylaRose was the only person to predict our score, with @Hornpete and @99mph the only others to predict correct results. @K9 Hornet and @Hornpete both scored 19 with @Irishorn saving @cyaninternetdog face with a miserable 0 and 2 points respectively!
@Dreadnought still (of course) ahead extends their lead from 2nd place @WatfordÉire from 15 to 18 points. Down at the bottom I'm afraid @Oscar calling is well and truly stuck!
Looks like it's myself vs @Cthulhu for the golden egg Moderator prediction award this season... although there is enough games for @HappyHornet24 and @domthehornet to make a fist of it.
After being 2nd for a while in January, my results since have been more aligned with my performances. Subsequently I have slipped to 11th and it's pretty obvious I'm no longer really bothered and shown the incompetence of the league in general. Despite this my obvious class has come through again, offering the fans false hope for next season. Insiders from within the camp claim I didn't even bother looking at the fixtures for the 4th week in a row much is the malaise over my participation with chances of even play offs all but gone.
Match 40 results, with 4 mostly unexpected aways and a 4-4 draw there are only 10 correct predictions this round, leading the pack is @Dreadnought with 29 points followed by @HappyHornet24 with 22, down at the bottom @Manatleisure who missed this week but the default 3-0's didn't help so scored " 0 ", just saving @EB Hornet @Burnsy @The undeniable truth and @Irishorn who all scored a miserable 2 points!
Leaderboard, @Dreadnought extends their lead from 12 -30 points over @WatfordÉire. At the bottom @Oscar calling seems to have cemented last place from @Sort of OK with @domthehornet last of the Mods I'm afraid!
Still concerned about that dotted line @Teide1 is that league 1 predictions or not allowed to join that I'm heading towards, nothing I saw in rules about forfeit for bottom 2.
Match 41 we continue this unpredictable championship season (or we are all rubbish) with just 4 correct predictions today, @Sahorn @Oscar calling and @99mph each had one along with @cyaninternetdog the first 3 scoring 22 points, last place goes to @Knight GT with a not very GT Zero!