Easiest way is click their username above their avatar in any of their posts and select Private Message. You can also do it from their profile. If you don't have that function it might be down to your permissions (or lack thereof) due to being a new member. I'm sure one of our delightfully delectable mods can clarify that.
Private messaging is available to members based on time served and posts made. Sting you should be able to access the system based on your stats as PO has eloquently explained. Any issues send me a PM:]]
I sporadically get access removed to certain things on the site - PM option and some subforums just disappear for a while. No idea why but I just tried to open a PM and the option wasn't there - now it's back again. Just comes and goes.
Same seems to be for me. I got access and sent a PM. Tried to reply to one and was told I did not have the access. A few minutes later it was back and I was able to reply. Then tried to send another - the PM address etc came up but it would not let me send. Weird - perhaps it is a timing issue.
There's a limit to the volume that can be sent which increases over time. It increases with posts. Try typing slower :]] We had an issue a couple of years ago where people would register then spam pm accounts with adverts. It was our way of stopping this as PMs are truly private even mods with admin access can't see them. We decided to go this route rather than install a pm system that allowed mod visibility as thought it was preferable.
I continue to have issues. It comes and goes randomly. I've cleared my cache, cookies etc etc and still just disappears for maybe 50% of the time. My access permissions must keep changing back to basic.
It might be flow control if you're sending a lot. THeres a maximum per minute/hour I think to stop people spamming in areas we can't moderate. If anyone can confirm it comes back after a while I'll try and dig up the right section in the back end and have a look.
Private messages ? Handsome man, early 50s seeks loving relationship with eastern European girl, early 20s.
Shouldn't be, I emptied it the other day, I think it might be something to do with the breakdown etc?