I appear to be permanently logged in on my laptop but locked out on my iPhone - no idea what my password is or how I have managed to logout on one device only - Admin thoughts?
I'm not sure how that has happened to be honest, it's a little odd. I've got two options for you (and I guess by now you've already tried the first option): clear the cookies and cache etc from all the devices; I reset your password to a simple one (that obviously you have access to) and then you can log in on all of your devices and change the password to a new one?
Any reason my iPhone chrome has started randomly logging me out over the past few days, despite selecting always stay logged in?
This getting really irritating. Can't login now on iphone without resetting the password every time. Is this still something to do with updates and SSL cert etc ? Is it just forgetting the password ? Anyone else having issues ?
I’ve just stopped closing out the tab for the forum. Seems like any time a new tab is opened for it, I have to login again.
I'm just logging in using the same password, however as Luke-G says if you keep the session open you don't have to keep logging in!
If you all DM me your long card number, expiry, postcode, PIN number and card verification number I’ll look into it.
Yes pc fine but not able to login at all on phone without resetting password every time so won't be on here so frequently until this is fixed.
I've found on mobile if I just click "home" on the forum menu at the top it suddenly remembers me again, worth a try but not a long term solution!
Doesn't work for me. Sometimes clicking 'register now' works, but it is too inconsistent. It's probably a good time for me to spend a bit less time on the site anyway, as I procrastinate too much and I'm far too lazy to have to type everything in each time, but hopefully it's fixed soon.
It's very odd that it only effects mobile devices. Does it make a difference using another Browser? Make sure you clear your system catche' as well (pretty sure a mobile OS as one). Also make sure you tick "Keep me logged in" when you do sign in. Is it just Apple or does Android have the same problem?
I'm having the same issue, and I'm on a laptop (via Chrome) rather than a mobile device. It's been doing it for the last few days and I do keep ticking the "Keep me logged in" box.
Bizarre. If I click on ‘register now’ I’m in the site logged in. If I click on anything else it acts like I’m logged out.
I'm being logged out on Chrome on PC every time I exit the browser, even when clicking to stay logged in.
Same is happening to me, and I'm on Microsoft edge. That is on my Laptop, on my Android phone there's no problem.
Just a muse, but have you looked into your "permissions"? Be it browser, firewall and Anti Virus. Since the site switched to a new host it's possible the software of these programs doesn't recognise a script change and has flagged it to perform a non-login permission? Just a guess - but it's possible.
Fix for me was to delete bookmark, (then login and get to the logged in state), then save a new bookmark. Opening the new bookmark remembers me.
Now the site is telling me I have filled in the password wrongly, but if I log on via my anti virus password manager it logs me in. Tried Hornpete's method above, but didn't work for me.
1. Clear your cookies 2. Clear your catche' 3. Remove any bookmarks to the site then re-enable a new one 4. Check firewall permissions to your browser and ensure there are no blocks to the address - if there are, allow permissions 5. Throw monitor out window
Recently, whenever I log in on here, I then get a message saying "Suspicious connection blocked". Anyone else get this?
Is that a message from your browser or Anti-Virus software? If it's flagging it as suspicious (which it isn't suspicious), check through the permissions and tag the site as safe. Sometimes a firewall can detect a site you do not login too often as trouble, but again it could just be a case of adjusting permissions.
In the last number of weeks, I am having to sign in each time I use the forum as the site does not automatically allow me in, as it used to. I am not tech savvy, so I have no clue how to resolve this issue. Sometimes it logs out when going from one from one thread to another. Any solution out there? (Not sure if I have even described the issue properly).
What browser do you use? 'Brave' for example explicitly ignores login scripts to keep you safe asking you to type in a password regardless of whether or not the "keep me signed in" box is checked. Take a look at the anti-virus/firewall settings and check if any software updates have amended anything that saves your current password to the website. Another cause might be privacy settings on the browser you use, go through the options and check where passwords/logins are stored and make sure anything that saves login status is switched on. From time to time some browsers go through your cookies (especially if you have done a recent virus scan or deep clean of the drives) and removes temporary files.
I will pass your advice on to my adult children. Many thanks. I will let you know how they get on. PS: how does one know what browser one is using?
Well it's going to be: Opera Firefox Chrome Brave Edge If your on MAC then it's usually Safari. Whatever it is the icon you click to go online from the taskbar will also tell you the browser name.
Yep definitely Safari. Bizarrely, the problem appears to have eased for now, without me doing anything.