(10) Imran Louza

Discussion in 'The Team Bus' started by Smudger, Jun 1, 2021.

  1. Markoa$

    Markoa$ Squad Player

    Yep. Named him as my flop of the season. So far, he’s proving me right.
  2. wingco

    wingco Reservist

    Rabbit in the headlights. Did one neat move with Etebo then got overrun.

    In fairness I doubt Xisco had any plans to throw him in so soon, had no choice
  3. Moosedog

    Moosedog Reservist

    Do you remember Ighalo's first six months, its a bit early to write off a 22 year old in his first game in a new league
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2021
    Smudger and sydney_horn like this.
  4. Heidar

    Heidar Squad Player

    He might be OK when he has Kucka and Ozan to mop up everything around him, but when supported by two limited Championship midfielders as he was yesterday he had no chance.

    My immediate thought was... midfielders like him do not thrive in the Premier League, no matter how talented they may be. I suspect he will be back in Ligue 1 within 12 months.
    Smudger and wingco like this.
  5. wingco

    wingco Reservist

    Fair assessment, unfortunately you're probably right
  6. HeiaWatford

    HeiaWatford Reservist

    Yes he was poor yesterday but that start straight from the kickoff was unacceptable, unacceptable in any league I might add.
    He was just one a very large amount of nonperforming players. Etebo was trying to marshal the whole midfield on his own and that's simply impossible for anyone.
    Hogg-DEENEY!!! likes this.
  7. Hogg-DEENEY!!!

    Hogg-DEENEY!!! First Team

    I'm not going to be tooooo critical of him yesterday, after all there's only so much he can do on the ball when nobody is there to give him an option, but he does seem quite powder puff. Would quite like to see him further up the pitch, let's see if he's any more useful there
  8. GarbeliaHornet

    GarbeliaHornet Academy Graduate

    Rotating with Pedro to play behind the striker in a 4-2-3-1 perhaps?
    They both offer similar amounts defensively, and Tufan/Etebo+Kucka behind should shield the back line.
  9. Hogg-DEENEY!!!

    Hogg-DEENEY!!! First Team

    Perhaps, I suspect Cleverley or someone similar will be the player to press from the front more often than not this season, but I'd like to see what both Louza and Pedro can offer in that role. When is Pedro back? Tuesday would be a good chance to see what he could offer this season if he's fit, although knowing us, I suspect he won't be
    GarbeliaHornet likes this.
  10. Hogg-DEENEY!!!

    Hogg-DEENEY!!! First Team

    Sounds like he's not particularly close to a return then!
    GarbeliaHornet likes this.
  11. GarbeliaHornet

    GarbeliaHornet Academy Graduate

    He was meant to be back for the Brighton game!
  12. Hogg-DEENEY!!!

    Hogg-DEENEY!!! First Team

    When was that reported? The snippet I quoted above was from the Brighton team news 3 days ago
    UEA_Hornet likes this.
  13. lowerrous

    lowerrous Guest

    Irony upon ironies pretty much the first time @Relegation Certs @GoingDown @NathWFC and @wfcmoog were all unreservedly positive about something the Pozzos had done and it's for someone who's crap, not what we needed and a strange use of a hefty proportion of our limited transfer budget.

    Yet when I was one of the very few pointing this out in his transfer thread I was told to "give my head a wobble" and that I supposedly "seem desperate for this to be a bad signing". @La_tempesta_cielo_68 @LeedsOrn

    Well nope, it was just that my comment in his transfer thread that "Initial impression from looking at clips and his stats are that Louza seems a bit of a lousy signing." was just making an honest and pretty accurate observation.

    Kudos to @barely1egal for being pretty much the only other poster to recognise that this guy was unlikely to be the cure for our midfield woes. @Burnsy was the other who didn't seem entirely convinced.

    As I've mentioned before, many of our fans are easily suckered in by a fancy sounding name and a decent size transfer fee. But perhaps we have another example of why it is the posters named in the quote above most often resort to snarky one-dimensional cynicism when posting, because when it comes to actually trying to give sincere opinions on football they're pretty clueless.

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 22, 2021
  14. GarbeliaHornet

    GarbeliaHornet Academy Graduate

    I remember it being a 'minor knock, will only miss Villa game' when he first got it. Happy to admit my memory's let me down though.
    Hogg-DEENEY!!! likes this.
  15. lowerrous

    lowerrous Guest

    Yep as I thought - he's about as useful in shielding the defence as a wet paper towel.
  16. wfcmoog

    wfcmoog Tinpot

    What did I say?
  17. Relegation Certs

    Relegation Certs Squad Player

    Not sure if I'm being insulted here or not, but I'll support any mad foreigner until I see with my own eyes that he's shyt.

    And shyt this guy is indeed.
  18. Jumbolina

    Jumbolina First Team

    He's only played 45 minutes in a game we were outclassed. You may be right, but a bit early to reach into your dossier of everything everyone has ever posted to score some points!
    Lloyd, Smudger and Hogg-DEENEY!!! like this.
  19. Hogg-DEENEY!!!

    Hogg-DEENEY!!! First Team

    Can we not have a bit of patience with this lad lol
  20. GoingDown

    GoingDown "The Stability"

    I don't know but I ambiguously said 'very nice' which seems to have been taken as my unmitigated support for the signing. Which we've all been told we should do, right? Gino and Scott don't do bad business?

    'Often-Wrong' Rousy Boy appears to want to judge a player after a single half of football, something he tells the bedwetters they can't do.

    He's invented a new level of wrong. Being wrong within being wrong. Wrongception if you will.
  21. a19tgg

    a19tgg First Team

    Just think, if you concentrated the effort you take remembering, documenting and dredging up old posts into researching player stats and watching YouTube videos of them, you’d have an even better hit rate!
  22. zztop

    zztop Eurovision Winner 2015

    Yes, some are very quick to base their opinions on youtube clips, others base their views on Football Manager of FIFA stats, and others look at the first 45 minutes the player have actually played for us draw their conclusions from that (sometimes combined with Football Manager ad YouTube), and others tend wait for a few games with us before making their mind up, particularly when the player is young, playing in a different league and country, with new teammates and coach.

    It takes all sorts.
    Hogg-DEENEY!!!, a19tgg and Smudger like this.
  23. wfcmoog

    wfcmoog Tinpot

    I base it on pure, gut instinct and the sound of the name.
  24. Smudger

    Smudger Messi's Mad Coach Staff Member

    What if he was called Imran Winna ? ;)

    Doucoure took a while to settle in and adjust. Most overseas players often take a season to do so unless they are completely top drawer. Good thing certain people are not real scouts or indeed managers.
    Hogg-DEENEY!!! likes this.
  25. BigRossLittleRoss

    BigRossLittleRoss First Team

    To be fair at least two of those are the same person and probably RelegationCerts as well.

    Nath is the lone exception, the BW Steppenwolf.
    Hogg-DEENEY!!! likes this.
  26. luke_golden

    luke_golden Space Cadet

    Has a nice touch, but the game was far too quick for him. Everything he does will need to be done with both more power and speed, or he’s going to be left behind.

    I think there’s a player in there, but whether that type of player can thrive in this league, I’m not sure.
  27. a19tgg

    a19tgg First Team

    Basically it’s nuts to write a player off after 45 minutes in the same what that sadly, Kucka won’t perform like he did against Villa in every game he plays this season.
    Hogg-DEENEY!!! likes this.
  28. Jumbolina

    Jumbolina First Team

    I love Rousy. I picture him as Tom Cruise in Minority Report being able to move around posts from this forum on that futuristic screen before springing into action and quoting something from the 1998 season.
  29. HeiaWatford

    HeiaWatford Reservist

    I just spoke to my brother and he reminded me that we both thought Doucs looked hopeless on his debut. He ended up ok.
  30. a19tgg

    a19tgg First Team

    Which manager wouldn’t even play him, Walt?
    Hogg-DEENEY!!! likes this.
  31. Hogg-DEENEY!!!

    Hogg-DEENEY!!! First Team

    Who was Doucoure's debut against? And where did he play that day, I remember some of his earlier games for us he was out on the right. I remember he hardly played until January, but I thought that was just because Wally didn't take a shining to him rather than any poor performances
  32. Hogg-DEENEY!!!

    Hogg-DEENEY!!! First Team

    Less Gozzers, Hughezzers, and Fozzies, more Cuchos, Kuckas and Tufans right?
    wfcmoog likes this.
  33. Lloyd

    Lloyd Squad Player

    When I was raving about Dennis, Eteo, Kucka etc last week a chum brought me down to earth by pointing out that Nyom and Parades both had impressive debuts
    wfcmoog likes this.
  34. Keighley

    Keighley First Team

    wfcmoog likes this.
  35. Davy Crockett

    Davy Crockett Reservist

    Yeah but when you have centre backs ******* about with the ball it will de motivate anyone..
    If your own team has to outscore Troost's rickets then that is an issue

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