Badenoch is really really bad at PMQs. She has farmers protesting outside parliament about inheritance tax and she doesn't mention it once. Instead she bangs on about immigration when it was a massive failure for the Tories and so it was easy for Starmer to counter every point she was trying to make. Fortunately for her I don't think many people watch it these days. I certainly don't bother very often now.
From what I gather from pals who operate in the elitist 'Westminster Bubble', any support for farmers among the focus groups evaporates faster than some Bovear-flavoured Arla milk heated over a hot flame anyway.
Jenrick on LBC this morning with the appalling Nick Ferrari - NF - Should Syrian refugees now be sent back? RJ - absolutely NF - now that HTS are in control of Syria, should their status as a proscribed terrorist organisation be revoked? RJ - absolutely not NF - you're a complete ****, aren't you? RJ - absolutely (I made the last two up)
I assume you've given up sandwiches amd possibly lunch altogether as of today @Lloyd? Or are you a wimp?
Let them eat steak. Woman of the people Kemi tucks into Chateaubriand at her desk most days. All on expenses, of course. Sandwiches are for the little people. She often chuckles to herself as she sees them head out of the office in their cheap suits to M&S or Pret for a 'prawn mayo' or, he-he, something as quaint as cheese and salad. How ghastly that they have to eat all that soggy bread they've paid for themselves while she tucks into a proper non-woke meal made from good old-fashioned gassy cows paid for by the taxpayer.
She is so hilariously one-dimensional and childish. It's a simple question about what her average day looks like but instead of answering it like anyone remotely normal she came out with this twaddle. "Lunch is for losers, not strong leaders like me! Some lackey brings me a slab of raw meat to chew on whilst I'm thinking my big brain thoughts. **** the vegans and the wokerati!"
It shows her political antennae are completely scrambled. She's up against Starmer who I suspect is pretty normal (in fact boringly so) in how he lives his life but who I reckon you could needle at by implying otherwise. A bit like how the Maybot thing stuck to Theresa May. But no, Kemi here decides to double down on the weird. The lifers in CCHQ must be pulling their hair out, although admittedly it's early days.
Fortunately for her I don't think many people watch it these days...... Except you do. I certainly don't bother very often now..........Really? Really? I refer you to the comment above. With the point noted, you even bothered to comment on it, something no one watches and you certainly wouldn't bother, except on days that can't be put in the category of "these".
Which part of 'not many' do you calculate means "no one"? What part of "not very often" equals "never"? Bring back Hooter, at least he had the wit to try to put an argument together.
WTAF are you on about? Where did I say nobody watches it? Where did I say I never watch it? The reason I commented on it was because it was literally the first time I'd seen Badenoch at the dispatch box....and she's been leader of the opposition for weeks. No offence but your reading/comprehension skills are very lacking based on that comment.
Where did I say you did? Ironic. Just to be clear, I don't visit this part of the forum to have reasoned debates with the self appointed intellectuals. I come here to poke them with my stick. Love to see the gang of six, circle the wagons everytime. Bless you. All we need is the man of the people "I take my children to Hockey lessons" to pipe up and I can shout Bingo. As you were Comrades.
It must be dispiriting to have your reasoned arguments shredded so I can fully understand why you retreat to incoherent blurting to 'poke the intellectuals with a stick'. Unfortunately now that your modus operandi has been self-exposed (very clever) you might as well just **** off now.
That silly story just about sums up British politicians at the moment, doesn't it! They have to be 'on message' even when they're asked what they have for bloody lunch! Starmer grasps the opportunity to do some 'flag shagging' (copyright our old chum @Moose. By the way, I hope he's ok and hasn't joined zz in the football forum in the sky. Does anyone know anything?) with 'sandwiches are a great British institution. I recall my father, who was a humble toolmaker, used to make them for his lunch before he set off to make tools every day'... And christ only knows what darling Kemi is trying to demonstrate with her gibberish. Anyway, what the nation really wants to know is what does Mad Ed have for lunch these days and are there any photos of him eating it?!
Hilariously, Truss has lawyered up and accused Starmer of defamation for saying she 'crashed the economy'...
As long as any legal action is personal and not funded by the taxpayer then good luck to both/none of them.
She's citing Andrew ******* Lilico as an authority to prove she didn't crash the economy. A grade 'A' IEA loon.
Hopefully SKS will reassert the statement at the first opportunity….. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Kemi has to be the worst leader of the opposition in history. A particular highlight being reading from a script in PMQs regardless of the prior answer. “Does the prime minister have any explanation for doing that???” “Yes it is procedurally required” “The prime minister keeps DRONING ON AND ON AND ON WITHOUT ANSWERING THE QUESTION WHY WONT HE GIVE AN ANSWER THE PUBLIC WANT YOU TO CUT TO THE CHASE”
She's a placeholder, nothing more. The Tories will need to replace her fairly quickly if they want a shout at the next election but given recent polls they might well just be biding their time. After Starmer has screwed it up and Farage has made it worse we'll get another 20 years of that lot under someone marginally less ****. Unfortunately Binface looks like he's given up.