How do I change what is says under my User Name? For example, at present it says 'First Year Pro' but I'd like to change it. I assumed it was the 'signature' option but I did that and nothing changed?
In the past I have seen the description under my Avatar change but have never had the choice of what it says. Some people clearly get to choose what theirs say - is that too something that comes after more posting?
There's a heirarchy of levels automatically awarded according to posts/points. From Trialist through to Galactico if memory serves correctly. People who've won competitions or otherwise deserved it have had custom ones either awarded or inflicted on them.
The site had some sort of update earlier this year and my description went back to the beginning - was that universal?
There were some migration issues. What was your previous title? I think stuff with non alphanumeric characters or over a certain length caused a problem.
Pretty sure I got mine as a competition winner. Wish I could change it in hindsight now, particularly after the whole franco Vazquez thread!
I don't really remember - I am not really bothered but just was interested to know how people got titles like "Penguin Assassin". I think I had moved up to something like international squad member or such like. I am not sure what a reservist actually is - am I not even a reserve? (ps I am aware you have better things to do than answer this sort of question so do not worry if you do not have time to reply)
Based on posts up to 499 Academy graduate up to 999 First Year Pro up to 4999 Reservist up to 14,999 Squad player (more than 12 members) up to 29,999 First Team (8 members) up to 89,999 First Team Captain (no one is there yet) 90,000+ First Team Vet (no one is there yet) I'll raise it as a discussion with the staff as I think some of the levels are a bit high.
I think I just asked for mine, but can't remember because it was probably about 10 years ago! (Forum life was different back then) But it does ring true, I am a cad and bounder of epic proportions.
Think yours is a hangover from the old days bofore we had to up the thresholds because Moog posts too much. Changes only trigger on an upward trend of if a Mod goes in and manually updates. Mwuhahaahhaah.
It worries me - are you a penguin who assassinates people or are you someone who assassinates penguins?
It would be interesting - sort of - to see a league table of the top 20 most frequent posters and a table of those who are on most Forum users' 'ignore' setting
Me and one other I'd guess. I've never seen the point of ignoring people on a forum, if you're that sensitive then it's the wrong place for you, (obviously not you Lloyd).
Here you can see a list of the top 20 overal posters.. but just those.. not sure how accurate numbers are. On the old board you could keep looking further down the list and, i think, you could see who was posting the most on any given day. The tab next to Most Messages is Most Likes.. with GoingDown leading the way. I hadn't realised you could like your own posts!
Find out how popular you are by creating a likes/posts percentage. Me 1.53%* Going down @ 5.47% is nearly 4x more likeable than me. *Just to qualify, the posts totals include them on forum v1 & v2 and the likes did not migrate over to the current version iirc. so in actual fact this stat is complete and utter rubbish. Nothing to see here, move along.
I was quite pleased to see I was second on the list of "points" scorers, until I realised that everyone else had exactly the same number of points (the seemingly unlikely 113).