As our "brother" from Udine did, I come from Granada (Spain) to welcome you to the Pozzo&Pina family. Now we are three brothers. You can visit us on (forum) or directly on I'll be glad to answer any question you have.
Welcome! Im enjoying this very much. Do you like the pozzo system, do you like effectively being a feeder club? Also did pozzo change the management/staff when he took over, what can we expect in the next few weeks?
Bienvenido! Mucho gusto. Como te fue? Piensas que la majoria del fans de Granada le gustan la familia Pozzo?
There's a very good post on the Wobbly site from an Englishman living in Granada and who follows the football club. Worth a read. Welcome to the forum Rojiblanc. Do you know ReyxelRojiblank?
Wow! that was fast! Let me see: Pwety pleaseee: We "like" to be a feeder club. I explain the "". Pina had tried to feed a spanish club on 3º division (Cadiz CF) but that club was like: "We hate Granada, we are the best supporters all over the world, we don't need anyone". So: We like to be a feeder club, we just want to be grateful. They also changed management, now Pina is the President and Cordero is the other "main part" of the staff. Im sure they will bring a trusted person to be the "visible head". Hornetcp: They are one of the best thing that ever happened to Granada CF. We were in a hard moment and now we are on La Liga, so, yes, one of the best. El distraido: Yeah, we will always be grateful to Pozzo's family. We love them!
I have to say, this is incredible. We are very soon, almost guaranteed, to become part of an extremely impressive European footballing network. I can't believe it's happening to our humble little club in this corner of Hertfordshire in all honesty. Again, can we make the trip to Palace a Pozzo/Pina day please? That and supporting the team of course....
Sorry! I'd read after I answer the other questions! I know the name, but i don't know her personally The blazinator: Of course, we can do a 3 club party on Pozzo's palace. Italians know how to do "big partys" haha
I noticed a few of our new users posting links to other forums. We seem to be about 10 times busier than the best of them, so perhaps the Udinese and Grenada fans would like to set up base here?? :drinking:
Can you send us some pomegranites please? #Bring you Tapas and Campari, Pozzo's in Watford having a party!#
It has to be said that Granada CF were not much of an inspiration this year. They had the second lowest budget in the league and only stayed up on the last day of the season when Falcao scored for Atletico Madrid away to Vilareal with 5 mins to go which sent Vilareal down. One good thing can be said though they have just taken on a superb new manager for next season ( I think they change managers every year like home shirts)and this new owner does seam to have the midas touch as far as buying players goes. Fingers crossed Steve
Thank you all for your welcoming Do Watford FC have a good left midfield? I think one player you will have is "Dani Benitez" from Udinese/Granada. He has been punished since november in Spain (throwed a bottle to the referee) and in Granada we think Watford can be his new team.