Film you recently watched: Part 2

Discussion in 'Taylor's Tittle-Tattle - General Banter' started by Defunct, Oct 14, 2010.

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  1. simms

    simms vBookie

    Thanks, that looks interesting.
  2. Watched "the Sweeney" the other night on normal TV, what a dreadful film, really was shocked how bad it was. I
  3. simms

    simms vBookie

    I watched The Damned United. Brilliant film. I had absolutely no knowledge of football in the 70s so i spent hours after browsing wikipedia looking up Don Revie and Brian Clough and Peter Taylor etc.
  4. reids

    reids First Team

  5. inayellowshirt

    inayellowshirt From the other place

    Escape to Victory
  6. UEA_Hornet

    UEA_Hornet First Team Captain

    The book is brilliant too.
  7. simms

    simms vBookie

    I saw the 2 escobars. Blimey what a sad story.
  8. Great film, really enjoyed that film, cloughie legend, hope they do another one about his time at forest.

    Second best ever manager
  9. simms

    simms vBookie

    I found it hard to put things into context and it made me realise just how little I knew about football history. Boon in 1993 I know pretty much nothing pre-2000s.

    The leeds derby rivalry is comparable to United and Arsenal in the mid 2000s perhaps?
  10. I think anything nowadays is hard to compare to footy in the 70s, arsenal and man Utd have always been relatively big clubs, Derby were not a big team at all and really came from nowhere to win the league and get to a European semi final, something that unfortunately will never be repeated, it was a sport then, now it is a business
  11. reids

    reids First Team

    Watched Dead Snow 2: Red vs Dead last night. Well worth a watch if you've seen the first, laughed throughout.
  12. miked2006

    miked2006 Premiership Prediction League Proprietor

    I watched Zombeavers a couple of weeks ago.

    It was surprisingly entertaining. I was shocked. Obviously a very low budget movie, with a basic plot and far from excellent acting. But I thought some bits were laugh out loud, with far more than expected (or at least some) subtlety.

    Perhaps it is because I am fed up of these big Hollywood explosion borefests, but I really enjoyed a poor cgi, bad acted, not-taken-seriously film, which could take the mick out of itself; without being too loud and in your face about it.

    7/10 - It isn't going to be on anyone's Oscar list, but is certainly watchable when drunk.
  13. Fitz

    Fitz Squad Player

    I pitched a movie to a studio executive once about suburban skunk zombies entitled "Zzzzkunks". They didn't go for it but then a few years later this movie came out... I demand royalties!!!
  14. yellowyeller

    yellowyeller Reservist


    Made me laugh.

    Quote from Susan Cooper, the unlikely heroine -
    "I'm the person who's going to cut your **** off and glue it to your forehead so you look like a limp-**** unicorn. That's who the **** I am."
  15. fan

    fan slow toaster

    Deus machina - great movie. Well acted. Well written.
  16. zztop

    zztop Eurovision Winner 2015

    I saw that too. One of those films that I felt I shouldn't watch as it was sort of rubbish, but I struck with it to see what happened next and ended up being relatively entertained till the end.
  17. nornironhorn

    nornironhorn Cool Dude

    Seen quite a few films recently:

    Life is Beautiful - one of the best films I have ever seen, a definite 10/10

    Anchorman 2 - Not as good as the first, made me laugh a few times though 6.5/10

    Jurassic World - Great effects etc but the story is poor 6.5/10

    Insidious 3 - First 2 thirds were great but the ending was really poor. 6/10

    Entourage - A really enjoyable film, made me laugh a fair bit too 7/10

    Grand Budapest Hotel - Another enjoyable film, would recommend it to anyone, very easy watching. 8/10
  18. worcester_hornet

    worcester_hornet Reservist

    Talaash. Bollywood Movie. Great Ending.
  19. NathWFC

    NathWFC First Team

    Just watched Jurassic World and thought it was decent. Nothing out of this world but a good enough watch if you're a fan of the original. Really like Christ ***** too.

    Edit: Pra.t.t is censored, really guys?
  20. Halfwayline

    Halfwayline Reservist

    Fury and Wedding Ringers are decent viewing
    Jurassic World is watchable
  21. HappyHornet24

    HappyHornet24 Crapster Staff Member

    For those with kids:
    Minions - the 8 year old enjoyed it & thought it was funny; the 11 year old and I both found it tedious by the end. I enjoyed Despicable Me but this smacked of stretching the 'minions are cute' joke too far.
    Off to see 'Inside Out' next which I am actually looking forward to and expecting to be much better.
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2015
  22. ForzaWatford

    ForzaWatford Squad Player

    Watched Selma, I was surprised how little I knew on the topic as i'd never learnt about it. It was a brilliant film, amazing that it only happened less than 60 years ago!
  23. El distraído

    El distraído Johnny Foreigner

    Sin City. 7/10.

    Brilliantly shot and has great characters to match. Drags a bit though. I also can't stand Clive Owen, and his American accent was terrible.
  24. molly

    molly Reservist

    Watched Jurassic World last night. Couldn't wrap my head around their solution to killing a big scary dinosaur on the loose. They simply unleashed another scary dinosaur, and left that on the loose instead. The same dinosaur that had terrorised all the people in the previous films. Special effects were incredibly good, which is what I suspect the film to be really about.
  25. HappyHornet24

    HappyHornet24 Crapster Staff Member

    Inside Out.
    I was right; as good as Minions was bad.
    Watching Minions, I thought "I could have thought of this"
    Watching Inside Out I thought "I never could have thought of this."
    The imagination of some people is truly amazing. A very good film. And, I confess, I shed a tear.
  26. Smudger

    Smudger Messi's Mad Coach Staff Member

    Underworld 5 is in the pipeline. The others are only worth watching only for the gorgeous Kate Beckinsale.

  27. reids

    reids First Team

    Re-watched The Departed tonight for the first time in years. Forgot how ****ing good that film is. The tension for the last hour is unpalpable.
  28. NathWFC

    NathWFC First Team

    Terminator Genisys. Pretty disappointing overall, but oh how I do love Arnie.
  29. Pozzo Out

    Pozzo Out Squad Player

    Plan on re watching that in the next few days as I picked it up recently, phenomenal film.

    Watched edge of tomorrow/Live die repeat, for the first time the other day, really really enjoyed it. Ending doesn't make sense but other than that a great film.
  30. fan

    fan slow toaster

    I started watching Casablanca two days ago but the girl I was with complained that old films are rubbish and that the subtitles were too quick, so I had to watch pitch perfect. Pitch perfect was actually alright and i laughed at a few points. The girl though has been demoted to number 4 in my rotation
  31. Smudger

    Smudger Messi's Mad Coach Staff Member

    How sad and shallow. The Naked City, Rashomon, Rififi, Went the Day Well ? just a miniscule fraction of the great films produced around that time. I'd get rid and quick fan.....;)
  32. fan

    fan slow toaster

    she's on thin ice. between this, her inability to understand sarcasm and slight homophobia, i usually would have got rid ages ago. but she is a massage therapist with a gifted touch and also has a beach house in the north east, so i've settled for relegation to the number 4 slot. i'm going to make her watch the third man on friday morning and if she doesn't like it then she's finished.
  33. fan

    fan slow toaster

    she's on thin ice. between this, her inability to understand sarcasm and slight homophobia, i usually would have got rid ages ago. but she is a massage therapist with a gifted touch and also has a beach house in the north east, so i've settled for relegation to the number 4 slot. i'm going to make her watch the third man on friday morning and if she doesn't like it then she's finished.
  34. Godfather

    Godfather bricklayer extraordinaire

    the third man for the fourth woman ... excellent
  35. Optimistichornet

    Optimistichornet Penguin Assassin

    The Judge - starring Robert Downey Jr. About a lawyer son and his estranged father, an old judge in some backward country town, who is on trial for murder. A film about law and family values. 7/10
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