Favourite TV Series

Discussion in 'Taylor's Tittle-Tattle - General Banter' started by NathWFC, Mar 20, 2010.

  1. wfcmoog

    wfcmoog Tinpot

    Once I get through Dexter and then the Wire, which I've got on box sets, i might like to revisit Oz.

    That was a good series, if you like gay rape.
  2. Bwood_Horn

    Bwood_Horn First Team

    You can visit that place, if you want to. I'd rather re-watch the most powerful 42 hours of television that exist.

    Even when it's shyte/horrible it's still the *best* thing that HBO have ever produced.

    I now think of moog in a whole new light: is he a 'mummy' or a 'daddy'?:sign13:
  3. The Voice of Reason

    The Voice of Reason First Team Captain

    Sky launched a new channel yesterday called "Atlantic" and I watched two brand new programs (at least to the UK) on there last night: -

    Boardwalk Empire & Blue Bloods, and both of them have made a good start IMO :sign15::sign15::sign15:

    There is going to be some more new series introduced over the next few weeks that look promising, and some new episodes of some old favourites, such as "Weeds" and "Six Feet Under", both of which I have enjoyed in the past!!!
  4. theorns

    theorns Reservist

    Prison Break
    How not to live your life
  5. PotGuy

    PotGuy Forum Fetishist

    Sky can **** off.

    They closed down Bravo.
  6. luke_golden

    luke_golden Space Cadet

    Dexter is really good. I've watched each season from when it started out on ITV and it continues to impress. I think i watched the season 3 box set in a weekend. I'd highly recommend buying/renting/borrowing the whole lot.

    The Wire is the greatest T.V. series ever made. Once you've watched it, T.V. is ruined because no other series can ever match up. I wish Bunk was my father.

    To whoever mentioned Arrested Development, that is a great shout. Job was my favourite character. Seinfeld is a classic, i watch it most days while eating dinner. Curb is great as well, although i can't watch episode after episode because they are all so similar.

    Recently started watching Big Love because the woman loves it. Actually quite entertaining, if not a little bit girly. Still, because it's HBO you get some **** every now and again which keeps me going.
  7. fan

    fan slow toaster

    the most recent season was a complete repeat of the season he met his wife and the season he started working with the mexican DA guy. utterly pointless.
  8. luke_golden

    luke_golden Space Cadet

    But....he kills people. And he's a nice guy. Plus i'd jump all over Joey Styles. To be honest, i've never watched it expecting clever story lines. You know he's always going to get away. It's just easy to watch and he's an entertaining character. It's not often you're rooting for a killer.
  9. fan

    fan slow toaster

    and i agree entirely. it's just by the most recent season they have ran out of ideas.

    for example, you remember in the earlier season he has a big problem with killing doakes to protect himself? in this season they have an identical plot line and he has no problem stabbing the cop in the heart (depsite him being innocent of any crimes other than corruption) and then setting up his sister's boyfriend for the crime

    then we have repeated storylines about him finding love and having a killing partner
  10. berkshirehorn

    berkshirehorn presumably I upset/disappointed someone

    Hustle - well the earlier ones

    the real hustle
  11. Birdydoug

    Birdydoug The Flying Scotsman

    Watching the last Midsomer Murders at the mo , always a good watch .
  12. luke_golden

    luke_golden Space Cadet

    Fair shout. Although i quite like the way he is appearing to evolve away from his previous rules. They've made him seem more human, but he's also becoming colder and less choosy as a killer. I guess they're saving the end of the Trinity story line for the next season. I think they did kinda waste the death of his wife. Would have liked to see more of his vengeful side, rather than him struggling to be a single dad.
  13. wfcmoog

    wfcmoog Tinpot

    Thanks for spoiling it all for me.
  14. luke_golden

    luke_golden Space Cadet

    Who's his wife?
  15. hectic_freeze

    hectic_freeze Reservist

    Good shout.

    The earlier seasons are far better, the new ones are full of gangs and kingpins, doesn't really fit with what made the show so enjoyable in the first place. Still a good watch though
  16. wfcmoog

    wfcmoog Tinpot

    As soon as I find that out, I'll be jumping forwards to her death.
  17. NathWFC

    NathWFC First Team

    You can add 'Jericho' to my list, what a fantastic program. F**king joke that it got cancelled so soon considering some of the sh*te TV that comes out of America. Ridiculous that a program can be so well critically recieved and so highly rated by the fans but only last 29 episodes.
  18. Birdydoug

    Birdydoug The Flying Scotsman

    Currently liking.

    Hustle has overtaken Mentalist.
  19. AshdonWFC

    AshdonWFC Prediction League Champion 2011/12

    Hustle is very good.

    Spooks is always a hit (I know its a while until the next series, but still brilliant)
  20. Birdydoug

    Birdydoug The Flying Scotsman

    Spooks is always good along with Silent Witness.
  21. Esp

    Esp Reservist

    From the 70's I enjoyed the US comedies M*A*S*H and Taxi plus, from the 80's Soap

    I also have a soft spot for Lovejoy - there was normally bugger all to watch on Sunday nights in the 90's and Ian McShane's show and character was very watchable and the writing was very good with lovely gentle humour

    Rock Follies, Survivors (first series), The Sweeney and all David Attenborough documentaries were also very good
  22. AshdonWFC

    AshdonWFC Prediction League Champion 2011/12

    Very True.
  23. Fitz

    Fitz Squad Player

    I forgot if I asked this already, but is 'Hoarders' being shown in the UK?
  24. The Voice of Reason

    The Voice of Reason First Team Captain

    I don't think so Fitz, at least I haven't seen it if it is? What is it about?
  25. afanof

    afanof First Team

    Is no-one else hooked on MadMen? I'm going to be devastated when series 4 ends next week and I have to wait for series 5 to come out on DVD as Lex Luther Rupert Murdoch has pinched it for his new channel.

    I'm enjoying The Promise on channel 4 at the moment, about Israel/Palestine and also The Killing which is in Danish with subtitles.
  26. Birdydoug

    Birdydoug The Flying Scotsman

    Nope, not seen MadMen, but then I still have to get up to change channels.
  27. wfcmoog

    wfcmoog Tinpot

    I've heard so much about Madmen, but I think I've kid of missed the boat by now. I'm sure it's good, but it's probably a "wait for the last series, then buy the box set for christmas, start watching it from the beginning, then unwittingly read some key plot spoilers on a football messageboard" type job.

    My wife makes me watch Glee. I'm secretly enjoying it. Does this mean I'd also enjoy having man on man sex?
  28. Fitz

    Fitz Squad Player

    It's about crrrraaaazy people...people who hoard thongs in their houses...never ever throw anything away, have every newspaper they ever got somewhere in the house, haven't thrown out the garbage in 11 years, things like that. It is so creepy but the show compels you to watch, like a horrible auto accident unfolding in front of your eyes. It's an acquired taste, like blue cheese or Belgian beer.
    Madmen is extremely well crafted, but nothing seems to happen. I guess that could describe every show on tv though. At any rate, I gave up watching it.

    My wife loves it too. I recently started leaving the house when Glee comes on out of protest and some effort to maintain a modicum of dignity as a man around the house.
  29. wfcmoog

    wfcmoog Tinpot

    Is this a documentary then?

    There was a documentary in the UK a few years ago about environmental health officers, called Life of Grime, which made a national celebrity out of a man called Mr. Trebus http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edmund_Trebus.

    The guy slept on a tiny patch of bare floor in his kitchen, as I remember, as the rest of his house was filled, floor to ceiling with newspapers, rubbish and other stuff he'd accumulated.
  30. Fitz

    Fitz Squad Player

    Yes, I believe I saw some part of an episode on BBC America. Pleasant ladies in bobbies outfits helping people get cleaned up...

    Hoarders is very much like that, documentary format, sad children of the subject interviewed saying they can't bring the grandkids over because granny's house is dangerous, a few tears, the subject's denial, discussion of the ramifications like possible health department fines or jail time for things kept in the yard, then...a therapist specialising in OCD and hoarding disorders intervenes to help let the subject keep the house, get visits from family, save the marriage, etc.

    Epilogue: the wife moved back in and they are in therapy together...or the old man didn't meet his obligation in time and the city confiscated his collection of prize cans and bottles he had been collecting in the front yard, things like that...

    Truly riveting stuff. There was one where a guy had thousands of pet rats living in house crammed to the gills with newspapers and rat ****. When they were cleaning it, they would find a decomposing rat or a crippled one under a pile of newspapers over and over again. Each time, the camera would focus on his face as the tears rolled down his cheeks and he'd ask "Why?"!! How they didn't eat him to death in his sleep is a mystery...
  31. wfcmoog

    wfcmoog Tinpot

    I think you might be confusing it with "How Clean Is Your House" which, despite your description, actually features two horrific women in rubber gloves, going round someone's house and scraping skidmarks off the toilet bowls with lemon rind and vinegar. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/How_Clean_Is_Your_House%3F

    To the best of my memory, Life of Grime was more professional, council employees in health and safety approved gear, getting to grips with houses full of poo and gardens full of poo and schools full of poo and gymnasia full of poo.
  32. Optimistichornet

    Optimistichornet Penguin Assassin

    currently enjoying the tudors, family guy and only fools and horses.
  33. Fitz

    Fitz Squad Player

    The one I watched was a lot of civil employees and volunteers negotiating with people that were on the verge of eviction for being too dirty. I don't remember people actually cleaning.
  34. wfcmoog

    wfcmoog Tinpot

    I think I got confused by "bobbies outfits."

    I don't know what that means, but it sounds like some sort of late Victorian English slang, which may have fallen out of useage here, whilst still being in everyday parlance out in the SW US.
  35. Birdydoug

    Birdydoug The Flying Scotsman

    I think it is called "Grime Fighters".

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