Favourite TV Series

Discussion in 'Taylor's Tittle-Tattle - General Banter' started by NathWFC, Mar 20, 2010.

  1. a19tgg

    a19tgg First Team

    One thing that struck me was that even post 9/11 there was a huge reluctance or just lack of realisation that it could be a terrorist attack, it seemed to take forever for them to join the dots, or at least want to join the dots; or maybe it was just incompetence, or a much more innocent time, maybe.
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2025
  2. Carpster

    Carpster Squad Player

    Yes we're all different. I even sit through 90 minutes of misery most Saturdays.
  3. Otter

    Otter Gambling industry insider

    I think it was the way the first episode was drawn out, in reality they knew before the bus was blown up in Tavistock Square about an hour after the tube trains. The interview with the BTP officer looking into Liverpool Street was initially told there's been a fire on the train, he wasn't told of an explosion. Due to no mobile network coverage in the tunnels in 2005 they would not have received 999 calls from members of the public on the trains. However if they started shouting terrorists within 5 minutes without proof at that point it would have added a lot of unnecessary panic had it not been so.
    a19tgg and Carpster like this.
  4. a19tgg

    a19tgg First Team

    Playing Nice on ITV isn’t a bad drama, you have to suspend reality a bit because I don’t for a second believe some of what happens has any real basis in law, but there are some nice shots of the Cornish coastline and it’s entertaining, albeit infuriating at times.

    Interestingly the Guardian gave it one star and described it as ‘mind bendingly bad’ which is incredibly harsh.
  5. Carpster

    Carpster Squad Player

    This is what's lined up for tonight. I did read the guardian piece online but won't let it ruin for me. It's the wife's choice and she's usually quite good at picking a half decent option.
    There's a new Swedish drama/thriller on Netflix too, the breakthrough I believe that sounds interesting.
    a19tgg likes this.
  6. a19tgg

    a19tgg First Team

    I mean it’s not the best thing you’ll ever see but equally it’s nowhere close to being as bad as the Guardian have made out, I’m sure you’ll enjoy.

    I often find my experience is the direct opposite to their reviews anyway, and quite often it doesn’t seem like they’ve watched all of the show in question.
    Carpster likes this.
  7. Arakel

    Arakel First Team

    This seems increasingly common nowadays. Many critic reviews have become very out of touch with the general public, sometimes hilariously so.

    I suspect some of it is due to the fact they are expected to produce a review before they've seen the entirely of a show (especially problematic on slow-starters), but that doesn't seem to explain all of the disconnect.
    a19tgg likes this.
  8. Otter

    Otter Gambling industry insider

    Perhaps it's because of the change of how we watch things now. 20 years ago or so, film was the main medium for telling a story, a critic would only have to sit through a 2 hour or so feature; nowadays where a series of 8/10/13/20 episode series are being knocked out and sometimes the whole series is released in a single day, a critic may not have the attention span to watch 20 hours of material if they don't like the first few episodes.
  9. Carpster

    Carpster Squad Player

    I honestly enjoyed it. As you said there's worse stuff about. Push the plot holes aside and you're left with a very watchable series.
    HappyHornet24 and a19tgg like this.
  10. Carpster

    Carpster Squad Player

    Do they not get to view it earlier than the general public?
  11. Diamond

    Diamond First Team

    It has more holes than a Swiss cheese but is still watchable.
  12. a19tgg

    a19tgg First Team

    Yep, I mean I don’t for a second believe that
    You can just go ahead and so easily change a child’s birth certificate to say they’re your own, even if a DNA test says they are
    But still enjoyable if you don’t think about the actual legalities too much.
  13. Almost completed series 2 of Only Murders In The Building.

    I'm really enjoying it. Had medium expectations which is why I've put it off so long but it's nice short episodes, quirky and an interesting murder mystery type show.

    It can be a little silly sometimes but I quite like that. Gomez is a little wooden but Martin and Short are really good.
    luke_golden likes this.
  14. MarlonsCellMate

    MarlonsCellMate Reservist

    For those who are fans of gladiators, the new series starts tonight. With 2 new gladiators.

    Cyclone, is the big sister of our very own Festy Ebsole.
    wfcmoog likes this.
  15. WillisWasTheWorst

    WillisWasTheWorst Its making less grammar mistake's thats important

    Can she play left-back?
    wfcmoog likes this.
  16. wfcmoog

    wfcmoog Tinpot

    Selena Gomez was not my prediction for Chevy Chase's replacement in the 3 Amigos.
  17. wfcmoog

    wfcmoog Tinpot

    I did not know that!
    Spoiler alert, the kid, who's not his son gets adopted by the gran, who used to play Raquel in Corrie and is now a grumpy police sergeant.
  18. Chewitt

    Chewitt Forum Extraordinaire

    Watched this over the last couple of days and thought it was a good all round series if you’re happy to suspend your disbelief at times.

    A couple of stand out characters in Sam and Williams and wrapped some things up nicely whilst definitely leaving it open for another series.
    AndrewH63 likes this.
  19. AndrewH63

    AndrewH63 Reservist

    It’s s**t - Both the husband characters are unlikeable idiots, but the misses has enjoyed it on ITVX which has allowed me time to build the Airfix HMS Victory. On that basis I will give it 5
  20. Otter

    Otter Gambling industry insider

    I just finished watching the second series of SAS: Rogue Heroes on iPlayer, as per the first series it was excellent and an outstanding performance by Jack O'Connell.
    Carpster likes this.

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