I might be thick as well but that option doesn't appear in any of my posts. Do you have to do something to bring it up?
There's nothing in your on-line profile that prevents you from editing your own posts are you still having problems? It my be time limited ie after 10 mins it becomes locked which stops people posting spam then deleting before mods have a chance to action it. The site layout and background is dependent on what you have selected in your preferences. Yellow is the default now.
One thing between all those poster Meister is they're set to Academy Graduate - something to do with posting privileges once you reach a certain title?
Sussed it I think. Titles are not neccesarily linked to experience and permissions. It gets complicated, but newer users were able to edit posts but only given 0 minutes to do it in. I've upped it to 15 mins so should be good enough to rectify mistakes in posts. Let me know if you're still having issues.
Can you stop posting things that aren't relevant to the thread please? It's making it difficult to use the forum.
Lost my editing ability today. Has been no problem before and was no problem this morning. But now it's vanished. 'Edit Actually i can but goes fairly quickly. Are we all possibly on a 15 minute window to edit? Meister is a genius!
Dammit ran out of time to re-edit! You could have some fun with that then.. and i bet youve been tempted.
Duly noted - I shall scuttle back to the stadium expansion thread to post pictures of grass growing that nobody (except maybe Stevehorn) is interested in
I'll close this one now as in the support area it flags it up to mods for attention if they're not the last poster.