Apparently he's not retiring, just moving on to another club. He wants to reach 216 goals I believe and he currently has 208.
Another 9 would put him in 4th place of Serie A top scorers ever which is a bloody good achievement for someone who only regularly started scoring in his late late 20's.
Someone posted that statistic on this forum that since turning 30 he has scored more Serie A goals than Inzaghi, Crespo and Vieri (I think it was these 3 anyway, was definitely Inzaghi and Vieri) did in their entire career. I actually didn't believe it but googled it and it is true!
A legend for Udinese, and for certain the most incredible example of "late bloomer" in Italian (and more) football history. Until he was 27YO and arrived at Udine he was an "average" striker, with 7 seasons in lower leagues with a not impressing % in goals/match and ywo seasons in serie A with Empoli with 18 goals in 60 matches. Then ... the unbelievable 190 goals in 12 seasons with the Udinese shirt.