1. reg_varney

    reg_varney Squad Player

    Only 2 weak Gary Memes this time.

    GaryMeme1.jpg GaryMeme2.jpg
  2. reg_varney

    reg_varney Squad Player

    Only one instance of Steph Tongue. Must be the effect of her Team this week.

  3. reg_varney

    reg_varney Squad Player

    Let's hope he doesn't have any skeleton's rattling loudly in his closet to have removed and airbrushed from the BBC Archive.
    TIMMY WANNACOTT likes this.
  4. reg_varney

    reg_varney Squad Player

    Surely the Red Team are checking out the Ginger Beer, Cough, bottles!!!!????

  5. reg_varney

    reg_varney Squad Player

    Yes, the butt-plug is the perfect fit for the rim, and the stopper fits nicely in the vase.

  6. reg_varney

    reg_varney Squad Player

    Tomorrow, another soaking Prime Princess episode.

    TIMMY WANNACOTT likes this.


    Let's say "moist"


    page 462 i see..
  9. reg_varney

    reg_varney Squad Player

    Christina with the pipe. Arf, Arf.

    Town Called Malice style music.

    Retired Plod and Retired Teach are the Reds.

    Female Civil Partner Musicians.

    Is a Civil Partner a non-married couple from Lesbos?

    Don't get too wet, Princess giggles. Blimey.

    Muttley and a damp Dizzy.

    Motoring theme/Nautical theme.

    Dizzy gets the elder carpeteers.

    Dizzie going on about blowers. Someone's Daughter is involved.

    Rims and leather mentioned by Dizzie.

    Velvet lined box. Snigger.


    Netherlands Silver will Dizzie go Dutch?

    She says, we see it raised on the outside. I'm sure she can.
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2025
    OldTraff78 and TIMMY WANNACOTT like this.
  10. Harefield Yellow

    Harefield Yellow First Year Pro

    "It's pronounced 'Les-BOSS', Jeff".
    reg_varney likes this.
  11. reg_varney

    reg_varney Squad Player

    She says, we see it raised on the outside. I'm sure she can.


    The Blues see something they fancy. Will Dizzie be converted?

    Those bellows have been on before.

    Spinning chair for the Blue Witches.

    Dizzie not liking the Dark Wood with Chair.

    Moorcroft? Perhaps Dizzie would prefer Michael Moorcokk.

    Reds: cigarette case, Jaguar car mascot, brass letter rack.

    Murttley wants to lick the Blues. REALLY!!!!!! Perhaps, one member though.

    If there's any licking to do with that team it will be with @TIMMY WANNACOTT

    Blues: Silver cruet sailing boat, Victorian scent bottle, folding chair.

    Long pipe. T1tter.

    The pipe can be gripped with the teeth while working. Could be dangerous.

    Is the Princess going to roll a long snake in her hands? Yup. Lovely.

    My pipe is being smoked by Helen Mirren. LOL.

    The Dalek with Christina.

    Reds: cigarette case 40-60, not too worried, Jaguar car mascot missing tail 10-15, big sigh, brass letter stand 20-30, Brilliant.

    Last edited: Feb 4, 2025
    OldTraff78 likes this.
  12. wfcmoog

    wfcmoog Tinpot


    fag case - overpriced,

    jaguar - seems OK

    Letter rack - profit


    Sailing boat - too expensive
    Scent bottle - could've got that less but didn't haggle because of big spend. Loss.
    Chair - tourist firewood. Big loss.

    Reds to win.
    reg_varney likes this.
  13. wfcmoog

    wfcmoog Tinpot

    Lichfield, so we will see the truth on these items. The real deal auction house.
    reg_varney likes this.
  14. reg_varney

    reg_varney Squad Player

    Reds: cigarette case 40-60, not too worried, Jaguar car mascot missing tail 10-15, big sigh, brass letter stand 20-30, Brilliant.

    Blues: silver sailing boat cruet 20-30, Ouch, Silver scent bottle 40-60, the chair 40-60, struggle.

    Steamstress looking beyong lush.

    We will all be wielding our gavels, Princess.

    Dalek in maximum Bark mode.

    Reds: cigarette case loses 5, Jaguar mascot loses 15, letter stand makes 15.

    Phil's BB iare a pair of Glass Penny licks (15), 10-20, Profit all the way. Lovely glance by the Princess. 35. 20 profit.

    Reds: +15

    Brilliant Barking.

    Blues: sailing boat cruet loses 10, scent bottle, international bidding soars to a 145 profit (sells for 220. Blimey, Anglo-Indian folding chair loses 44. It looks like someone has sawn the legs short.

    Is Dizzie ready?

    Dizzie's is a Victorian Bog Oak Stanhope dip pen (50), 10-15 come and get me, 70. Makes 20.

    Blues +111

    They are up 111.

    I think we are all UP, Princess!!

    Dirty Laughing and lush hair swishing too. Prime Peak Princess.

    Come on the show. Cough.

    Lovely Christina Growler kick to finish, straight to camera.

    Last edited: Feb 4, 2025
    wfcmoog likes this.
  15. wfcmoog

    wfcmoog Tinpot

    Phil has lots of fun with the penny licks
  16. wfcmoog

    wfcmoog Tinpot

    Does Christina want her penny licked?
  17. wfcmoog

    wfcmoog Tinpot

    Last minute change of heart. Scent bottle will fly i reckon
    TIMMY WANNACOTT likes this.
  18. wfcmoog

    wfcmoog Tinpot

    Blonde blue woman celebrates a profit on the pen Screenshot_20250204_125546_eBay.jpg
    TIMMY WANNACOTT and reg_varney like this.
  19. reg_varney

    reg_varney Squad Player

    Fantastic Dalek Barking for the Internet Only Auction. He was in his element.

    Christina emerged from lockdown looking radiant.
    TIMMY WANNACOTT likes this.
  20. reg_varney

    reg_varney Squad Player

    Have you plundered Caroline Bawley's Portfolio again?
    TIMMY WANNACOTT and wfcmoog like this.
  21. reg_varney

    reg_varney Squad Player

    RIP Brian Murphy.

    upload_2025-2-4_14-1-1.png upload_2025-2-4_13-57-13.png

    upload_2025-2-4_14-0-1.png [​IMG]


    right - I'm getting it up on iplayer now...

    flippin eck, shes "live" now on travelling auctioneers ... that'll have to wait - this BH needs a visit...
  23. reg_varney

    reg_varney Squad Player

    Christina loves fondling the pipe.

    TIMMY WANNACOTT and OldTraff78 like this.


    William Cummins scent bottle ... arf arf ... Izzies keen "it ticks one of our boxes"

    angle poise....

    I find it often the final pound that makes all the difference (cough)

    final pound.jpg

    I knew Willy Cummins would deliver the sauce!
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2025
    OldTraff78 and reg_varney like this.
  25. reg_varney

    reg_varney Squad Player


    What we see:


    What Timmy sees:

    Last edited: Feb 4, 2025
    TIMMY WANNACOTT likes this.


  27. reg_varney

    reg_varney Squad Player

    Yet more Art Deco Filth.

  28. reg_varney

    reg_varney Squad Player

    Today's Tongue Fest.

    OldTraff78 likes this.
  29. reg_varney

    reg_varney Squad Player

    BBC approved preamble:
    Shrewsbury 11
    Series 61
    Christina Trevanion presents today’s Bargain Hunt from Shrewsbury. Experts Philip Serrell and Izzie Balmer guide their teams as they buy three items to take to auction in Lichfield. Christina also learns the centuries-old skill of clay pipe-making at the Broseley Pipeworks Museum.

    The Translation:
    Today, sultry enchantress Christina Trevanion is slumming it in Shrewsbury with binman Philip Muttley Serrell with his Slumdog chic collection and eco-hoarder, the middle-class crumpet, Dizzie Izzie Lizzie Barmy Balmer guiding/prodding the contestants. At least if ScruffBall is performing as usher it means we won't be at his dreadful Pokehole for the Auction. Excellent, it's in Lichfield which means it'll be the Dalek aka Richard Winterton from the Skaro Salesroom barking out the bids. Internet only bidding, which can have an effect on profits, so let's see. Jeff Stelling eat your heart out.

    The Staff:
    [Gaffer] Sizzling steamstress Christina Trevanion
    [Red Team Expert] Philip Muttley Serrell avec scarf de tat et pull-over de moth
    [Blue Team Expert] Izzie Lizzie Barmy Balmer, Virgo or close to Virgo appearance
    [Auctioneer] Richard Winterton, the Davros of the Auction World
    [Auction Location] Skaro, Lichfield


    The Teams:
    [Red Team] Married retired police officer and teacher.
    (Challenge: With a motoring theme)
    [Blue Team] Female Civil Partner Musicians, so they fiddle with each other.
    (Challenge: With a nautical theme)

    The Shopping:
    Reds: Engraved George VI silver cigarette case (75) a chance, Jaguar car mascot (Challenge 30) missing it's tail whoops, 20th century fold-up brass ink well and letter rack (25) should be a profit.
    Blues: Dutch silver and glass cruet boat (Challenge 60) not keen he will exterminate if possible, Mid-Victorian William Collins silver scent bottle (75) could be OK, Awful Anglo-Indian hardwood folding chair de tat (64) he doesn't like it neither do we, the highs and lows of the auction world, he opines, LOL.

    DizzieTongue1slow.gif ChristinaShrewsShrug1a.gif

    The Distraction:
    Christina also learns the centuries-old skill of clay pipe-making at the Broseley Pipeworks Museum. The Distraction involves Christina showing her skills with la pipe. She nimbly works it with her fingers, the pipemaker eyes glaze and his hat falls off. Afterwards, we are shuffling around a clay pipe museum. There are museums for absolutely anything and everything.


    The Auction:
    Reds: Engraved George VI silver cigarette case (5 loss), Jaguar car mascot (15 loss), 20th century fold-up brass ink well and letter rack (15 profit).
    Scruffy's BB is, I dread to think what will turn up after yesterday's supreme bit of tat, glass ice-cream penny licks (15), 10-20 should be a profit all day long, 35, a 20 note profit, I'm shocked. Muttley has a stay of extermination.


    Blues: Dutch silver and glass cruet boat (10 loss), Mid-Victorian William Collins silver scent bottle (220 - 75 = 145 profit), Awful Anglo-Indian hardwood folding chair de tat (44 loss).
    Dizzie Dripping's BB is bog oak Irish Stanhope dipping pen 50, (10-15) bejaysus, come and get me boys and girls estimate, 70. Decent 20 note profit. Good work Dizzie.


    The Aftermath:
    A moist Steamstress dressed up as a sexy Sheerlust Moans. Pipes, handling them, making them lengthen and grow in her hands, are the themes. Phil Mutt and Dizzie the Experts. Retired Red Plod and Teach against Elder Blue Female Oppo Batters. Covid Recovery outside Antiques Fair in the spitting rain. Covid Bunker Auction with the Dalek who is in superb, barking, arm-flinging form. Urgh. Naff musical version of A Town Called Malice during the intro summary. Muzak at it's worst. The Reds, with Phil in indifferent form, overspent and made losses on the silver cigarette case and damaged, should've spotted that Phil, Jag mascot. However, the loss was almost wiped out with a decent profit on the nice Brass rack. Phil's earlier pronouncement about can't wait to lick the Blues now makes sense. His BB Penny Licks that has Christina giggling delightfully, makes a decent profit. Reds, after a shaky start, end up taking home 15 notes, or a fiver each jokes Phil. Dizzie's Blues, a picture of dither and fuss, she really had her work cut out here, make a loss with the cruet boat, but then hit paydirt with the stylish silver scent bottle making 145 quid. It's then up to to the Tat-personified chair, that looked like someone had sawn its legs short, to deflate the celebratory air with a 44 loss. Her Bog Oak Dipping Pen, I know of one person who would like to dip his pen in a certain inky well, makes a very decent 20 sods profit. Blues end well up with a 111 profit. A lovely episode, some great Dalek Auctioneering with the Princess Dirty Laughing and hand-rolling for all she's worth, being particular highlights.

    ChristinaHeelSpin1a.gif CorEyebrows1a.gif CTDoubleSwisha.gif

    The Hi-Kick:
    Indoor Covid diagonal special, well executed, with a fantastic Princess very visible straight to camera Growler kick. Even Muttley gets it up for once. Well he had a good day with his penny licks. Yes, YES!!

    TIMMY WANNACOTT and OldTraff78 like this.
  30. reg_varney

    reg_varney Squad Player

    Shrewsbury Sherlock Lobby Cards:

    Christina01.jpeg Christina08.jpeg Christina13.jpeg Christina19.jpeg Christina22.jpeg Christina23.jpeg Christina24.jpeg Christina27.jpeg Christina28.jpeg Christina29.jpeg
    TIMMY WANNACOTT and OldTraff78 like this.


    reg_varney likes this.
  32. reg_varney

    reg_varney Squad Player

    Praise Be, it's the Angel with Horn.

    TIMMY WANNACOTT likes this.
  33. reg_varney

    reg_varney Squad Player

    Philip Larking.

    PhilLick1.jpg PhilLick2.jpg
    TIMMY WANNACOTT likes this.
  34. reg_varney

    reg_varney Squad Player

    Created but not used.

    RubHands1a.gif Clay1a.gif CTBliss1a.gif ChristinaShrewsDL5a.gif

    CTKick1slow.gif CTDoubleSwishSlow.gif
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    TIMMY WANNACOTT and OldTraff78 like this.


    what is earth is that 4 way phallus in the background?

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