1. reg_varney

    reg_varney Squad Player

    Do they sell Porridge here?


    Good to see the Test Card is still the mainstay of BBC programming in this decade.


    More scarey stuff on its way to Sarky's attic.

    Last edited: Jan 20, 2025
    TIMMY WANNACOTT likes this.
  2. reg_varney

    reg_varney Squad Player

    The pips are sounding! Quick find the slot!

    I remember this being discussed among my contemporaries during Biology O' Level on the Monday after it's original broadcast on the previous Sat night.

    One of the better episodes of the Series.

    11-30pm on Channel 95 for anyone who's interested.

    OldTraff78 likes this.
  3. reg_varney

    reg_varney Squad Player

    Na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na... BATMANGHELIDJH!!!!!
    nr8209 and TIMMY WANNACOTT like this.
  4. reg_varney

    reg_varney Squad Player

    Dragged out my nicely re-mastered Blu-Rays of the Series and just finished watching this episode. A lot of fun. Saturday evening entertainment on ITV was quite different then. Lucky sod Denholm Elliott.

    vlcsnap-2025-01-20-23h28m49s586.png vlcsnap-2025-01-20-23h43m04s481.png
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    OldTraff78 likes this.
  5. reg_varney

    reg_varney Squad Player

    Ha. Lucy Gutteridge above was also in Top Secret too!!

  6. reg_varney

    reg_varney Squad Player

    The Fool. Another Aviation themed Intro.

    Reds are Married Company Directors. Zzzzzzzzzzzz.

    Blues are married South Asian BAME box ticked couple. One of them owns a shop. No stereotypes here.

    Good, good.

    Taxi for Ed Auction. No Auntie Liz.

    Raj and Steph.

    Find in a bedroom/Find in a dining room

    Sweet potato flute. Snigger.

    Yet another non-impromptu musical interlude, do you think they line these things up?

    R2D2 gets the full benefit of Blue Bloke's Chana Vinderloo from last night.


    Andy, they like both of your rings. Snigger.

    Another From Beyond The Grave mirror. Feeeeeeeeeed Meeeeeeee!!!!!!

    It's like an expensive Scouts Jumble Sale. Full of Tat.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2025
    OldTraff78 likes this.
  7. OldTraff78

    OldTraff78 Reservist

    Good man, Charlie, highlighting some French ingenuity. Bollox to the Wright Brothers.

    Sweet potato flute. For playing 'Kick Out The Yams'.
    reg_varney likes this.
  8. reg_varney

    reg_varney Squad Player

    Centre Manager Danielle straight off the set of Mars Attacks!


    Reds buy: table lamp, oil decanter, Aspey gold and garnet ring.

    Blues: tea and coffee set, gold and sapphire dress ring, Whitefriars glass vase

    Lovely Steph.


    Giant T1t aviation Distraction.


    Taxi for Ed. His Auctions have not been great in the past. Being in Norfolk doesn't help either. He doesn't fill you with confidence.

    Oh dear, wrong box. Is John Leslie in the room?

    I fear. losses for the Blues.

    Oh dear, they are on first. Diamond ring is a cubic Zirconia. Oh dear.

    Tea and coffee set loses 15, now the ring, skinflint central, 43 lost, Steph in her Stagecoach seat material dress, Whitefriars loses 12. Anti-GG.

    Steph's BB is a Royal Crown Derby bowl (35), I like the Gold says Blue Bird, no sterwotypes here, 40-60, 20. Loses 15.

    What a Scrooooooge Audience. Look at them. Misers.


    Blues -85

    Reds: lamp loses 10, oil decanter 13 loss, now the ring, massive bid, it makes 190.

    Rag's BB is a Boxwood chess set (25), 50-70, the rooks have been nibbled. Bargain.

    Straight in at 50, finishes at 90. A 65 profit.

    Reds +232


    The only 2 profits were on the last 2 items which went mad on the internet.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2025
  9. OldTraff78

    OldTraff78 Reservist

    We're now in Diss. "Twinned with Datt," as the great Regism always has it.

    Slightly sinister auctioneer.

    ooooooh, skulduggery revealed

    those Diamonds Aren't Forever.

    Steph's put on her PSB dress. I Heart it.

    Horrendous lamp dies a deserved death.

    Revolting Red whale has had an eye accident. So have we, due to looking at her.

    Woowwwww, wtf? Reds going second explained!

    Raj Rampant!
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2025
    reg_varney likes this.
  10. reg_varney

    reg_varney Squad Player


  11. reg_varney

    reg_varney Squad Player

    Lovely Steph with some fantastic tongue action.


    OldTraff78 likes this.
  12. reg_varney

    reg_varney Squad Player

    A bit of previous chat about this in Apr 2023 ..........

    The Fool is in Narfark. Arrrrrhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

    Another lack of soul yet plenty of arseh0le antiques centre.

    Steph and Raj. That's good.

    That tea set isn't going to make much if anything.

    Not for Sale. You can have it for 20 LOL.

    Very amenable dealer

    Baldy Treepants Jr

    Treepants Jr. Underestimates.

    Steph sold a pup with the ring.

    Welcome to Norfolk.

    Nice Derby bowl from Steph.

    What a dreadful audience.


    Huge online bid for the ring.

    Raj on form.

    Online bids doing well, skinflints present won't be opening their wallets.

    Absolute shocking auction. Losses all round. Skinflints about. Until....
    That ring! What on earth made that take off so fast? Absolute stormer. Do you think bidders thought it was actually Aspreys of London cos of the box?

    Then Raj's chess set just took off too.

    Could not see that coming tbh. Amazing scenes.

    Top, top, top bargain hunting at the end there.


    Poor Steph. Really sold a pup with that faux diamond ring. The Blue numpties chose that over the garnet ring. Steph will have better days.
  13. reg_varney

    reg_varney Squad Player

    Re-up from April 2023 with additions.
    BBC approved preamble:
    King's Lynn 24
    Series 64
    Charlie Ross hosts today’s show from an antiques centre in King’s Lynn on the north Norfolk coast. Helping the red and blue teams to hopefully make a profit at auction are experts Raj Bisram and Stephanie Connell. Meanwhile, Charlie pays a visit to the International Aviation Academy in Norwich to see a student-built electric aeroplane.

    The Translation:
    More antiques centre shenanigans with the Fool's Tool Charl-eh. I always prefer a fair rather than the Supermarket Sweep style dash round the indoor shelves. Today his carers are Dr Evil and Our Steph. They'll hold his hand, speak slowly, and clearly, and give him endless cups of weak milky tea with Jaffa cakes at 11 am. Auction is with Ed Baldy Weeks, Treepants Jr. in the Norfolk Miser Belt aka Norfolk. Boo! Bring back Auntie Liz.

    The Staff:
    [Gaffer] Omnifool Charlie The Tool Ross
    [Red Team Expert] Raj Dr Evil Bisram
    [Blue Team Expert] Stephanie Connell, the Cockermouth Cumbrian, lovely Our Steph
    [Auctioneer] Ed Taxil-Webber, Treepanzer's younger less hirsuite brother, Wokesfuhrer-Jugend aka Treepants Jug-ears
    [Auction Location] Diss, Norfolk twinned with Datt in Germany
    [Miserlin Rating] Unlisted


    The Teams:
    [Red Team] Married Company Directors zzzzzzzzzzzz, she is a real ghoul (Harridan Factor: HIGH).
    (Challenge: Find in a bedroom)
    [Blue Team] Married BAME South Asian (BBC diversity box ticked)
    (Challenge: Find in a dining room)

    The Shopping:
    Reds: Bedside table lamp (20 Challenge) topend, Glass oil decanter and dish set (25) topend, Gold and Garnet ring in an Asprey box (80) OK.
    Blues: Picquot ware tea and coffee set with tray (50 Challenge) topend, 9ct Gold sapphire and cubic Zirconia (not Diamond) dress ring (75) ouch, Whitefriars green glass vase (50) topend.

    The Distraction:
    The Fool visits the International Aviation Academy in Norwich. Didn't know Norwich had an International Aviation Academy. Must be difficult to fly with 6-fingered webbed hands and a large slapped forehead. Well I suppose you still need crop spraying biplanes.


    The Auction:
    Reds: Bedside table lamp (10 loss), Glass oil decanter and dish set (13 loss), Gold and Garnet ring in an Asprey box (190 profit!!!).
    Raj's BB is a Boxwood and ebony chess set (25), 50-70, 90. Raj scores a screamer with a 65 note profit.


    Blues: Picquot ware tea and coffee set with tray (15 loss), 9ct Gold sapphire and cubic Zirconia dress ring (43 loss), Whitefriars green glass vase (12 loss).
    Steph's BB is a Royal crown Derby bowl (35), 40-60, 20, skinflints ahoy. A 15 note loss. Should have made much more.


    The Aftermath:
    The T1t out in force, in his element during the Aviation-themed Distraction. Raj and Steph. Antiques Centre staffed by an Alien. Ghastly Red Team of Company Directors and idiot Blue Team. Poor Steph getting the dolts again. Terrible non-Auntie Liz Norfolk Auction. No wonder everything was underestimated as the in-bred misers were out in force. Dreadful Steptoesque sale. Steph had a bad day, not only were the pennypinchers out in force in the Auction room, she was sold a duff ring labelled as diamonds but which turned out to be cubic Zirconiums. Her dunderheaded team chosing this over the garnet ring the Reds sailed away with. Even her nice Derby bowl couldn't get the skinflints spending more than a twenty. So a large 2-figure loss of 85 GBP for her Blue Team. The Reds looked like suffering the same fate as their first 2 items barely raised a tenner each and sank like a trace. However, paydirt was struck with the lovely garnet ring (270 bid = 190 profit) which made an outstanding wodge of cash. Not content with this, he found an excellent boxwood and ebony chess set which flew and made 65 note profit, meaning a large 232 note profit. Superb Raj.


    Double Steph Tongue and Eyelash Bat for a real treat

    Tongue1.gif Tongue2.gif

    The Hi-Kick:
    Standard indoor kick. Generally pretty good, apart from Steph's little flick, if only her kicking could match her tonguing. Yes, YES!!

    OldTraff78 likes this.
  14. OldTraff78

    OldTraff78 Reservist

    "[Red Team] Married Company Directors zzzzzzzzzzzz, she is a real ghoul (Harridan Factor: HIGH).
    (Challenge: Find in a bedroom)"

    You would never find her in anybody's bedroom but her own.
    Plus I bet he locks her in, then goes sleep in the shed.

    What a fantastic RegGrab of a black-eyed Steph licking her teeth, like some kind of lizard-sexbomb hybrid
    reg_varney likes this.
  15. reg_varney

    reg_varney Squad Player

    Any form of Tonguecraft can only be seen as a huge positive.
  16. OldTraff78

    OldTraff78 Reservist

    She visibly loves to lick choppers.
    TIMMY WANNACOTT and reg_varney like this.
  17. reg_varney

    reg_varney Squad Player

    Arf LOL.
  18. reg_varney

    reg_varney Squad Player

    @OldTraff78 @wfcmoog @TIMMY WANNACOTT Marvellous, it's a Princess episode with handmaidens Roo and Steph on today. Is it starting to get warm in here? Prepare the cold shower.

    wfcmoog and TIMMY WANNACOTT like this.
  19. OldTraff78

    OldTraff78 Reservist

    Ha, I just came racing on here to post the very same heads-up.
    Suspect the RegGrabber will be busy today.
    TIMMY WANNACOTT likes this.


    a piece of history pops up occasionally in my facebook feed
    reg_varney likes this.
  21. reg_varney

    reg_varney Squad Player

    Stunning collection of presenters and experts.

    The Princess is crowned.


    Reds are BAME Mother and Daughter, which one is whih, this is not a compliment.

    Blue Professional Partners, she came free with a 4 x 4.

    She will be very damp today, probably soaking.

    Navy Blue raincoat with an early Dirty Laugh.

    Sparkles/Made from or includes fabric.

    Roo starts fondling already.





    Blue Bloke loves a Teddy.


    Roo has a preference for twins?


    If I touch the bottom then there are a couple of holes, says Roo.

    Do you know what you have in your hands, asks Roo. Yes, I most certainly do.


    Wish me luck I'm going in, says Roo.

    4 minutes, that's plenty of time Steph.

    Playing with the Coq bell-end.


    Reds: Art Nouveau mirror, mourrning jewellery, 18ct gold and diamond ring

    Blues: 2 globe biscuit tins, candle sticks, campaign writing slope

    Box with secret drawers. Snigger.

    The Princess is going to talk about adorning our bodies. Cough. Swoon.

    Last edited: Jan 22, 2025
    OldTraff78 likes this.
  22. reg_varney

    reg_varney Squad Player

    Looking stunning in a white top.


    You have to have clarity of mind. Shame, mine's a sewer.

    Now, it's a lovely pale pink top.


    Is Colin auditioning to be William Hartnell?

    You can't beat a pair of globes.

    Shame it's a Colin Young Auction. Losses R Us.
    TIMMY WANNACOTT likes this.


    Prog Rick auction
  24. OldTraff78

    OldTraff78 Reservist

    Lovely globes on view.
    Also, lovely biscuit tins.

    You have to have clarity of mind. Shame, mine's a sewer.
    TIMMY WANNACOTT and reg_varney like this.
  25. reg_varney

    reg_varney Squad Player

    TIMMY WANNACOTT likes this.
  26. reg_varney

    reg_varney Squad Player

    Snap again. LOL.
    TIMMY WANNACOTT likes this.


    mines focused and crystal clear!
    reg_varney likes this.
  28. reg_varney

    reg_varney Squad Player

    Oh dear Red Daughter has baled.

    Reds: walnut mirror loses 27, watch fob with citrine wipes arse, diamond ring loses 55. Gulp.


    Roo's BB is a marcasite ring for a fiver, 25-40, 5. Wipes arse.


    What does Colin thing of Roo's pretty little ring.

    Reds -82

    Blues: globe tins fly to a 40 profit, candlesticks lose 53, 125 loss on the writing slope.

    Steph has a lovely pair and for her BB are a pair of spelter figurines for a tenner, 25-40, 22. 12 profit.

    Blues -126 Ouch.

    What a diabolical Auction.

    All 3 of the girls look fab today. A big win in my book.

    I love that box says Blue Bloke.

    Roo does a big Dirty Laugh too.

    Last edited: Jan 22, 2025
    OldTraff78 likes this.
  29. OldTraff78

    OldTraff78 Reservist

    Oh dear.
    Roo Pes herself.

    But...good BB spot, surely?!

    Redbird refreshingly self-damning.
    No wonder other half didn't show.

    Yes!!! Lovely globes take the biscuit.

    Blues do a double-Gary.

    Steph provides a lot of French for a tenner.
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2025
    reg_varney likes this.
  30. OldTraff78

    OldTraff78 Reservist

    slightly perverse result, in a way, if you count up profitable items..
    reg_varney likes this.
  31. reg_varney

    reg_varney Squad Player

    Yes, typical Colin Auction, at one of the more favourable Auction Houses, then profits would have been a-comin'.
  32. reg_varney

    reg_varney Squad Player

    Re-up from early New Year last year with additions.
    BBC approved preamble:
    Peterborough 11
    Series 60
    Today, Christina Trevanion is at Peterborough’s Festival of Antiques, where experts Roo Irvine and Stephanie Connell are on hand to assist the red and blue teams as they see who can buy the most profitable three items to take to auction. Christina meets an antique jewellery restorer and learns how to preserve valuable pieces for the future.

    The Translation:
    It's 3 of the ladies taking charge in full control today as the gorgeous Christina, the delightful Roo, and the lovely Steph provide us with the ultimate double-decker sandwich for our dose of tat sorting jumble sifting nonsense. Unluckily for them it's the pit of Pikeyborough. Careful girls, there's rabid Brexit supporting sexual deviants hiding around every corner. After Hanson's deviation off the path of BBC-approved righteousness we can't afford any of our fragrant lovelies to be sullied. Talking of Auctioneers, who's on today. Oh, big disappointment, Rick Wakeman and his Niggardly Nipcheeses of Midland Misers. At least the girls will keep our spirits, and other things, up and our err minds fully stimulated, cough.

    The Staff:
    [Gaffer] Steamstress Christina Trevanion
    [Red Team Expert] Delightful Roo Irvine, full of Eastern Promise
    [Blue Team Expert] Stephanie Connell, the Cockermouth Cumbrian, the Auction-world state-educated trailblazer, poster girl for The 93%
    [Auctioneer] Colin Rapido Young, long-haired variant
    [Auction Location] Golding Young & Mawer, Lincs
    [Miserlin Rating] Approved


    We've already had the Zee Twins on a couple of times, now it's the turn of the Young Twins.
    Will we be experiencing the Dellai Twins anytime soon?


    Roo never disappoints.


    The Teams:
    [Red Team] BBC BAME-approved Pharmaceutical Liaison Mother and Student Daughter, the Young Twins after taking time off and letting their hair down and applying the cold cream from BribeStation and their saucy website ScamTwins.
    (Challenge: Item that sparkles)
    [Blue Team] Account Manager Male and Project Manager Female Partners, it looks like that beard could be interchangeable. He likes big ugly industrial things but that's enough about his taste in women.
    (Challenge: Made from or which includes fabric)

    The Shopping:
    Reds: Art Nouveau mirror (45) OK, Victorian mourning jewellery with sparkling citrine fob (30 Challenge) good, 18ct gold and diamond ring (135) good.
    Blues: 2 globe-shaped biscuit tins (15) good, Pair of Brass Secessionist candlesticks (85) ouch, 19th-century mahogany campaign writing slope with green baize (Challenge 190) arrrggghhhh ouch oooffff, Rick's face drops with the shock.

    The Distraction:
    Christina meets an antique jewellery restorer and learns how to preserve valuable pieces for the future by blowing hot breath over them, giving them a good blow and a vigorous polishing by hand. Phew!!


    The Auction:
    Reds: Art Nouveau mirror (27 loss), Victorian mourning jewellery with sparkling citrine fob (evens stevens), 18ct gold and diamond ring (55 loss).
    Roo's BB is a Art Deco white metal Marcasite ring (5), 25-40 despite it missing stones, 5. It wipes its arse. Not one of your better buys Roo.

    Mirror.jpeg CItrineFob.jpeg
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Blues: 2 globe-shaped biscuit tins (40 profit), Pair of Brass Secessionist candlesticks (53 loss), 19th-century mahogany campaign writing slope with green baize (125 loss).
    Steph's BB are a Pair of late 19th Century Continental Spelter figures (10), 25-40, 22. Nice 12 quid profit Steph. Shame it will make barely a dent in the overall loss.

    Globes.jpeg Candlesticks.jpeg
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    The Aftermath:
    I can see you peeking says Christina at the start of the programme. Something she has to say everyday when schools are out and the neighbour's Spotter Scope is mounted and ready for action. Evidently, mourning jewellery has had a bit of a resurgence. Not surprising after a deadly pandemic. Talking about the subject of mourning, Rick's Auction was terrible as the profits died a death. All the Red items including Roo's BB were jewellery. Roo made no profits with just a couple of face wipers. So the Reds finish with a loss of 82. Steph's Blues on the other hand had a couple of good profits with the biscuit tins and her rather excellent Spelter figure bargains. However, they were sunk by 2 real clunker items. the candlesticks, and the massive risk writing slope which the idiot Blue Bird insisted on buying, right at the death too. Their overall loss was 126 notes and overall Colin oversaw a 200+ note overall loss which is really bad. Still, the 3 girls were lovely and Christina was great and laughed dirtily until the cows came home for a vigorous milking.


    It's time to see Roo's pretty little ring. Cough. Rick Wakeman looks like he's doing an advert for Quaker Oats.


    The Hi-Kick:
    Indoor Covid diagonal kick. It looks like a decent kick but an appalling camera angle is used. However, apart from the smiling faces of everyone we also just get a tantalising sneaky peak of Christina's Heavenly Place. Praise the Lord! Yes, YES!!

    OldTraff78 likes this.
  33. reg_varney

    reg_varney Squad Player

    Give a little whistle. Splutter. Blimey.

  34. reg_varney

    reg_varney Squad Player

    Lobby Cards I:

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2025
  35. reg_varney

    reg_varney Squad Player

    Lobby Cards II:
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2025

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