£50 To Charity Vote

Discussion in 'The Hornets' Nest - Watford Chat' started by WatfordTalk, Apr 20, 2021.


£50 to which charity?

Poll closed Apr 22, 2021.
  1. Mind

    5 vote(s)
  2. Cancer Research

    13 vote(s)
  3. Great Ormond Street

    8 vote(s)
  4. Shelter

    3 vote(s)
  5. CALM

    6 vote(s)
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  1. WatfordTalk

    WatfordTalk First Team

  2. mrciff

    mrciff Reservist

    An Andre Gray cupped ear later…….
  3. Moosegasm

    Moosegasm Reservist

    If Burnsy hasn't made his donation yet, I'm guessing he's one of Moog's fake profiles. Based on his posts it seems very important to him what people on here think about him. I don't think someone with his psychological profile would want to lose face on here over £50 especially if it's for a very worthwhile cause. It must be Moog.
  4. zztop

    zztop Eurovision Winner 2015

    Give him a chance, he's just "sorting out the logistics". It can take a long time to make an instant payment online. Months even.
  5. WatfordTalk

    WatfordTalk First Team

    No rush, @Burnsy. It's only cancer research, after all
  6. wfcmoog

    wfcmoog Tinpot

    It can't be me. He lost a bet and I'm never wrong.

    Burnsey is OK though. I'll wager he's already paid the money and just hasn't updated this thread. I'll bet £5 on it as a bit of side action.
  7. cyaninternetdog

    cyaninternetdog Forum Hippie

    Jesus, have I found the thread that Burnsey wont post on again? Seriously though I hope the family member is ok but I imagine they are as I have seen him posting elsewhere.
    CarlosKickaballs and WatfordTalk like this.
  8. Lloyd

    Lloyd Squad Player

    Nobody likes a welcher. Come on Burnsey, cough up
    WatfordTalk likes this.
  9. Moosegasm

    Moosegasm Reservist

    You are betting £5 that Burnsy can produce evidence in his name that he made the donation before 6:59pm on 17.7.21?
  10. wfcmoog

    wfcmoog Tinpot

    Yes. Take me up on it?
  11. Moosegasm

    Moosegasm Reservist

    Could be photo shopped or you may have already paid it in his name. If/when I lose which charity would u want me to donate to?
  12. RS2

    RS2 Squad Player

    This thread is getting uncomfortable now.
  13. Arakel

    Arakel First Team

    This thread could go places for ever. All it needs is for Moog to lose and not pay, and then someone else can have a bet on whether or not Moog has paid. Lather, rinse, repeat.

    It could beat the Tommy Smith thread for longevity.
  14. wfcmoog

    wfcmoog Tinpot

    Let's stick to the original charity?
  15. wfcmoog

    wfcmoog Tinpot

    Yeah, i could pay 50 quid to save myself a fiver. #pozzo model.
  16. Moosegasm

    Moosegasm Reservist

    who knows the reality of how your mind works Moog =)
  17. cyaninternetdog

    cyaninternetdog Forum Hippie

    Thats a rabbit hole none of us want to go down thanks.
    Moosegasm likes this.
  18. Jumbolina

    Jumbolina First Team

    It’s getting like a synthetic CDO.
    Moosegasm likes this.
  19. WatfordTalk

    WatfordTalk First Team

    73 days after the last day of the season. Shows how much your word is worth...
  20. RS2

    RS2 Squad Player

  21. Moosegasm

    Moosegasm Reservist

    Maybe Burnsy is experiencing a Britney Spears type scenario
  22. Lloyd

    Lloyd Squad Player

    I'm going to chain myself to the railings outside his office until he pays up.

    Does anyone know where his office is and if there are any railings outside it?
  23. Burnsy

    Burnsy Guest

    I literally have nothing to prove to any of you. I'm comfortable knowing £50 was donated to Cancer Research UK on May 29th this year.

    But its not a shock to see many of the usual suspects on here giving it the big'un.

    Anyway, enjoy the forum. I'm flouncing. Always believed I have added value to the forum and I think most sensible people recognise that - obviously clowns like Mossegasm and WatfordTalk continue to be overbearing prats though, so I no longer want any part of it.

    Take care all.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 21, 2021
  24. Keighley

    Keighley First Team

  25. Burnsy

    Burnsy Guest

  26. Lloyd

    Lloyd Squad Player

    Knight GT and Jack5 like this.
  27. RS2

    RS2 Squad Player

    I'm going to need to see the blacked out parts before I believe you.

    WatfordTalk likes this.
  28. Jumbolina

    Jumbolina First Team

    For good order it is noted that Moosgasm has lost his derivative bet to Moog so we can start pestering him now :)
    Moosegasm, WatfordTalk and wfcmoog like this.
  29. wfcmoog

    wfcmoog Tinpot

    Nah mate. Don't go. I backed you to the tune if £5 GBP. I knew one of the BW Elite would have paid.

    Don't let 3 or 4 people turn you off the whole board. X
  30. wfcmoog

    wfcmoog Tinpot

    Side bet!!!!! 5 quid to charity says @Moosegasm doesn't reply before midnight today (Wednesday) with proof.
  31. WatfordTalk

    WatfordTalk First Team

    This has Raffaele Riva's fingerprints all over it...

    Fair play mate, cheers.
  32. Moosegasm

    Moosegasm Reservist

    I didn't accept the bet, I was pretty certain Moog wouldnt have made the bet unless he already knew Burnsy's bet was gonna be paid. I'm still not convinced Burnsy is a real person though.
  33. Moosegasm

    Moosegasm Reservist

    proof of??
  34. Burnsy

    Burnsy Guest

    We shall see.

    It was never, ever my intention to not pay up. In my defence, after a little argument with @WatfordTalk earlier in the thread, I put him on ignore which in turn seems to have hidden this thread. So when I paid, I assumed this thread had been deleted as I didn't know threads created by ignored members would retroactively be hidden - so I didn't post any screenshot as I wasn't aware the thread was still live.

    Anyway, I have reached out to @WatfordTalk to draw a line under any ill-feeling towards us and hopefully we move on.
  35. Cassetti's Beard

    Cassetti's Beard First Team

    A very worthy cause!
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