Werewolf XVI: Day 11

Discussion in 'Old Games' started by 352, Jun 15, 2015.

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  1. 352

    352 Moderator

    WatfordTalk had left his house for nairobi’s, for another night of standing guard. But he did not make it to his destination. All he could remember was the chill in the air as he walked along the lane. Now there was only darkness and the sound of leaves and bushes and tall grass moved by the wind. Was this death?

    A voice. “I almost had you all.” The voice was deep, torn and haggard. “You could only live so long.” A deep breath followed each sentence. “I couldn’t let you get away.”

    An owl. Two owls. Distant hoots amongst the rustling of the woods.

    “I will not see tomorrow night.” There was a gust of wind that creaked through the trees. Another deep breath. “Nor will you, Talk.”

    This was imminent death, WatfordTalk thought, not death itself. This was worse than death.

    A claw sliced through WatfordTalk’s thigh. He could feel nothing but heat. He remained silent, the heat becoming unbearable. He blacked out.

    Brought back to by the flickering of light behind his eyelids, WatfordTalk opened his eyes to see his legs on fire, gently crackling. He gasped, tried to move, tried to scream, but was paralysed. He felt intense pain but could not express it. He was rooted, quite literally, to the ground. The wolf had tied him into the earth itself with strong vines and chains. His mouth was agape. His throat was dry.

    The wolf wailed and screamed. His anger was strong, but there was an intense sadness too. “Why?” he seemed to be saying amongst the nondescript bellowing. WatfordTalk still could not make a sound despite the pain.

    An axe was raised, and arms were shortened. Chop, chop, chop, chop. Sliced. Tears flowed down the wolf’s cheeks. Still WatfordTalk could not move or make a sound.

    Next, a gun. Silenced, its dull “p-twop” sounded a dozen times, as the wolf filled WatfordTalk’s midriff with metal. His legs still burning bright, WatfordTalk could not move or make a sound.

    Reaching into WatfordTalk’s mouth, the wolf’s claw grabbed the inside of Talk’s throat and pulled up on something within it. Ripping out some matter, the wolf had given WatfordTalk the ability to speak once again. Talk shrieked in pain so loudly that the village stirred and awoke. It was almost dawn.

    With Talk bellowing out his final sounds, the wolf stood up. Looking down on what was now a burning pile of flesh and bones, he calmly said “Good night,” and walked solemnly away.

    WaltfordTalk’s screams grew louder before they got quieter. Eventually the fire spread to his body and face, and as day broke WatfordTalk drew his last hot breath.

    WatfordTalk was VERY GOOD.


    cthulhu - EVIL – Killed Night 2
    Otter - GOOD – Killed Night 1
    Meh! - GOOD – Killed Night 2
    Diamond - EVIL (Confirmed wolf) – Killed Night 3
    Cude>2< - EVIL – Lynched Day 1
    Harrow Orn - GOOD – Lynched Day 6
    Squibba - EVIL - Lynched Day 8
    miked2006 - VERY GOOD – Lynched Day 4
    Jellyman - GOOD – Killed Night 3
    HeppyHornet24 - GOOD – Killed Night 7
    merchandiseman41 - GOOD – Lynched Day 9
    simms - GOOD – Killed Night 1
    The Voice of Reason - GOOD (Governor) – Lynched Day 2
    nairobi hornet
    Norwayhornet - VERY GOOD – Killed Night 2
    AshdonWFC - VERY GOOD – Killed Night 4
    wfcmatt - VERY GOOD – Killed Night 8
    darave8 - GOOD – Lynched Day 3
    WatfordTalk - VERY GOOD – Killed Night 10
    Cassetti’s Beard - GOOD – Killed Night 6
    wfcmoog - EVIL - Lynched Day 5
    With A Smile - GOOD – Lynched Day 7
    fox in the box - GOOD – Killed Night 4
    nornironhorn - GOOD – Killed Night 9
    PhilippineOrn - GOOD – Killed Night 6
    Daft Row - GOOD – Killed due to inactivity on Night 3
    Oxhey Hornet - GOOD – Killed Night 5
    steve harrow - GOOD – Lynched Day 10
    Abso - GOOD – Killed due to inactivity on Night 8

    Players remaining: 3
  2. nairobi hornet

    nairobi hornet Reservist

    voted optiwolf has to die, come on sonofben sort this out so we can go home
  3. Optimistichornet

    Optimistichornet Penguin Assassin

    I'm innocent I tell ya. Nairobi has stitched me up!
  4. nairobi hornet

    nairobi hornet Reservist

    Lmao nice try opti excellent game though buddy! You stayed well below the radar the whole game
  5. sonofben

    sonofben Reservist

    I will feel very foolish if I die
  6. 352

    352 Moderator

    An early end to voting it is then...
  7. nairobi hornet

    nairobi hornet Reservist

    write up time.... and keys to the cemetry
  8. 352

    352 Moderator

    All areas will open up shortly, and the Tavern will be open to both the living and dead ahead of the final write-up and the lynching of Opti.
  9. 352

    352 Moderator

    “There is an idea of an Optimistichornet, some kind of abstraction, but there is no real me, only an entity, something illusory, and though I can hide my cold gaze and you can shake my hand and feel flesh gripping yours and maybe you can even sense our lifestyles are probably comparable: I simply am not there. It is hard for me to make sense on any given level. Myself is fabricated, an aberration. I am a noncontingent human being.”

    The tavern is full of living and dead alike. The atmosphere was one of celebration moments ago, but is now solemn and quiet. Optimistichornet is sat amongst the group of still-living villagers. There was no introduction to his soliloquy, but the village took note and quietened down immediately after he started talking, such was the gravitas of his fate tonight.

    “My personality is sketchy and unformed, my heartlessness goes deep and is persistent. My conscience, my pity, my hopes disappeared a long time ago – probably at university – if they ever did exist. There are no more barriers to cross.”

    Still no noise from the assembled villagers. Some silently sipping drinks.

    Opti stood. “All I have in common with the uncontrollable and the insane, the viscious and the evil, all the mayhem I have caused and my utter indifference toward it, I have now surpassed. I still, though, hold on to one single bleak truth: no one is safe, nothing is redeemed. Yet I am blameless.”

    “F*** off, you are!” Nairobi was blurting out an argument but it is quickly stopped by some impatient shushing.

    “I am blameless. Each model of human behaviour must be assumed to have some validity. Is evil something you are? Or is it something you do?”

    A pause.

    “My pain is constant and sharp and I do not hope for a better world for anyone. In fact I want my pain to be inflicted on others. I want no one to escape. But even after admitting this – and I have, countless times, in just about every every act I’ve committed – and coming face-to-face with these truths, there is no catharsis. I gain no deeper knowledge about myself, no new understanding can be extracted from my telling. There has been no reason for me to tell you any of this. This confession has meant nothing.”

    Another pause.

    A crow squawking in the distance, and some heavy exhaling indoors.

    The lynching is quick, but certainly not painless. A kick to the kidneys from sonofben reveals a couple of choice tools from Optimistichornet’s weaponry. A chisel and a knife with a serrated blade.

    Nairobi hornet and sonofben inhabit the role of murderer effortlessly – perhaps the last two weeks in the village has hardened them to this kind of behaviour. A chisel to the cheek from Nairobi, and a sawing motion with the blade from sonofben, to the left side of Opti’s ribcage, all screaming and wailing, was enough to put Optimistichornet on the floor.

    Blood everywhere. The dead looking on in horror. Panting and hopeful looks between sonofben and Nairobi hornet. A swallow from each truncating a breath, before another rhythmic burst of panting.

    “Well?!” sonofben was delirious. “Is that it? Is it over? Can we live again?”

    The blood is black. The blood is everywhere.

    “It’s over.” Nairobi inspects Opti’s face, distorted by the chisel jutting out just beneath his eye socket. “It’s over now.”

    Optimistichornet is EVIL. Optimistichornet was the Alpha Wolf.

    The village was safe again.


    Well done to the Good Team. You left it a long time, but you were victorious in the end. Well played Opti for lasting so long. Some will question your quiet tactics, but I’m not sure you were as quiet as some make out.

    I will write up a short summary with some interesting little twists and turns along the way if there’s great demand for it, but not yet if you don’t mind.

    I will copy and paste a list of everyone’s roles though underneath this post, so you can look over the cemetery thread and indeed the daily threads with a little bit of insider info, and see how everyone played their roles.

    Thank you for letting me run this game. It’s been really good fun, if a little time-consuming (those who have never run a game but plan on doing so in future, I cannot overstate just how much time it takes up, especially if you want to write up longer dawn and dusk scenes).

    I hope you’ve enjoyed it. Looking forward to joining in with the next game rather than running it – you really want to jump into the game when you’re this absorbed in one so it’ll be really fun the next time round for me.

  10. 352

    352 Moderator


    Alpha Wolf – Optimistic Hornet
    Beta Wolf – Cude>2<
    Gamma Wolf – wfcmoog
    Delta Wolf – Diamond

    First Seer – AshdonWFC
    Second Seer – wfcmatt

    Traitor – cthulhu

    Tinker – steve harrow, darave8

    Witness – Norwayhornet

    Martyr – miked2006

    Masons – sonofben, Cassetti’s Beard, Otter, nornironhorn

    Guardian – WatfordTalk

    Governor – The Voice of Reason

    Villagers – Meh!, Harrow Orn, Squibba (became a wolf after Full Moon), Jellyman, HeppyHornet24, merchandiseman41, simms, nairobi hornet, wfcmatt, With A Smile, fox in the box, PhilippineOrn, Daft Row, Oxhey Hornet, Abso
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