MODS and the ECHR ruling

Discussion in 'This Site' started by Bwood_Horn, Oct 11, 2013.

  1. Bwood_Horn

    Bwood_Horn Squad Player

    I noticed the mods being very sensitive today about comments about "he-who-lurks".

    I take it you're worried about this. I thought this case (nearly three years before making a judgement!) which I was told had more to do with the interpretation of Estonian libel law. In that an Estonian citizen had the right to sue, under Estonian civil defamation law, an Estonian news organisation and claim damages.
  2. Prentice

    Prentice Administrator

    Nope, we just don't have the power, money or desire to go up against anyone who may feel offended by what someone posts on here
  3. hornmeister

    hornmeister Tired

    Thanks for Posting Bwood, very interesting. I think we'd be OK in that situation as we have mechanisms in place for objections to be registered and dealt with and wouldn't ignore such a plea. The site in question didn't seem to be fussed about such things.
    Users of this site would be identifiable if required as they need to register to post (bar the 1881 forum where comments are moderated before publishing) and ip addresses are recorded.

    As Admin v2.0 says, for the sake of displaying something which opens up a potential complant, it's not worth the hassle even if there's little chance of us losing, so we're likely to err on the side of caution.

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