Can't find Yetisports 3!

Discussion in 'Taylor's Tittle-Tattle - General Banter' started by Defunct, Oct 14, 2006.

  1. Defunct

    Defunct First Team

    I want to get the the superb yetisports series of games up in the arcade, and I've got most of them running at the test site. However, I'm having trouble finding yetisports 3, penguin or pingu throw downloadable for our arcade system, (ibpro arcade). It's the one where the yeti throws a penguin vertically up from a moving piece of ice.

    If anyone can do better than me, IE find it before I do, then I'll be very grateful, (and able to put more yetispots games up there)!
  2. Defunct

    Defunct First Team

    Got it. Be up later.
  3. hornmeister

    hornmeister Tired

    Cool I can get a yeti Hattrick.;)

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