April Fool Werewolf 2020 - The Rules

Discussion in 'Werewolf: The forum game' started by Diamond, Mar 31, 2020.

  1. Diamond

    Diamond First Team

    Copied and updated from Harrow Orn's thread here http://www.wfcforums.com/index.php?threads/summer-werewolf-rules-intro-chat-thread.52720/

    Any questions please ask. I'll amend the below if any issues are raised which require clarification.

    The game is starting tomorrow, (April 1st), at approximately 9am. Rules for those who don't know or just want a quick reminder are below. Please all pay special attention to the roles as there may be minor differences to what you're used to!

    Werewolf Rules

    Werewolf is a game that takes place in a small dark village which is haunted by werewolves. Each player is secretly assigned a role - Werewolf or Villager. There are three special villagers - Tinker, Traitor and Seer. There is also a Moderator who controls the flow of the game, (Diamond for this game). The game alternates between night and day phases. At night, the Werewolves each secretly choose a Villager to kill. Also, the Seer, (if still alive), asks the moderator whether another player is a werewolf or not. During the day, any Villagers who were killed by the wolves are revealed and are out of the game. The remaining Villagers then vote on the player they suspect is a werewolf. That player is lynched and is out of the game. Werewolves win when there are an equal number of good players and evil players. Villagers win when they have killed the wolf/wolves.

    Gameplay: (Day 9am to 8pm, Night 6pm to 9am)
    At the start of the game, all players are randomly given a role to play. The game starts at "Dawn" with the seer asking the moderator if a player is good or evil. The seer DOES NOT reveal this directly to the rest of the villagers. The seer can then email the moderator with a message about anything pertaining to the game. The moderator will post this message. Whoever is the wolf can also email the moderator with a message which the moderator will then post. Villagers will have to decide which message is more genuine. The villagers then vote on who to lynch (hoping to lynch an evil player). Whoever receives the highest number of votes is lynched and is eliminated from the game. This concludes the "daytime" portion of the game.
    Votes are cast using the poll system. These are public. Once you have voted, you then CANNOT change your vote. Voting closes at 6pm.
    When "night time" is declared, the wolves will e-mail the moderator a chosen kill for that night. This concludes the "night time" portion, and the "daytime" portion is repeated.

    Players are free to post their ideas regarding who has what role. Players ARE NOT permitted to PM each other about the game.

    Evil Characters:

    Alpha Werewolf - This player selects one player to kill during the night time portion of the game. The alpha wolf's only goal is to survive until there are equal numbers of good and evil players. This can be accomplished by posting misleading information about other players and through sending one message during the "daytime" with a misleading message to the moderator for him to post anonymously. Sending a PM to the moderator is optional. The wolf does not know any other players' roles, including the identity of any other wolves or traitors.

    Beta Werewolf - In this game, wolves are ranked. There is a Beta wolf and an inactive Wolf Cub. Alpha and Beta wolves are allowed a night kill - but only the alpha wolf can post an anonymous message. If the Alpha wolf is killed, the beta becomes the alpha wolf and so on.

    Wolf Cub - In the event of a Wolf death, the Wolf Cub may be invoked. Any player from the "good" team can be turned into the new Beta Wolf, but only if they have not been viewed by the Seer. If this is required the choice will be completely random. This may not happen if the game is near the end. At the start of the game nobody knows who may end up being the Wolf Cub.

    The wolves do not know each others roles.

    IF two wolves pick the same person to kill over night - they will learn of each others identities but will not communicate outside of the game. If either wolf picks another wolf to kill, they will know the identity of the wolf they picked but the chosen wolf will not know which player went for them them. Wolves cannot kill each other in this particular game.

    Traitor - This person knows who the werewolf/werewolves are at the start of the game. His goal is to keep the wolf/wolves alive so that the evil characters will win. This is accomplished by posting misleading information about other players and even going so far as to sacrifice himself. If the Wolf Cub is activated then the Traitor will learn who is the new Wolf.

    Good Characters:

    The Seer
    - The seer is the only character that can truthfully discover if the other players are good or evil. He does this at the beginning of each day. After his discovery, he has the option of sending one PM to the moderator with a message for the moderator to post anonymously. This is done so that the wolf has a harder time discovering the seer and also so that the evil roles are not immediately outed.

    Apprentice Seer - In the event that The Seer dies, an apprentice seer is available. This player already knows they are the apprentice and needs to stay alive. If they are activated they will learn all of the Seers previous picks. As with the Wolf Cub, if the Seer dies near the end of the game this role may not be called upon.

    Tinker - Though the player assigned as the tinker is a good character, the seer will "see" him as an evil character. The tinker does not know beforehand that he is the tinker. The tinker will have to try and convince the other villagers that he is actually a good character if the seer tries to out him.

    Villagers - The only thing regular villagers can do is vote on who will be lynched at the end of the day. They are the most powerful group in the village.

    Masons - Three of the villagers are Masons. They all know of each other. They are not allowed to communicate outside of the game in any way.

    Special Notes:

    Each day someone will die, each night someone will probably die.

    The Alpha wolf may unintentionally kill the traitor.

    Villagers may unintentionally kill the seer.

    The seer may implicate the tinker which might lead to that player's death.

    At the start of the game, a list of how many of each role is in the game will be posted.

    Players are strictly forbidden to PM each other with information pertaining to the game. Please do not spoil the game for others. An email address will be provided to players who need to communicate with the moderator. I have recommended email is used as PM's being written can be displayed against a users name.

    Only the traitor begins the game with knowledge of another player's role.

    Messages that the moderator posts to the board may be from either the seer or the wolf. The players will have to decide. They will be posted exactly as received with a time stamp.

    The moderator will post messages from the seer and wolf as soon as he checks them. There is a deadline of one hour before nightfall for these PMs but it is encouraged to get them in before midday.

    Players may post their roles, but they may not be telling the truth.

    The wolf, traitor, and seer should try and keep their role a secret for as long as possible. Villagers should try to lynch the wolf and traitor immediately once found out, and the wolf should try to kill the seer once found out.

    The game will be paused over weekends. A time will be posted as to when the "day" will end and all votes must be submitted. The night sequence of the game will last until the moderator receives information from the wolf about who he killed during the night.

    Any player who does not vote during the day will probably be killed off that night in a sick way.

    Ties will be broken by a public gambling event (such as a horse race). This may have to be revisited due to the current situation.

    Trust me, it'll become easier once we've started the game.

    There are no hidden roles.

  2. Diamond

    Diamond First Team

    Mods, what's the score with getting the cemetery setup and permissions granted to the dead?
  3. Otter

    Otter Gambling industry insider

    @nornironhorn is the one to ask
    Diamond likes this.
  4. nornironhorn

    nornironhorn Administrator Staff Member

    I can do that for you, I will probably create the cemetery on Day 2 (when some characters are dead/lynched) and then I'll add any further dead players to it on a daily basis.

    Any non-players can ask for access too, such as @The undeniable truth
    Diamond likes this.
  5. Diamond

    Diamond First Team

    Top stuff, cheers norn.
  6. Otter

    Otter Gambling industry insider

    Cemetery keys please?
  7. nornironhorn

    nornironhorn Administrator Staff Member

  8. Steve Leo Beleck

    Steve Leo Beleck Squad Player

    Keys to the cemetery please @nornironhorn - thanks in advance!
    nornironhorn likes this.

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